Characters (Runelords)

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Rise of the RunelordsRise of the Runelords
Rise of the Runelords



Adriana Aedile Alice Aliena Anne Boleyn Ariel Audrey Barnardine Beatrice Bianca Blanche of Spain Bona, Lady Calpurnia Camillo Capulet, Lady Cassandra Celia Cinna Cleopatra Collatine Constance Cordelia Cressida Desdemona Diana Dion Dionyza Dolabella Eleanor, Queen Elizabeth I Elizabeth Woodville Emilia Falconbridge, Lady Ford, Mistress Alice Francesca Gertrude Grey, Lady Helen Helena Hermia Hermione, Queen Hero Hippolyta, Queen Hostess Imogen Iris Isabel of England Isabella of France, Queen Isidore's Servant Jaquenetta Jessica Joan of Arc Jourdain, Margery Julia Juliet Juno Justice Katharine Katherina Katherine of Aragon Lavinia Leonine Luce Lucetta Luciana Lychorida Margaret of Anjou Maria Mariana Marina Miranda Mistress Overdone Mistress Quickly Montague, Lady Mopsa Mortimer, Lady Nell Nerissa Northumberland, Lady Nym Octavia Olivia Ophelia Page, Anne Page, Margaret, Mistress Paris Patience Paulina Peaseblossom Perdita Phebe Phrynia Popilius Lena Portia Prentice Rosalind Rosaline Rossillion, Countess of Silence Silvia Tamora Timandra Titania Ursula Valeria Viola Violenta Volumnia

<Name> was born to poor parents and one of eleven living children. When her father lost his job as <bad job> when the <workplace> burned down, several of the children had to work to help support the family. <Name> was only seven then and did not take well to her new job as <gong farmer>. She ran away less than half a year later.

She lived on the streets off alms and what she "found". When growing older it became less easy to get alms and she turned more and more to making use of things others didn't use... or left unattended.

She only once actually cut a purse and had a whole lot of guilt for it later. She knew that the victim wasn't that well to do either.

When she started developing feminine forms, she noted that that got her attention from men. She started to take better care of her looks and got men to freely pay for drinks and food just to have her around.

Being inexperienced with alcohol she got too drunk one evening and woke up in a bed of a nobleman. When she complained he threw her out without her clothes. A week later there were a break in and some valuables were missing, but the biggest financial hit was the enormous painting of the nobleman himself that had been slashed.

After that incident she was a lot more careful when choosing who she accompanied. Fortunately she came to some funds at that time and had a choice.

She found out that well to do merchants was the best company and soon she had perfected her techniques. Sometimes she fell in love with her "victims" but it seldom lasted long. Six months ago she traveled with a merchant, Bassanio to Sandpoint. Since then she has been flirting with the locals and living of gifts that she got of Bassanio that was exceedingly generous after an unusually good business.