Princess Special Abilities (FiD)
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Starfox's Princess World |
Abilitied denoted with a * are either new or modified.
According To My Calculations*
You may always use study for a set up action for yourself, either in the moment or as a flashback. On a partial success, improve position. On a full success, improve position or increase effect. On a critical success, improve position and increase effect.
Always Make Notes
Every free time phase, without using an action, you may fill in up to two segments on long term projects that involve research or writing (including reports).
You can breathe water and swim at twice walking/running speed. Even without this special ability, each of these two abilities can be gained at a cost of one point of prep.
This has a visible effect, either you wear actual armor or have some magical effect surrounds you. You can turn the ability on and off quite easily, but having it on is not a social problem among princesses. You can use armor twice against the same harm. The first use costs 1 prep, the second use costs 2 prep. The Overprotective kingdom boon reduces the cost of each to 1 prep.
Back in Action
Permanently fill in one segment of your healing clock (so you only need to fill in three to recover a harm). Add +1d to Recover actions on yourself. It only costs 1 Weight for you to act while twonked.
Beast Friend*
You can converse with animals, elementals, and monsters. Most beasts are not very intelligent, so any conversation has to be simple, but this allows you to use your full range of aspects against such creatures.
Bombastic Magic
When you pay prep to use magic as part of an action roll, choose one: you float and conjure damaging missiles—you stun or confuse nearby enemies—you gain an elemental aura.
Call Your Opponent*
When you confidently challenge a specific opponent, There is a lull in the battle. Select one: conversation is possible—there is a pause while you duel—everyone else has time to run away.
This is completely revised from Call your Attack.
Chaos Battler
When making action rolls against elementals or other creatures formed of wild magic, you have potency. When channelling wild magic add increased effect to your action. Gain +1d when resisting the consequences of actions involving elementals or wild magic.
Chaos Heart*
You have an instinctive affinity for wild magic. When channelling wild magic choose one: you understand exactly what you're dealing with—you are the calm in the storm—you discover something new. The number of wild magic dice you use is halved for the purposes of calculating Chaos. Increase effect whenever you attempt to reduce Chaos caused by the destruction of an elemental, and when you Calm The Wilds as a free time action.
Renamed from Wild at Heart.
Chaos to the Sun*
While in the wild lands or a frontier kingdom, you may mark one Weight to roll an action using your kingdom's Chaos instead of an aspect. On a failure, as an additional consequence, double the kingdom's current Chaos. On a partial success, as an additional consequence, add one to the kingdom's current Chaos. These consequences cannot be resisted.
Renamed from Close to the Sun.
Chaos Witch*
While in the wild lands or a frontier kingdom, you may add effect to an action you take by increasing your kingdom's Chaos, on a one-to-one basis. For example, if you raise Chaos by two then you add two levels of effect to your action.
You can spend prep to create minor magical effects that are vaguely related to your specialty or princess weapon. Use this as a spy device, specialized tool, to fetch something, as a messenger, or whatever you can come up with that the group agrees with. Similar to princess magic (rulebook p 82), but more flexible. This differs from Especially Special and Weapon Mystery in that this power is very flexible, but not as powerful as those.
Constantly Tinkering
Every free time phase, without using an action, you may fill in up to two segments on long term projects that involve fixing, improving, or creating something. This includes border shields.
Crafty Creator
Add increased effect to all rolls made using Artsy. For you Artsy is always an appropriate aspect to use when working on a long term project.
Creative Coordination
When you lead a group action, if at least two participants roll a full success you may take that as a critical success.
Critical Eye
When you make an action roll against a weakness or vulnerability, or when acting with potency against a threat, gain +1d or increased effect, or both, at the GM's discretion. Also add an extra +1d to engagement rolls when exploiting a weakness or vulnerability.
Efficiency Expert
You may give yourself or another princess an extra action during every free time phase.
Especially Special
When you use your specialty in an action roll choose one of the following effects: you summon or control a representation of your specialty—the greatness of your specialty is impressed upon someone present—you temporarily become a living avatar of your specialty.
Eternal Pockets*
Make a resistance roll using the trait that seems most relevant to the situation. After paying the weight, you restore your prep points to full. You can do this as many times as desired.
Faction Connections*
Gain increased effect when dealing with factions. When relations with a faction reach +3 for the first time, mark one bonus XP for yourself and your kingdom.
Original: Faction Connection, choose one faction only.
Fairy Companion*
You have a fairy who loyally accompanies you, offering advice and helping when she can. You can pay one stress to have the fairy assist you, gain +1d. If the GM agrees then your fairy may make a set up action, rolling 1d + your tier. Fairies are tiny and fragile. If they take any harm they will poof into a perfect fairy gem. It takes a free time action to restore the fairy to their normal form. Princesses may Protect That Smile on behalf of a fairy.
You can fly. This speeds up travel and allows you to scout and reach high places. You can bring allies along by spending one prep for each. Princesses can pay this prep for themselves. You can hover only when you push yourself. Pick one when you do so: enemies can't reach you—you get there faster—you see the entire scene.
