Water Powers (FiD)

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Water is the element of life, spirituality, and endless flowing cycles.

Water is matter in a liquid state and fluidity in general. In philosophy it is recognized as an element, sometimes as the first to form and the basis of all others, in others as the river that rings the world. Liquids often enable other elements to function, making earth fertile, filling the air with clouds and vapors, and either fueling or putting out fire. It is linked to the spiritual and nurturing side of life, and often considered a female element. Water powers often have subtle or indirect effects.

Water attacks can smash, drown, or be a corroding acid.

Water Power Effects Table

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Wave Watch
Detect water creatures and powers.
Hydro Halt
Dismiss a water creature. End a Water power.
Summon Stream
Summon a water creature.
Deluge Doorway
Create a portal to the plane of water.
Command Tidal Touch
Water creatures understand your commands.
Tidal Talk
Communicate with distant Water creatures..
Tidal Tamer
Command Water creatures as a superior.
Tidal Tyrant
Permanently bind Water creatures to service.
Consort Aquatic Attire
Clothes and accessories of Water.
Fluid Form
Assume the form of a Water creature.
Aquatic Evolution
Fluid Forma willing or helpless creature.
Hydro Horde
Aquatic Evolution on crowds.
Finesse Ripple Ride
Ride a swimming mount or water vehicle.
Liquid Lance
Fine and potent melee attack.
Fluid Flexibility
Fine control of water.
Fluid Frenzy
A torrent suppresses scale.
Hunt Hydro Hunt
Track in water.
Ripple Rifle
Attack like a fine and potent rifle.
Ripple Rifle
Control water terrain.
Splash Squall
Water attack on an area.
Prowl Liquid Lurking
Hide in water.
Aqua Agility
Breathe and move fast through water.
Aqua Adventure
Crew Liquid Lurking and Aqua Agility.
Ripple Rift
Teleport crew between water locations.
Skirmish Liquid Lash
Resist water damage.
Aqua Assault
Fine and potent melee attack.
Liquid Lockdown
Prevent scale in melee.
Ripple Rampage
Strike out in all directions, attacking all nearby enemies.
Study Liquid Lore
Identify liquids, Water creatures, and Water powers.
Aquatic Appraisal
Learn the powers and abilities of Water.
Fluid Flashback
Read the past events of Water.
Hydro Horizon
Aquatic Appraisal on an area, then Fluid Flashback.
Survey Aquatic Awareness
Sense Water at a distance.
Sensory Stream
Perceive from any liquid.
Witness Wave
Spy from a liquid.
Tide Totality
Perceive from many liquids at once.
Sway Empathic Embrace
Command Water creatures.
Fluid Friendship
Communicate with Water far away.
Hydro Hypnotism
Post suggestions in a Water creature.
Ripple Remolding
Permanently change personality.
Tinker Fluid Finesse
Emulate tools for liquids.
Aquatic Artistry
Shaped liquids will retain their shape.
Aqua Alchemy
Create liquids out of nothing.
Aqua Architecture
Aquatic Artistry on a large scale.
Wreck Hydro Havoc
Pollute liquids or strike with a watery sledgehammer.
Hydro Haze
Evaporate liquids, slice as a watery blade.
Aqua Annihilation
Hydro Haze, but destroyed targets disappear silently.
Aquatic Armageddon
Hydro Haze over a large area.

Expanded Water Powers


Wave Watcher Detect water creatures and powers.

Wave Warden Dismiss a water creature. End a Water power.

Wave Summoner Summon a water creature.

Wave Gateway Create a portal to the plane of water.


Tide Talker Water creatures understand your commands.

Tide Telepathy Communicate with distant water creatures.

Tide Tamer Command water creatures as a superior.

Tide Tyrant Permanently bind water creatures to service.


Aqua Attire Clothes and accessories of water.

Aqua Alteration Change the form of willing or helpless creatures.

Aqua Avatar Assume the form of a water creature.

Aqua Horde Aqua Alteration on crowds.


Ripple Ride Ride a swimming mount or water vehicle.

Ripple Lancer Fine and potent melee attack.

Ripple Flex Fine control of water.

Ripple Frenzy A torrent suppresses scale.


Hydro Hunt Track in water.

Hydro Rifle Attack like a fine and potent rifle.

Hydro Terrain Control water terrain.

Hydro Surge Water attack on an area.


Liquid Lurk Hide in water.

Liquid Agility Breathe and move fast through water.

Liquid Adventure Crew Liquid Lurk and Liquid Agility.

Liquid Rift Teleport crew between water locations.


Liquid Lash Resist water damage.

Liquid Assault Fine and potent melee attack.

Liquid Lockdown Prevent scale in melee.

Liquid Rampage Strike out in all directions, attacking all nearby enemies.


Liquid Lore Identify liquids, water creatures, and water powers.

Liquid Appraisal Learn the powers and abilities of water.

Liquid Flashback Read the past events of water.

Liquid Horizon Liquid Appraisal on an area, then Liquid Flashback.


Tide Awareness Sense water at a distance.

Tide Stream Perceive from any liquid.

Tide Witness Spy from a liquid.

Tide Totality Perceive from many liquids at once.


Fluid Embrace Command water creatures.

Fluid Friendship Communicate with water far away.

Fluid Hypnosis Post suggestions in a water creature.

Fluid Remold Permanently change personality.


Fluid Finesse Emulate tools for liquids.

Fluid Artistry Shaped liquids will retain their shape.

