Character Creation (Wrath of the Righteous)

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Wrath of the RighteousWrath of the Righteous
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Characters in Wrath of the Righteous are supposed to be heroes, and will be allowed advance in mythic tiers along with regular levels. The basic character is also suitably heroic.

Character ability scores are made from 25 build points.

Humans are the majorly favored race, but the regular elves, dwarfs, gnomes, half-elves, and half-orcs are all available.

  • Dwarfs come from Highfolk or Lormil Mountains - like elves, they have so far been little involved with Iuz.* Elves come either from the courts of Celene, from Higfolk, or from the elven enclaves in the Vesve forest. Almost any kind of elven clan or tribe makes a reasonable origin. Elves have had little direct conflict with Iuz
  • Gnomes from the Kron Hills, Highfolk, or from the borders of the Vesve, but many also live among humans in other lands.
  • Half-Orcs are common in all the lands affected by the invasion, as orcs are the mainstay of Ius' armies. Often raised in military orders or by raid survivors who taught them to be enemies of Iuz.
  • Half-Elves usually are the children of traveling elven adventurers or merchants. It is common for elves to settle in human lands for a longer or shorter period, and this sometimes leaves progeny. Very few half-elves grew up in the strictly elven nation of Celene, but Highfolk with its mixed population has many half-elves, some even the children of half-elves in turn.