Space Powers (FiD)
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Starfox's Blades in the Dark fan page |
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Governs location and distance, and is thus the power to teleport and create extradimensional spaces.
Space governs the position of all things in this universe and others. It is a very ordered form, at odds with powers like Flux and Time that represent change. Yet space magic is used to break the barriers between worlds and shatter the very rules it seems to uphold. The signature power of Space is teleportation.
Space attacks cut and dislocate.
Space creatures are alien Lovecraftian horrors from outer space or the wrinkles of reality. Learning who to summon may require study or be a score in itself, and even if you get it right these creatures are very dangerous. Getting it wrong is usually the last thing you do.
Space Power Effects
Action | Basic No minimum 3 Stress |
Advanced Minimum 2 Dice 5 Stress |
Master Minimum 4 Dice 7 Stress |
Apex Minimum 6 Dice 13 Stress |
Attune | Spatial Sight Detect Space creatures and powers. |
Rift Rejection Dismiss any creature. Stop any teleport or Space power. |
Spatial Summons Summon a space creature. |
Grand Gate Create a portal that allows travel to and from any plane. |
Command | Warp Whisper Command allies over any distance, they cannot answer. |
Space Speech You and allies can communicate over any distance. |
Cosmic Command Command space creatures as if you were their superior. |
Cosmic Conquest Permanently bind a space creature to service. |
Consort | Warp Wardrobe Alter your dimensions. |
Dislocate Separate parts of your body. |
Cosmic Conversion Assume the form of a Space creature. |
Spatial Synthesis Cosmic Conversion on others. |
Finesse | Warp Walker Ride a Space mount or vehicle. |
Spatial Slice Cut like a fine potent dueling sword. |
Displace Dimensions Lengthen or shorten distances. |
Spatial Surge Spatial Slice and suppress scale. |
Hunt | Warp Watch Track a teleporting or dimension warping creature. |
Spatial Sniper Ranged attack similar to a fine and potent rifle. |
World Waves Twist dimensions making an area confusing. |
Warp Wrath Attack similar to a fine and potent grenade. |
Prowl | Spatial Stealth Hide in tiny cracks. |
Spatial Step Teleport line-of-sight. |
Convey Crowd Crew Spatial Stealth or Spatial Step. |
Spatial Circle Create or use teleport circles. |
Skirmish | Warp Whack Cut opponents, similar to a cutlass. |
Slice and Dice Warp Whack, and the attack is fine and potent. |
Shift and Slice Warp Whack, and Spatial distortions prevent scale. |
Slice Storm Attack all enemies in a melee. |
Study | Warp Watcher Identify space creatures and powers. |
Teleport Trace Analyze teleports and Space creatures and powers. |
Dimension Detection Find the location of a creature or object you know. |
Omniscience Teleport Trace over a large area. |
Survey | Spatial Scan Sense Space powers and teleports. |
Warped Watch Choose a location; see as if you were there. |
Spatial Scrying See a creature or object of your choice. |
Space Sight Perceive everything at once over a wide area. |
Sway | Local Listener Understand Space creatures and gain a basic understanding of their agenda. |
Spatial Speech You and allies can communicate with Space creatures. Make folk go with the flow. |
Warp Whisper Implant suggestions in the mind of space creatures. |
Space Serenade Long-term change the personality and motivations of space creatures. |
Tinker | Spatial Skill Work at a tiny scale. |
Dimensional Dexterity Shrink or enlarge objects. |
Teleport Technician Reach into walls. |
Spatial Synthesis Reach into several walls. |
Wreck | Warp Wreck Teleport pieces of an object. |
Warp Wrinkle Noisily smash by twisting dimensions. |
Warp Vanish Destroyed targets silently disappear. |
Warp Wrath Warp Wrinkle over a large area. |
Expanded Space Powers
Harness the power of Attune to perceive and manipulate supernatural energies, allowing you to detect and interact with beings and phenomena from other planes of existence.
The consequences usually depends on what happens around you when you do it. Having helpers and bodyguards reduces the consequences, and sometimes a creature wants to be dismissed and the consequence might be that it loses control of itself, or that other creatures appear to intervene.
Spatial Sight Detect Space creatures and powers.
This is usually done to spot a disguised summoned creature. However, it can also help identify a creature's connection to powers, providing valuable insights into their nature. Limited outcome suffices against a creature you can clearly see. You need greater outcome against against a creature that is hidden (standard outcome) or behind a wall (great outcome).