Gadget Girl
When using tools or magic tools to deal with barriers, traps, or other obstacles (mundane or magical), ignore the Tier.
When you Protect That Smile, gain +1d to your resistance roll and clear one Weight.
Happy Hobbyist
When indulging you may pick which dice result to use to reduce Weight. For example, if you rolled a 2 and a 5 you could choose to reduce your Weight by either 2 or 5. Mark XP in your indulgence's core trait whenever you spend a free time action indulging.
Hard To Ignore
When you push yourself in an action roll that involves talking or getting attention, choose one: everyone looks at you and only you— your physical appearance changes dramatically—your voice reaches everyone present.
You may aid in a Recover action, to others or yourself. Everyone in your kingdom (including you) gets +1d to all healing treatment rolls.
How Dare You
When one of your friends suffers harm, you gain +1d and increased effect on all action rolls against whatever harmed them until the end of the session.
I Added Pockets To My Dress
Gain +2 prep points.
I Was Here The Whole Time
When you spring out of hiding to perform an action add +1d to the roll. Additionally, you may add yourself to any scene by having a flashback to hiding yourself somewhere. This costs no Weight, and no roll is required.
In The Name Of The Moon
You have the ability to transform and gain power, but it comes with a few strings.
- It costs one Weight to transform.
- The transformation sequence takes around ten to twenty seconds to complete and is very flashy and obvious. Any notion of stealth is completely out of the question, and you can neither take any other action or be harmed while performing your transformation sequence.
Once transformed you add +2d to all action rolls, but must escalate them at least once. Taking any harm will force you out of your transformed state, with an additional cost of one Weight. If you aren't forced back to your usual form then you don't have to pay any extra Weight. The transformation lasts for around ten minutes, or until the end of the scene, whichever comes first.
In The Name Of The Sun*
You may only take this ability if you already have In The Name Of The Moon. You have an even MORE powerful form that your first stage transformation, but it has a few conditions.
- You must already be in your first transformation.
- You must be in a desperate position in order to summon the strength of emotion required to enter this second stage.
- The second stage is even flashier and more obvious than your first stage transformation.
Once in your second stage form all action and resistance rolls gain +4d, but you must escalate at least once. Your second stage lasts until the end of the scene, but failing an action roll will break you out of it instantly, back to your regular princess self. Upon leaving your second stage gain the level 1 harm 'drained'. If you were already drained, instead mark the level 2 harm 'exhausted'. If you were already exhausted you are twonked.
Insightfully Inquisitive
Add increased effect to all rolls made using Nosy, and add +1d to all Gather Information and Investigation rolls.
Intensely Dramatic*
When you escalate an action choose one: an unlikely boast is proven true—you dismiss an obstacle like it's nothing—something explodes—you look undeniably amazing.
Jolly Cooperative*
You don't spend Weight to help another princess when they use an aspect you have a rating of one or more in. When helped in an action roll, choose one: your connection to those helping you is clear—a truth is revealed—you know what you have to do.
Just As I Planned
When you fail an action roll, you may mark two Weight to also have the same result as a full success. If you do this, explain how this was all exactly how you intended things to go right from the start. Note that you also suffer the consequences from the fail result (unless you resist them). You just get the full success in addition to that.
Just The Right Tool*
You may always use Tinker for a set up action, either in the moment or as a flashback. On a partial success, improve position. On a full success, improve position or increase effect. On a critical success, improve position and increase effect. This is a variant of According To My Calculations from the rulebook.
Loose Cannon
When you act against the orders or wishes of those who have authority over you (for example, your patron faction) you may push yourself once without paying Weight. In addition choose one of the following: another person's rulebreaking goes unnoticed or is deliberately overlooked—no innocents get hurt due to your action—consequences will fall on your head alone. Also add an additional Kingdom XP trigger: Someone in authority acknowledged (however reluctantly) that you got results.
Merchant Heart
At the end of each free time phase you may add 1 Treasure to the kingdom's vault. Gain +1d on all rolls involving trade or negotiation, including the Reach Out and Borrow Something Special free time actions.
Mine's Bigger
Your princess weapon is unusually powerful. When you use your weapon as part of an escalated action, choose one: push yourself without paying Weight—gain potency—your weapon transforms.
My Heart Is My Shield
You may negate harm by marking two Weight for each level of harm you would have suffered. Negating a level 1 harm costs two Weight, level 2 four Weight, and level 3 six Weight. When you do this, mark Heart XP equal to the level of harm negated.
My Very Best Friend
Name another princess. When you help that princess in an action or Protect That Smile on their behalf, either give them +1d or gain +1d, and mark XP in the relevant trait. If the princess you named takes a heart scar, mark two Weight and two Heart XP. If the princess you named retires due to heart scarring or dies, mark eight Heart XP and four Weight.
Never Not Networking
Every free time phase, without using an action, you may fill in up to two segments on long term projects that involve improving relations with a group, or add one tick to a relations clock.
One Princess Army
Scale is never a negative factor for you.
Princess Powerful
+1d when rolling Fitness to resist consequences. It only costs you one Weight to push yourself when using a Fitness aspect.
