Suel (Greyhawk)

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Descended from refugees of the homeland that is now the Sea of Dust, the Suel are a fair-skinned folk. Most Suel have merged with Oerdian and Flan to form a mixed population in the central Flaness; the groups that remain culturally Suel have done so because of isolation and xenophobia.

Real-World Models

Scandinavian, British, Finn (appearance), Romans (culture). These are the archetypal Hollywood Romans; blonde, icy blue eyes, ruthless, efficient, often cruel and racist.


The Suel are traditionally tolerant about good-evil variations. Even in the Scarlet Brotherhood, good members can be tolerated as long as they contribute to the power of the order. Instead, the conflicts within the Suel are between Law and Chaos. There is a constant conflict between loyalty and pride within each Suel. Few Suel are ever neutral on the Law - Chaos axle; it is not uncommon to have a crisis of faith, where the individual changes his past allegiance and decides to either roam free or adhere to order. Even seemingly lawful Suel often have some hidden vice, while the most freedom-loving and proud can accept great trials to uphold an oath or some tie of loyalty.

Cultural Traits

The Suel are a race of contrasts, and their traits can manifest in very different ways, often in pairs of virtues and vices. Suel tend to go to extremes in alignment.

Thrifty/Selfish, Competitive/Domineering, Honest/Blunt, Self-assured/Opinionated, Ambitious/Proud.


Birth control (often post-natal), Monogamy.


Breeding outside race, Incest.


Conventional. Men can have children out of wedlock, women cannot. Decent is traced through the same gender, females having matrilinear descent, males patrilinear descent, leading to incredibly complex family trees. This is further complicated by strict rules against incest of second cousins, which means familiy trees are very important. The nuclear family is very strong, the extended family too complex and interwoven to function.


Suel have an deep attraction to magic and use it to change the world around them with transmutation spells or to summon and bind supernatural servants with conjuration spells. Great theorists, the Sueloise prefer wizards to sorcerers or bards. Divine magic is often focused on means rather than ends; Suel classify miracles by domain rather than ethos.


Suel gods tend to be very lawful or very chaotic and are examples of skill and ability rather than great leaders with a personal agenda. There was a great turnover of Suel gods after the twin cataclysms; Lendor, the leader of the pantheon, became very withdrawn and is hardly known today which left a power vacuum others were quick to usurp.

Name Rank Alignment Sphere Domains
Bahamut Lesser LG Good dragons, Wind Air, Good, Luck, Protection, Cold, Dragon Suel, Dragon, Elder
Beltar Lesser CN Malice, Caves, Pits, Nonhumans Chaos, Death, Evil, War, Scalykind, Suel
Bralm Lesser N (LN) Insects, Industriousness Animal, Law, Strength, Community, Pact Suel
Dalt Lesser CG Portals, Doors, Enclosures Chaos, Good, Protection, Travel, Trickery Suel
Jascar Lesser LG Hills, Mountains Earth, Good, Law, Protection Suel
Joramy Lesser N (NG) Fire, Volcanoes, Wrath, Quarrel Destruction, Fire, War, Competition Suel
Kord Intermediate CG Athletics, Sport, Courage Chaos, Good, Strength, Competition, Courage Common, Suel
Lendor Intermediate LN Time, Patience, Study Knowledge, Law, Protection, Time Suel, Elder
Llerg Lesser CN Beasts, Strength Animal, Chaos, Strength, Courage Suel
Lydia Lesser NG Music, Knowledge, Daylight Good, Knowledge, Sun, Travel Suel
Norebo Lesser CN Luck, Gambling, Risks Chaos, Trickery, Luck Suel
Osprey Lesser LN Sea voyages, Ships, Sailors Law, protection, Water Suel
Phaukon Lesser CG Wind, Clouds, Birds, Archery Air, Animal, Chaos, Good, War, Magic Suel
Phyton Lesser CG Nature, Beauty, Farming Chaos, Good, Plant, Sun, Water Suel
Pyremius Lesser NE Fire, Poison, Murder Destruction, Evil, Fire Suel, Humanoid
Syrul Lesser NE Lies, Deceit, Treachery, False promises Evil, Knowledge, Trickery Suel
Tiamat Lesser LE Evil dragons, Conquest Destruction, Evil, Law, Trickery, Dragon Suel, Dragon, Elder
Tharizdun Intermediate NE Eternal darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign knowledge, Insanity Destruction, Evil, Knowledge, Force, Madness Common, Elder, Suel
Vatun Lesser CN Northern barbarians, Cold, Winter, Arctic beasts Animal, Chaos, Strength, Cold Suel
Wee Jas Intermediate LN (LE) Magic, Death, Vanity, Law Death, Law, Magic, Domination, Mind Common, Suel
Xerbo Lesser N Sea, Sailing, Money, Business Animal, Knowledge, Water Suel


Child of Empires

You are a true child of the Suel heritage; strong-willed and arrogant.

Benefit: The DC of Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against you are increased by 5.

Hardy Survivor

You are a descendant of those who survived centuries of persecution by flight. You may have grown up a refuge in the jungle but can still be trained in a civilized class.

Benefit: You have Survival as a class skill and get a +1 trait bonus on Survival rolls.

Master of Seals

You have inherited some of the power of those who forged the ancient binding seals for genies.

Benefit: You get a +2 trait bonus on all Charisma checks related to binding summoned creatures, as well as all elementals and outsiders. You can pick elemental languages (auram, aquam, ingam, terram) as starting languages.

Rage Against Magic

You carry the curse of the exiled northern houses of the Suel in your blood. Magic causes you intense pain, but this pain helps you resist magical influence.

Benefit: When you fail a Will saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability, you can choose to take hit point damage equal to the spell's level and be dazed for one round to immediately make a new saving throw. You can only gain one additional try at each such saving throw. If you use an spell or spell-like ability, even from a device, you take one hit point of damage per level of the spell.