Air Powers (FiD)

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Air is an elemental power that affects gasses, and to a limited extent vacuum.

Air powers deal with gases and atmospheric conditions such as wind, precipitation and cloud formations. It can be quite useful in that it can alter the battlefield itself, rather than the abilities of the combatants, evening the odds in an unfair fight by preventing the use or overwhelming odds or allowing escape from a hopeless battle. It is most practical when invoked over a small area, possibly dangerously powerful if used over wide areas.

Air attacks by buffeting and tossing opponents, which is powerful against fliers and good at distracting and delaying, but very poor at doing actual damage. Escalated air attacks can create a vacuum that does significant damage to creatures that breathe.

Air elementals appear as billowing cloud-creatures or as dust devils, transparent by nature. They are visible when they act but invisible while at rest. Creatures that manifest air are birds and winged and flying creatures of all kinds, including fantastic ones such as pegasi, winged horses.

Air Power Effects Table

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Sky Sight
You can sense air creatures and active air powers.
Zephyr Zapper
Dismiss an Air creature. End the and effect of Air or that affect air.
Zephyr Zeal
Summon an Air creature.
Gate of Gales
Create a portal to a plane of air.
Command Gust Guide
Command Air creatures even if you don't share a language.
Wind Whisper
Have the wind carry your words far away.
Aerial Authority
Command Air creatures as if you were their superior.
Typhoon Tyrant
Permanently bind air creatures to service.
Consort Mist Mantle
Imbue clothes and accessories with air and mist.
Assume the form of an air creature.
Shapechange a willing or helpless creatures into an Air creature.
Sky Hunt
Aerifya number of willing or non-sentient creatures and give them a simple instruction.
Finesse Cloud Cruiser
Ride an air mount or air vehicle.
Misty Melee
A fine and potent Air close-range attack, or give crew Cloud Cruiser.
Gust Guide
Fine manipulation of air: tiny whirlwinds and local pressure can push a buttons and objects.
Storm Swipe
A storm of Air blades, suppressing scale and acting as a fine potent weapon.
Hunt Cloud Chaser
You can track a flier, even if they don't leave a mundane trail.
Zephyr Zap
Air attack similar in effect to a fine and potent stun rifle.
Atmospheric Architect
Control wind and weather.
Air Assault
Air attack similar to a fine and potent stun grenade.
Prowl Shroud
Transparent standing still, wind and mist when you move.
Fly fast but clumsily, not suited to cluttered environments.
Air Circus
Bring allies along when you use Shroud and Flight.
Cloud Walk
Crew fly very fast from one location to another.
Skirmish Air Skirmish
Air close-range attack, similar to a saber or pistol.
Potent Air
Air Skirmish, and the attack is fine and potent.
Wind and mist negate scale.
Gale Fury
Gale of blades attack all enemies in an area.
Study Analyze Air
Identify gasses, creatures of Air, and Air powers.
Air Lore
Learn the powers and abilities of gasses you analyze.
Air Echo
Read the past events of a gas container.
Omniscient Air
Air Lore in a wide area.
Survey Detect Air
Sense air, Air creatures, and powers.
Eye of Air
Choose air that you have detected; perceive as if you were at that spot.
Aero Scout
Choose a location or creature. You gain an Eye of Air at the nearest suitable space of air, which is usually right on top of the target.
Omnipresent Air
You perceive from all air at once over a wide area. This is harder if the air is closed of or must pass a narrow passage to give you access.
Sway Aero Ear
Understand Air creatures and learn learn the objectives of air creatures.
Crew can communicate with air creatures. Influence folk to be inspired and flexible.
Aerial Urge
Post a suggestion in the mind of an air creature.
Air Implantation
Permanently change the personality and motivations of air creatures.
Tinker Bellows
Handle air and gases as bellows or a fan, air pump, or compressor.
Weave Wind
Shape gases and vacuum, and they will retain their new shape.
Create air out of nothing, transform air into matter of another power.
Weave Wind on a huge scale, affecting the weather or air of an entire region.
Wreck Air Smash
Air lacks precision in wrecking, can noisily smash even very large things.
Tempest Tackle
Air Smash but stronger. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in combat. Noisy.
Vanishing Gale
Tempest Tackle and destroyed targets silently disappear.
Aero Annihilation
Tempest Tackle over a large area. Level a city bloc or make a sandstorm.