Rift Rejection Dismiss any creature. Stop any teleport or Space power.
You can dismiss any summoned creature by using its connection to its home plane. Dismissing a creature is hard and usually requires great outcome. A creature that has been wounded or otherwise weakened only needs standard outcome. A creature that wants to be dismissed requires only limited outcome.
Dispelling is usually easier. You can dispel any Space power and any power that affects a Space creature or any teleporter or gate.
Dispelling is often used as a setup action to help another character in a situation when the opposition is using powers. This improves the position of the supported action.
It can also be used to break the continuing results of powers. When used directly, the effect is usually limited unless the opponent is relying on powers for their safety. Against an opponent that uses power to teleport you may stop them from escaping.
When dramatically appropriate that a power is hard to dispel, often because it is the crux of the situation, this will not negate the power but instead give you a clue to what you need to do to resolve the situation.
Spatial Summons Summon a space creature.
Summoning can bring you allies to fight or labor for you, giving you scale. They can also give advice and information related to their power. Summons can use simple powers and maintain powers you have created.
You can summon generic creatures without having to do a flashback. Such a creature is similar to a gang member in ability and are often summoned in groups to add scale. To summon a particular creature, similar to a cohort, you need its unique identity, often called true name in the mystical power traditions. For a technomancer this would be a type id number or block of data. Learning about the right creature to summon is a task in its own right, often requiring a flashback or downtime activity to use Command, Consort, Study, or Sway to gain information.
It might be worth the extra effort to summon a creature of higher tier, but this is also much more demanding, using the usual rules for tiers.
Space creatures normal creatures, having a biological body, metabolism, and functioning as ordinary living creatures but also have some exceptional abilities related to their power. They are very alien tough, some with disconnected body parts, others completely lacking symmetry or even a fixed form. Many can survive and travel in space at great speed.
Depending on your outcome the creature is willing to do different things. Limited outcome allows you to ask questions of an intelligent creature or demand a short period of physical labor from a simple creature. The creature will not fight for you. If forced into a fight due to circumstances, it will resent it.
Standard outcome allows you to ask for any service appropriate to the type of creature. A Space creature will transport you or carry messages or even fight for you.
Great outcome allows actions outside the creature's comfort zone, but not things it directly opposes. Lengthy service also requires great outcome, like summoning the creature to guard a treasure for as long as it can.
Typical consequences include:
- A bargain of payment in things the creature prizes. Each Space creature is different here.
- The creature strikes out at you once.
- You need to concentrate to keep the creature under control.
- The creature breaks things around you.
- Overly literal interpretations of your commands.
- The creature deliberately does its tasks poorly.
- Demanding not to be summoned again until some time or event has passed.
Offering a creature gifts or services appropriate to its nature can help. This is essentially a devil's bargain, accepting a price in advance. Desperate position usually comes from trading position for outcome (called trading position for effect in the rulebook), but it might come from a difference in ethos. If you are a priest of a sane religion and summon a Space creature, or if the summon is three or more tiers above you, the position will be desperate. Desperate consequences include a tightwire struggle to keep the creature under control, a demand that you sell your soul, become its agent in the world, that you come to its home plane to serve it there for a time (usually three scores), that you defeat the creature in a duel or similar dramatic story events.
Grand Gate Create a portal that allows travel to and from any plane.
You can open a gate to any plane you have sufficient information on. A gate lasts for a while, enough for a quick score. If things take a lot of time it might require a separate use of the power to return home again. The first-time you gate to a certain place the position is at least risky and becomes desperate if there is any kind of disturbance.
Gating can allow access to creatures too powerful to summon, so you instead ask for an audience. The creature may then use the gate to come to you, call you into its presence, or just communicate with you. A creature is less likely to be contacted using Space instead of whatever power it is linked to.
Command and intimidate Space creatures, projecting authority. Position and effect depend on the situation and your relationship with the listeners.
Warp Whisper Command allies over any distance, they cannot answer.
This is useful for intimidating Space creatures commanding foreign or alien subordinates. Combined with Sway: Local Listener, it allows two-way communication.
Space Speech You and allies can communicate over any distance.
You can project an image of yourself to communicate with any creature you are familiar with over any distance, even across planar barriers. Anyone near you or the target can see and hear anyone joining the conversation, but not the surroundings. Targets do not need to respond, if they refuse to cooperate no message gets through.
