Lirr (Greyhawk Action)

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Chaotic Good, Fourth Generation Oerdian god

Lirr is the daughter of Hieroneous and the Oerdian goddess of art. She is of minor power but important in many legends as a helper and inspiration. She is the patron of every art, from the barbaric skald to the stately illuminator. She is an ascended mortal sponsored by Ehlonna.

Lirr (LEER) is shown as a fresh-faced Oeridian woman with long black hair and dark blue eyes. Her symbol is an illustrated book, and she carries a tome with her that can show any poetry, prose, spell, or artwork ever created. She works favorably with any being that respects knowledge, learning, and the arts, but she opposes those that would destroy art and knowledge or hide it. In some ways she is the converse of Pholtus, pressing for individual liberty so that others may see the light of truth without being blinded by it; this pleases Trithereon, who also strives for the freedom of the individual. Many good Oeridian sorcerers and wizards worship Lirr, particularly those who dislike Delleb's conservative and reclusive nature.

The written word, be it in rhyme, prose, myth, or logbook, is the linchpin of civilization. Preserve written works so that the knowledge of the past can be given to the future, and put oral records in more permanent form. Art should be revered, for it conveys feelings and messages that would take hundreds of pages to explain. Every poem, book, or painting lost is a piece of history forgotten.

Lirr's clerics wander Oerth in search of lore, news, poetry, historical tales, magic, and works of art. They sneak into lands ruled by oppressive leaders (such as Iuz), trying to rescue items of interest that are at risk of being destroyed out of malice or ignorance. Many clerics have skill as bards, telling tales and painting pictures rather than singing; they easily find work as tutors, scribes, and artists. Novice clerics spend months making copies of their temple's archives of books, scrolls, and works of art, which are distributed so that others may appreciate them.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Weapon: Rapier

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos, Charm, Good, Knowledge, Magic.

Pathfinder Traits

Action Domains

Flux, Life, Light, Magic, Spiritual.