Languages (Greyhawk)

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The Languages of Folk

The following languages are spoken by different human cultures of The World of Greyhawk:


Spoken by the civilized successor states of the Baklunish Empire in the north-west of the Flanaess. Written Baklunish is very uniform. The spoken tongue has minor dialectical differences, mainly in the pronunciation of vowels, making it quite easy to place a speaker by his accent. But most speakers can understand each other.


Spoken by arctic peoples.


Spoken in Nippon, a land of anthropomorphic animals to the west of the Pearl Sea.

  • Wrang: spoken by the natives in the Nippon Territories. It originated as Nipponese, but has absorbed Celestial, Qudran and, Zindran influences. Despite suppression by the Nipponese, this has become the trade tounge of the Nippon Sea area.


The trade tongue of the Flaness and the standard language of World of Greyhawk campaigns. Spoken in the central and south-west Flaness, it is the universal second language of the Flaness and spoken by most people to one degree or another. Common is a mix of Oerdian, Suel, and Flan, with Baklunish loan words and grammatical influences. As you travel, the common tongue you encounter will have more influences from the languages spoken in that area in earlier times. Your common will adapt to this, meaning that you after years of travel can speak to creatures you would have found entirely alien before.


The language of the original natives of the Flanaess, spoken as a secret language by peasants and tribesmen everywhere. Only a few remote lands, mostly in central northern Flanaess, still have Flan as a first language.

  • Druidic: The druids' tongue of the Flanaess shares roots with Flan, but it is specialized and static, focusing on the natural world. While related to Flan, it is also very close to Primordial.
  • Ur-Flan: A dialect of flan with influences from Necril. The Ur-Flan was a civilization with Flan roots characterized by necromantic magic and small castle-cities. They were destroyed by the Aerdy and no known living people speak this dialect, but it can be found in ancient writing and spoken by ancient undead.


The language of the recently dominant human people, now spoken mostly in the feudal areas of the central and eastern Flaness.

  • Aerdi: The original dialect of the Aerdy, the main tribe who settled the Great Kingdom, especially the southern and central parts. Aerdi is sometimes refereed to as "High Oerdian" and was the court language of the Great Kingdom.
  • Ferral: An old Oeridian tribal language spoken only by officials of the Iron League. Ferral is used for military command and identification purposes and is not a living language. Many fear that infiltration by agents of the Scarlet Brotherhood has compromised this code-tongue. The main interest in ferral today is that it is the basis of military signaling.
  • Keolandish: One of the most direct forerunners of the Common tongue, this widespread dialect of Old High Oeridian has local admixtures. It is spoken in and around Keoland, but is generally an obsolete language today.
  • Nyrondese: This High Oeridian dialect of Common is spoken in rural areas of Nyrond. It is the primary language of peasants, shopkeepers, and other common folk who distrust outsiders. Learned folk speak Common as well.
  • Velondi: A dialect of Oerdian, originally spoken by the Vollar tribe of Oerdians, it is still spoken in Veluna and western Furyondy.


Olman slaves of the Sea Princes or Scarlet Brotherhood speak this strange tongue, their masters hated it. Its huge, complex "alphabet" is really a vast set of pictographs. It is heard most often in the western Sea Princes' lands and in the Amedio Jungle.

  • Etlani: is a hybrid of Olman and Touv, a result of the Kundali Touv occupying the Olman state of Cuhuetla. Speakers of Etlani can understand about half of something said in Olman or Touv, and speakers of Olman or Touv can understand about half of Etlani.
  • Kech: is the language of the kech, who use many Olman and Amedi loan-words. It is a primitive tongue with no written form.
  • Rasol: is a Suel-derived tongue with many Olman loan-words, mostly describing flora and fauna. Rasol is simpler and cruder than classical Suel, and a speaker of the old tongue could understand only about 40% of a conversation in Rasol. Rasol uses simple runes derived from the Suel alphabet, but in a way that would leave a Suel reader bewildered. It is spoken in Zar, Lerga, Sharba, and Sharbakal.
  • Tlaman: is the language of the yuan-ti of Hepmonaland. It is largely derived from Olman with phrases from Touv and the languages of snakes, altered to be best pronounced with forked tongues. It uses essentially the same pictographs as Olman, and an Olman speaker can understand approximately two-thirds of Tlaman. There is some speculation that Olman is in fact derived from Tlaman.


The language of ancient Erypt, a land dominated by the dead and by the ruins of a glorious past. This is actually several different languages of the early, mid, late, and current Osirian cultures.