Fluid Alchemy Create liquids out of nothing.

Fluid Architecture Fluid Artistry on a large scale.


Hydro Havoc Pollute liquids or strike with a watery sledgehammer.

Hydro Haze Evaporate liquids, slice as a watery blade.

Hydro Annihilation Hydro Haze, but destroyed targets disappear silently.

Hydro Armageddon Hydro Haze over a large area.

Old Expanded Powers


Become attuned to the powers of water, enabling detection and manipulation of aquatic energies.

Wave Watch You can detect water creatures and powers.

Hydro Halt Force a water creature native to another plane of existence to return, or halt the operation of a water power.

Summon Stream Call forth a water creature from another plane, typically as an unwilling servant. Requires study or a dedicated effort to learn how to summon specific entities.

Deluge Doorway Create a temporary portal allowing travel to and from the plane of water.


Exert authority over water creatures and communicate across realms of water.

Aquatic Orders Use the command action on water creatures, even if they wouldn't normally understand.

Hydrolexicon Communicate with water creatures and allies.

Hydro Hegemony Give commands to water creatures as if you were their superior, though existing loyalties may still cause conflicts.

Tide Tyranny Permanently bind water creatures to your service, turning them into literal-minded servants.


Merge with water energies to change forms and manipulate water-based phenomena.

Aquatic Attire Change clothes and accessories by imbuing them with water. Also grants the ability to breathe underwater.

Fluid Form' Assume the form of a water creature, gaining bonuses to actions but with drawbacks to other attributes.

Aquatic Evolution Shapechange a willing or helpless creature into a water creature, with the potential for the transformation to be permanent.

Hydro Horde Transform a large number of creatures into water-based versions, typically for a specific purpose like hunting.


Exercise precision and control over water, both in manipulation and combat.

Ripple Ride Ride swimming mounts or water vehicles with ease, and gain the ability to breathe underwater.

Liquid Lance Use water as a close-range weapon or grant allies enhanced aquatic abilities.

Fluid Flexibility Precisely manipulate water at range, allowing for fine control and manipulation of objects and mechanisms.

Do fine control of water, allowing you to do small and exact manipulations at range. This allows you to open doors, trigger or hinder mechanisms, and perform other minor manipulations, as long as there is water.

Fluid Frenzy Manifest power as a torrent, suppressing opponents and acting as a potent weapon.


Track and engage targets in water environments, utilizing water-based attacks.

Hydro Hunt Track and pursue targets in water environments, even without mundane trails.

Ripple Rifle Use water-based attacks similar to a rifle, with fine precision and potency.

Splash Squall Attack with water in a grenade-like fashion, effective against multiple foes but with collateral damage risk.

Aqua Artillery Call down a barrage of water-based attacks over a wide area, providing cover for escape.


Move stealthily through water environments and manipulate aquatic abilities for advantage.

Liquid Lurking Be invisible when still in water, appearing as froth and turbulence when active.

Aqua Agility Move quickly on or through water at run speed.

Aqua Adventure Bring allies along when using Liquid Lurking and Aqua Agility.

Ripple Rift Teleport yourself and allies from one body of water to another within a regional range.


Engage in combat with water-based tactics and attacks.

Liquid Lash Use water as a close-range weapon for melee combat.

Aqua Assault Similar to Liquid Lash, but with increased potency and precision.

Liquid Lockdown Create distractions and obstructions with water, preventing enemies from benefiting from numbers.

Ripple Rampage Strike out in all directions with water-based attacks, hitting all enemies in the area.


Gain knowledge and insight into water-related phenomena and utilize it for strategic advantage.

Liquid Lore Identify liquids, water creatures, and water powers.

Aquatic Appraisal Understand the powers and abilities of analyzed water-based subjects.

Fluid Flashback Read past events related to analyzed subjects, including movements and significant scenes.

Hydro Horizon Research wide areas to gain insight, then utilize hindsight on specific targets.


Perceive and understand water and its effects over various distances and locations.

Aquatic Awareness Sense liquids and water creatures from a distance, though range and information may be limited.

Sensory Stream Perceive a chosen liquid as if you were present at its location.

Witness Wave Gain sensory perception at the nearest liquid to a chosen location or creature.

Tide Totality Perceive from all liquid sources at once over a wide area, retaining this perception as long as concentration is maintained.


Understand and influence water creatures and their motivations.

Empathic Embrace Understand water creatures and gain insight into their motivations.

Fluid Friendship Communicate with water creatures and foster caring and spiritual connections.

Hydro Hypnotism Implant suggestions in the minds of water creatures, triggered under specified conditions.

Ripple Remolding Permanently alter the personality and motivations of water creatures, though the changes may be blatant.


Manipulate and craft with water-based materials to create tools and devices.

Fluid Finesse Handle liquids as if equipped with appropriate tools and protective devices.

Aquatic Artistry Shape liquids as if they were clay, maintaining their new form for a duration.

Aqua Alchemy Create or transform liquids, including into complex tools and potent items.

Aqua Architecture Mass produce objects from water, including large-scale constructions like vehicles or buildings.


Cause destruction and chaos using the power of water.

Hydro Havoc Pollute liquids and strike with a watery sledgehammer, leaving twisted objects in place.

Hydro Haze Evaporate liquids or strike with a watery sledgehammer or saw.

Aqua Annihilation Similar to Hydro Haze, but with targets silently disappearing.

Aquatic Armageddon Create widespread destruction over large areas using water-based attacks.