Cosmic Command Command space creatures as if you were their superior.
Space creatures see you as an alpha or leader type outranking them. This does not remove existing loyalties, which can lead to conflicts. Understanding the social order of your targets helps avoid conflicting with their established loyalties. Ordering space creatures to bugger off is easier than it is to make them remain still.
Limited outcome might result in a creature not doing what it might not have done anyway, like forgetting to report you or give you a ticket. Standard outcome makes the creature do what it should, but in a way you decide, like a police officer escorting you to safety or doing you a quick favor. Great outcome means targets will ignore their normal routine and go out of their way to please you, like neutral faction warriors fighting for you, or enemies ignoring or fleeing from you.
The position depends on the creatures' actual relationship to you—ordering a creature that sees itself as your superior is a desperate position. A controlled position comes from a creature that agrees you are superior, usually just making retrying harder. A risky position is typical against a creature that sees itself as your equal and not your enemy, possibly leading to heat, misunderstood orders, or small rebellions.
Cosmic Conquest Permanently bind a space creature to service.
This won’t work unless you are already in a position of power. This is similar to Authority but permanent. Strong emotions can break your control, but otherwise, it lasts until dispelled. They may still flit in and out of existence.
Warp Wardrobe Alter your dimensions.
Alter your own dimensions and those of your clothes and accessories, making you elongated or compressed like a fun-house mirror.
Dislocate Separate parts of your body.
Separate parts of your body that will still work normally, but at a distance. You are really reaching through higher dimensions, which also allows you to squeeze through walls.
Cosmic Conversion Assume the form of a Space creature.
Spatial Synthesis Cosmic Conversion on others.
Warp Walker Ride a Space mount or vehicle.
Spatial Slice Cut like a fine potent dueling sword.
Displace Dimensions Lengthen or shorten distances.
Spatial Surge Spatial Slice and suppress scale.
Warp Watch Track a teleporting or dimension warping creature.
Spatial Sniper Ranged attack similar to a fine and potent rifle.
World Waves Twist dimensions making an area confusing.
Warp Wrath Attack similar to a fine and potent grenade.
Warp Wrinkle over a large area. Can level a city block, break conduits, or raze a concrete bridge.
Spatial Stealth Hide in tiny cracks.
Hide in tiny cracks and cover as long as they are large enough to hide your head.
Spatial Step Teleport line-of-sight.
Convey Crowd Crew Spatial Stealth or Spatial Step.
Spatial Circle Create or use teleport circles.
Create a teleport circle or teleport to a known teleport circle over a very long range.
Warp Whack Cut opponents, similar to a cutlass.
Slice and Dice Warp Whack, and the attack is fine and potent.
Shift and Slice Warp Whack, and Spatial distortions prevent scale.
Slice Storm Attack all enemies in a melee.
Warp Watcher Identify space creatures and powers.
Teleport Trace Analyze teleports and Space creatures and powers.
Dimension Detection Find the location of a creature or object you know.
Find the location of a creature or object you know. Enables Spatial Step to their location.
Omniscience Teleport Trace over a large area.
Spatial Scan Sense Space powers and teleports.
Warped Watch Choose a location; see as if you were there.
Spatial Scrying See a creature or object of your choice.
Space Sight Perceive everything at once over a wide area.
Local Listener Understand Space creatures and gain a basic understanding of their agenda.
Spatial Speech You and allies can communicate with Space creatures. Make folk go with the flow.
You and allies can communicate with Space creatures. You can make folk more apt to go with the flow, ignoring strange events and distractions.
Warp Whisper Implant suggestions in the mind of space creatures.
Space Serenade Long-term change the personality and motivations of space creatures.
Long-term change the personality and motivations of space creatures. Such changes will last for the score at the very least, but they can randomly end.
Spatial Skill Work at a tiny scale.
Very precisely control small objects, allowing repair and assembly work at a tiny scale.
Dimensional Dexterity Shrink or enlarge objects.
Teleport Technician Reach into walls.
Reach into walls to manipulate internal alarms, locks, and other devices.
Spatial Synthesis Reach into several walls.
Warp Wreck Teleport pieces of an object.
Warp Wrinkle Noisily smash by twisting dimensions.
Warp Vanish Destroyed targets silently disappear.
Warp Wrath Warp Wrinkle over a large area.