Scaramouch (5A)

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This is a Fencer subclass for 5A.

Not all fencers are gentlemen that stand and fight honorably. As a scaramouch, you are ready to run away or surrender to avoid a fight, or convince your surroundings that you are a harmless coward. On the other hand you can play the role of a bully or hero when the occasion demands. The scaramouch subclass is named for a masked clown stage character, and many who have this subclass wear a mask or heavy make-up to play to that stereotype.

Set the Stage

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn the Perform skill and proficiency with a musical instrument. If you already know this skill pick another skill to learn.

A Beggar or a King

At 3rd level you can put on an act of bravado or harmlessness. You can cast Sanctuary and Compelled Duel. The Save DC of these spells is DC 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier. You can cast one of these spells one time, and regain the ability on a long rest.

Exit Stage Left

At 7th level you can spend an action to take both the Dash the Disengage actions. The movement of allies who are within 30 feet when you take this action do not trigger opportunity attacks until the start of your next turn. Your A Beggar or a King ability now recharges on a long or short rest.

Director's Cut

At 11th level, you can take an action to make a single melee attack against a creature. If you hit and inflict damage you can ask a question of the target, who must make a Wisdom saving throw, DC 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier, or give a true answer of up to three words. You must be able to communicate with the target for this to work. You can use this ability repeatedly, but it does not work on a helpless or surrendered creature.


At 15th level you gain proficiency with Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.