A second language family of the western plains, Paynim spoken over a very wide area.

  • Ordai: This dialect shared by the Wolf and Tiger Nomads bears some resemblance to Ancient Baklunish, but it is most similar to dialects spoken among the distant Paynims. Its written form is based on Baklunish script.
  • Ulagha: The language of the Uli is a debased form of Paynim. If written, it is usually in Abyssal characters.


The language of the ancient Suel civilization and their few surviving modern descendants. An important historical and magical language. The main concentration of modern speakers is in the Tilvan penisula in the north-east and the Drawmidj Ocean region.

  • Amedi: Only Suel of the Amedio Jungle speak this corrupt form of Ancient Suloise. Its few written symbols are Suloise alphabet characters.
  • Cold Tongue: A dialect of Suel spoken by the Suel barbarians of the north-east. It is usually written using Dwarven runes.
  • Lendorian: This obscure dialect of Suloise (influenced by Common and full of nautical terms) was spoken in the Lendore Isles by humans before they were deported by elves in 583 CY. Only human refugees know it now. It has no relation to the Cold Tongue and is not written.
  • Qudran: Spoken in the desert lands on the far side of the mountains of the Nippon Territories.
  • Rasol: is a Suel-derived tongue with many Olman loan-words, mostly describing flora and fauna. Rasol is simpler and cruder than classical Suel, and a speaker of the old tongue could understand only about 40% of a conversation in Rasol. Rasol uses simple runes derived from the Suel alphabet, but in a way that would leave a Suel reader bewildered. It is spoken in Zar, Lerga, Sharba, and Sharbakal.
  • Zakriti: The holy language of Zinria, spoken by the priest caste and some of the warrior caste. This is a remnant of the Suel spoken by the nobility established by the Suel invasions thousands of years ago.


The trade tongue of Hepmonaland and the tribal language of the Tuov peoples.

  • Polygot: A mix of Tuov, different tribal languages, Amedi, and Common. A trade tongue in nothern and western Hepmonaland. Sort of the "Common" of that area, but less a separate language than the Common tongue of the Flanaess.
  • Ralat: is a simple trade language derived from Touv, Olman, and Rasol. It is all but useless outside of the trading sphere.


Spoken in Zindria, the civilized jungle nations south and west of the Amedio jungle.

  • Zakriti: Not related to Zindran, Zakriti is actually a Suel language, but spoken by the elite in Zindria since the Suel invasions thousands of years ago. It is a hly language not taught to outsiders. It has imported a few Zindran terms, mainly for phenomena of the jungle environment.

Monster Languages


A variant of Sylvan with influences of what might be Deep Speech, Aklo is the language of the Winter Court of fairy and common in the Netherworld. Aklo is not really a root language for the Netherworld, that might possibly be Deep Speech or Aboleth, but Aklo is a much more common and useful language.

  • Aboleth: The aboleth once had an ocean-spanning civilization and created the skum.
  • Deep Speech: The language of aberrations, an alien form of communication originating in the Far Realms. When written by mortals it used the gnomish pictograph, as the only way to properly convey the language is with esoteric symbology. It is an extremely complex highly contextual language, reliant heavily on more than just sound, but also tone and inflection. It utilizes body language, smells, trilling, gurgling, and a whole manner of unpleasantries that most mortals struggle with performing. Is this the language of the Far Realm, or a for refugees of the far realm? Sages can't agree on this. In either case, the languages in this language group is widely different, communicated by different means (sound, light, vibrations, scents, psychic) by different creatures. All this makes Deep Speech an almost useless language to normal folk.
  • Drow: A mix of elven and the various language of demons and the underdark, used by the dark elves.
  • Elder Thing : Spoken by the Great Race of Yith, this language might be found in written form in the ruins of their civilization, if Yithinas ever lived on Oerik.
  • Encephalon: Encephalon gorgers (sometimes known as cranial vampires or star vampires) are brain-consuming creatures.
  • Flail Snail: Exotic inhabitants of the netherworld, and among the least hostile of all aberrations, but also almost impossible to communicate with.
  • Flumph: Originating in another star system, Flumph sometimes appear as messengers or explorers.
  • Grimlock: A race of blind humanoids perfectly capable of navigating in the underdark.
  • Gug: Huge humanoids similar to giants common in the Dreamlands and Netherworld.
  • Illithids: Mind-flayers are mysterious humanoids with cephalous heads.
  • Mongrelman: A group of misshapen humanoids found in the underdark and Netherworld.
  • Nagaji: Spoken by naga and nagaji.
  • Skum: Monstrous fish-men, once serving the Aboleth but today often their own masters.
  • Svirfneblin:
  • Undercommon: The trade language of the Underdark, used by drow, illithids, svirfneblin, the true ghouls of the White Kingdom, and other deep-dwelling races to communicate with one another. It uses the Elven alphabet.
  • Vegepygmy: A race of small fungous humanoids.