Atmospheric Architect
Control wind and weather. You can cover a single room indoors or a city block outdoors.

Eye of Air
Choose air that you have detected; perceive as if you were at that spot. You can perceive out of thin air, but doing so disturbs the air, creating small clouds or vortices.

Expanded Air Powers

Expanded descriptions of effects that differ significantly from Typical Powers.


Prowling using air is quite powerful, because you can fly, and because hiding in air is very convenient.

Shroud: You can become invisible in air. This is similar to how air elementals work; you are transparent when passive, but cause wind and mist effect when you act.

This makes you invisible as long as you stay still, and you can hide out in the open at a distance, or in turbulent weather.

Flight: You can fly. This is fast but clumsy, not really suited to cluttered environments.

"This is fast but clumsy" means much easier to fly at speed than it is to hover. This makes flying easy when there is room, away from everything. Flying in built-up areas is harder, indoors both slow and dangerous.

Air Circus: You can bring allies along when you use Shroud and Flight. These allies still use their own Prowl action.

Now you and your allies can Prowl in places where your power is at home.

Cloud Walk: You and allies can fly very fast from one location to another in the same region.

Unlike most apex Prowl effects, Cloud Walk is not teleportation, instead it is fast flight. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It is slower, but you can adjust where you go once you come nearer to your destination.


Manipulate, shape, and create air. Things made out of air don't last unless you force them to. Instead you do dynamic things, like create wind or smoke.

Bellows You can handle air and gases as bellows or a fan, air pump, or compressor.

This mainly substitutes for tools, up to a small workshop. The things you do only last as long as you keep maintaining them. The exception is that you can create or dissipate mist and smoke.

Fan: You can shape sir, and it will retain their new shape for some time. You become capable of creating vacuums or stronger winds.

This is where you can work with air and the effects last at least a little while. You can create wind, whirls, dust devils, and even complex air streams that follow paths you set up that could not occur naturally. This may allow you to set up traps or devices that would normally require extensive equipment.

The position depends on how quiet your workplace is and how much time you have to work with. The effect determines the effectiveness of your construction, but also how long it will last. Devices that are more powerful are harder to contain, and thus wont last as long. Most shaping will only be good for a single scene, but if your effect surpasses that required for the effect you want, you can stretch the effect until the end of the score.

Aeromorphosis: You can create air out of nothing, or transform an object from or into air as long as you know the power required for the other form. You can separate air into its components and purify or pollute air.

This is two distinct effects. The first allows you to create matter related to your power out of nothing. This is raw matter (or energy, depending on the power used) and needs to be shaped and refined to be of much use.

The second can only be used if you know multiple powers. You transmute material connected to one of your powers into material connected to another power. The result will maintain its form as if affected by the Shape ability. The advantage of this is that you can transform a complex object and it will retain its form and function as far as its new material allows. A door could be changed from wood to air, you then pass through and the door reverts to wood.

A mass of earth can be turned into air to create a pit, and then turn back to earth to trap those who fall into that pit.

Skyshaper: You can do create effects on a huge scale, affecting the air and weather of an entire region.

This is where you can affect the entire sky and really change the weather.


Air wrecking differ from most other powers in that you don't destroy air so much as using air to wreck other things. Air can easily wreck large things that the air can push. Flipping a car over is easier than moving a single brick. Making a building fall over is easier than breaking a door open.

Stronger construction is harder to break. Limited effect can overturn wooden or tinny construction. Standard effect can affect more solid things, like timber, adobe, and precast concrete. Great effect can topple stone construction and unreinforced concrete, but against reinforced structures the effect is still not great.

Gust Shove: Air lacks precision in wrecking, but can jimmy even very large things, such as vehicles and small houses. Noisy.

This can do things up to the scale of flipping a car over or overturning a free-standing wall.

Air Smash: Similar to Gust Shove but stronger. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in combat. Noisy.

You can hurl a car, flip a truck, and collapse a small house.

Vanishing Gale: Similar to smash, but destroyed targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust.

The real difference here is that wrecking things is now silent when you have the right power. You also leave less traces, as what you wreck disappears. This can also be used to get rid of evidence, as long as that evidence matches your power.

Aero Annihilation: Similar to smash, but over a large area. This can level a city block, empty a canal system of water, raze a city wall, and similar massive destruction.

Rather straightforward, this just scales things up.