Princesses, Assemble*
When you push yourself in a group action you're leading, give every other princess who is part of the group action +1d and choose one of the following effects: you shine as bright as the moon—for just a moment everything is calm and still—someone gains a grudging respect for you.
Proper Preparation
+1d when performing a set up action. Anyone benefiting from your set up actions gains +1d, in addition to the usual improved position or increased effect.
Purifying Peace*
This power takes a while to use, so it is not useful in combat and is generally used against a defeated opponent. You purge the target of possession, malign influences, and traumas. It breaks the targets link to any external power source. The target gets a chance to change their ways, uninfluenced by outside influences. An aspect roll can help the choice of life path.
Royal Inspiration
When you lead or command your subjects they gain +1 quality. When you resist harm on their behalf add +1d to the roll.
Sharp Spirit
+1d when rolling Wit to resist consequences. It only costs you one Weight to push yourself when using a Wit aspect.
Signature Action*
Select any one aspect. Whenever you roll this aspect, you gain increased effect. You also gain an additional XP whenever you train the associated core trait.
So Fighty
When you push yourself in an action roll that involves fighting or physical force, choose one === your skill or savagery impresses or frightens someone watching—you use your size to spectacular effect—you physically or mentally adapt to whatever you're facing.
So Impulsive*
When taking a desperate action you get +1d to your roll.
Social Chameleon
You're adept at fitting in, no matter your surroundings or company. When making social rolls with any group that has a neutral (0) or better relationship with your kingdom, you may ignore Tier as a factor.
Socially Invulnerable
+1d when rolling Charm to resist consequences. It only costs you one Weight to push yourself when using a Charm aspect.
You are exceptionally good at princess magic (rulebook p 82) and the effects of Charm and Weapon Mystery. Reduce the prep cost of princess magic by one. You can spend an additional prep to pick one: affect several creatures or a larger area—increase the duration—increase the range.
Strong Heart*
Add +1d to all resistance rolls. When you pay no stress for resisting, choose one: beleif, indulgence, or scar issue—specialty overloads—lose sight of friends.
Original name: Strong Heart, Easily Scarred. Revised.
Strong With The Odd
+1d when rolling Whimsy to resist consequences. It only costs you one Weight to push yourself when using a Whimsy aspect.
Style Savvy
Add increased effect to all rolls made using Stylish, and add +1 to the quality of parties you help prepare.
You can spend one prep to summon monsters and elementals that you have defeated, befriended, or read about (use a Bookish flashback) to help you in a difficult spot. You can expend further prep to keep the summon around for longer. Pick one: You gain Scale—get Help with specific aspect—the summoned creature can act independently.
Choose 3 aspects that make sense as a set. You can push these aspects at a cost of only 1 weight. Pushing always costs at least 1 weight.
You can do a short show to teleport to a remote location, such as another kingdom or significant ruin. This speeds up travel immensely. You can bring allies along by spending one prep for each. Princesses can pay this prep for themselves. When you push or protect that smile you can move instantaneously to a nearby location you are aware of without passing the space in between. Pick one: They did not expect this—you get away scot-free—you intercept anything.
The Bigger They Are*
When making an action roll that involves a higher tier threat add +1d.
This Impossible Girl*
Your actions always have at least limited effect, regardless of the situation. When this improves your effect, you also gain +1d on the aspect roll and any resistance roll against consequences.
You ignore the penalty from a single level one and a single level two harm. You can mark one Weight to ignore all penalties from harm, including being twonked, for a single action.
During a kingdom affair, when in a controlled position your action rolls gain increased effect. Once per action, if you did not trade position for effect, you may push yourself to improve your position, either from desperate to risky, or from risky to controlled.
You may mark a level one harm to negate a consequence that isn't harm.
Very Very Sneaky
When you push yourself in an action roll that involves avoiding attention or bypassing obstacles, choose one: your physical form changes significantly—you leave no kind of trace—anyone who notices you doubts their own senses.
Weapon Mastery*
You have mastered the use of your princess weapon so that you can use it for advanced stunts, based on the nature of the weapon. This works best for weapons with physical attacks, you learn to swing, grab, grapple, jump, and similar physical stunts at a distance. For more ephemeral attacks, you have to discuss with the group what this would do. You gain the increased effect and potential increased potency of your princess weapon on these stunts, see Princess Weapon on page 12 of the rulebook.
Weapon Mystery*
You can spend prep to create magical effects, see Princess Magic on page 82 of the rulebook. You gain a new option for princess magic available only to you, to make the effects of your princess weapon lasting and a benefit or hindrance to others. These effects won't last past the end of the kingdom affair.
- You spend one prep point to create physical effects with your princess weapon, such as using the plant attack to create a bridge across a ravine, or your electrical attack to power an electrical machine.
- You spend two prep to create a permanent effect (as 3. 1 above) or make your attack do physically impossible things, such as using water to span a chasm, suspend an item in mid-air, or to ride your electric blast.
Much of this are things that a princess can do by escalating or as a one-time stunt when dramatically appropriate. Having the special ability makes it repeatable and reliable. For princess weapon attacks that are not physical, you have to discuss with the group what this would do, if anything.