Beast Speech

Beastman is an intricate language spoken by the beastfolk, consisting of vocalizations, hand gestures, body postures and stances, and alterations of fur patterns. Non-beastfolk can communicate only very simple meanings in this tongue. Beast-folk are common in Nippon and Whrang, rare otherwise.

  • Adlet: Wolf-folk speak Adlet. Rarely seen in Faerun.
  • Banderlog: Baboon-folk. Rarely seen in Faerun.
  • Catfolk: Catfolk are adventourous. They are uncommon, but are seen.
  • Chike: Crocodile-folk. Rarely seen in Faerun.
  • Girtablilu: Scorpion men. Exist in the Bright Desert.
  • Gnoll: Hyena-folk, relatively common in Faerun.
  • Leonine: Lion-folk. Rarely seen in Faerun.
  • Sciurian: Squirrel-folk. Rarely seen in Faerun.
  • Tabaxi: Catfolk native to jungles. Are these the same as Catfolk? Who knows. Very reclusive.
  • Tanuki: Tanuki-folk. Rarely seen in Faerun.
  • Vanaran: Moneky-folk. Rarely seen in Faerun.
  • Vishkanya: Snake-folk. Not the same as Yuan Ti. Rarely seen in Faerun.

Celestial and Infernal

The root language of the languages of the deep astral plane is most likely a lost language that developed into Celestial and Infernal. At the present day, the best a student of the Astral can do is to pick one of these two languages. Note that Abyssal is not in this language family, since demons are now Primordial beings.

  • Celestial: The language of the higher spheres.
  • Daemonic: The language of fiends that are not devils.
  • Garuda: Garuda are bird-like outsiders of good.
  • Infernal: The language of devils.
  • Samsaran: Celestials living in physical form on the material plane.
  • Slaadi: Slaadi are chaotic frog-like outsiders native to the chaotic regions of the Astral.


Draconic is one of the oldest languages; they had a civilization before the gods had much influence on Oerik. Today, the Draconic spoken by true dragons is considered the purest.

  • Babbler: Primitive dinousaur-kin, babblers are close to monsters.
  • Boggard: Frog-folk.
  • Boggard: Another tribal group of Frog-folk.
  • Kobold: Small reptilian miners and trappers.
  • Lizardfolk: The most common Draconic-speakers, lizardfolk are pastoralists.
  • Tlaman is the language of the yuan-ti of Hepmonaland. It is largely derived from Olman with phrases from Touv and the languages of snakes, altered to be best pronounced with forked tongues. It uses essentially the same pictographs as Olman, and an Olman speaker can understand approximately two-thirds of Tlaman.
  • Troglodytes: Underground lizard-people. Beleived close to primordial Draconics.
  • Yuan-Ti: Serpent people that had a primordial civilization.


Elven is an old language of uncertain origin. The long life of elves means the language chances slowly - elven dialects differ in the specialized words for each environment and in idioms and tone deliberately introduced to set tribes apart form each other. In Pathfinder, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, and Undines are not elves, but in Greyhawk they are.

  • Drow Elven: A mix of elven and the various language of demons and the underdark, used by the dark elves. Drow has a strong influence on Undercommon.
  • Drow Sign: Drow have a of signs and poses, used in battle and intrigue. Each group has their own dialect, hard for outsiders to understand, but there are also common signs used by many.
  • Grey Elven: The noble elves that build the first cities in what is today the Hellfurnaces. Modern Grey Elven is mainly spoken in elven fortresses in the Feywild. Valley Elves also speak grey Elven.
  • Gruach: Wild elves and wood elves speak this dialect, looked down on by other elves.
  • High Elven: A successor language of Grey Elven, this is the language of elven nobility and the high elves of the civilized elven nations.
  • Ifrit: The mirage-like fire elves live in the Sea of Dust and Bright Dessert, but many think they are a myth. The language has many influences from Ignan.
  • Lendorian: A language granted to the elves moving to the Lendore Isles by intervention of the goddess Sehanine.
  • Oread: Elves of mountain vales and slopes. The language has many influences from Terran.
  • Sylph: Elves of cloud and mountaintops, these winged creatures are a legend few know the truth of. The language has many influences from Auran.
  • Undine: Sea elves, perhaps the most well known of the elemental elf tribes. The language has many influences from Aquan.


Giant is related to Primordial. Written in runes, Giant rarely writes long sagas, such things are learnt by heart. Runes are used for magic, curses, and inscriptions.

  • Cloud Giant: The giants of air consider themselves nobility.
  • Cyclops (Ghol-Gan): Cyclops are one-eyed prophetic giants that once had an empire of their own, called Ghol-Gan.
  • Derrosh is a combination of Dwarven and Suloise, spoken by the derro, evil subterranean dwarfs.
  • Dwarf: Every dwarf will deny it, but Dwarf is a dialect of Giant. Speakers can read giant runes and get the gist of spoken giant, especially fire giants.
  • Fire Giant: These black giants have the stature of huge dwarfs, and much of the same mindset.
  • Frost Giant: A model for the Thillonrian barbarians, frost giants are warriors and raiders.
  • Hill Giant: Just one step above ogres, other giants look down on hill giants and their language is primitive.
  • Ogre: Ogres are degenerate creatures speaking a pidgin version of Giant.
  • Orc: Orcs are not considered giant, but their language is related.
  • Stone Giant: Relatively friendly, Stone Giant is one of the more accessible dialects of Giant.
  • Storm Giant: The royals of giantkind, their dialect is the most advanced.


Related to Dwarf, Sylvan and Elvish, but also to Goblin. Gnome is a low-status language compared to Sylvan and Elvish. It is sort of a Common of Fairy, but has much less penetration that Common has in the Flanaess.

  • Barbegazi: Ice gnomes of the north.
  • Goblin: Goblin is strangely similar to Gnome, with influences from Giant. Spoken by bugbears, goblins, and hobgoblins. Less common speakers include norkers and xvarts, workgs. Not a united language, Goblin has one dialect for every tribe.
  • Halfling: A malleable language, today's Halfling has much Common in it.
  • Korred: A wild fey relative of gnomes.
  • Svirfneblin: Deep gnomes live in the Netherworld.


  • Abyssal:
  • Aquan:
  • Auran:
  • Druidic: The druids' tongue of the Flanaess shares roots with Flan, but it is specialized and static, focusing on the natural world. While related to Flan, it is also very close to Primordial.
  • Ifrit: The mirage-like fire elves live in the Sea of Dust and Bright Dessert, but many think they are a myth. The language has many influences from Ignan.
  • Ignan - Lava Child:
  • Lendorian: A language granted to the elves moving to the Lendore Isles by intervention of the goddess Sehanine.
  • Oread: Elves of mountain vales and slopes. The language has many influences from Terran.
  • Sylph: Elves of cloud and mountaintops, these winged creatures are a legend few know the truth of. The language has many influences from Auran.
  • Terran:
  • Undine: Sea elves, perhaps the most well known of the elemental elf tribes. The language has many influences from Aquan.


The language of the Shadowfell.

  • Caligni: Dark Folk
  • D'ziriak:
  • Necril: A language of undead and the Shadowfell, Necril is a useful language for necromancers because of its large vocabulary on the subject.
  • Rhopan: Unrelated to any other human language, Rhenne speak Rhopan, as does some natives of the Shadowfell. Descended from some non-Oerthly tongue, it has incorporated terms from the criminal argot of many peoples.
  • Shae:
  • Wayang:
  • Ur-Flan: A dialect of flan with influences from Necril. The Ur-Flan was a civilization with Flan roots characterized by necromantic magic and small castle-cities. They were destroyed by the Aerdy and no known living people speak this dialect, but it can be found in ancient writing and spoken by ancient undead.



Sylvan is the language of the fey races, including dryads, brownies, and leprechauns. It uses the Elven alphabet. Also called First Speech or Fey.

  • Algant - plant guardians:
  • Forlarren:
  • Gnome:
  • Thriae:
  • Treant:


  • Eblis:
  • Strix:
  • Syrinx:


The trade language of the Underdark, used by drow, illithids, svirfneblin, the true ghouls of the White Kingdom, and other deep-dwelling races to communicate with one another. It uses the Elven alphabet.

  • Drow:
  • Illithid:
  • Svirfneblin:
  • Gug:
  • Nagaji:
  • Orvian: