Monster Salvage (D&D feat)

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Unofficial rules compendium

You can salvage body parts of creatures to create one-use weapons.

Prerequisite: Int 15, Inventor, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 1 rank, Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks.

Benefit: You can create one-use weapons from parts of dead monsters. You can only salvage enough for one such grenade from each creature, but another character could use the same corpse for salvage. If there is no corpse, there is no salvage. It takes one minute to salvage a grenade, and it remains fresh for 24 hours; thereafter it becomes useless, ill-smelling junk.

You can make grenades from extraordinary and supernatural (not spell-like) creature special attacks, such as chill grenades that mimic the cold attack of the brown mold, fire grenades from the fiery substance in a red dragon's throat or coax one last rusting touch out of a Rust Monster's antenna. You can also extract poison from the glands of slain creatures.

The effect of such a grenade or poison can never exceed that of the original creature. Otherwise, the limitation is as follows, depending on your skill ranks in Craft (Alchemy). The rank requirement is an upper limit; you can always chose to make a lesser device.

Minimum Ranks in
Craft (Alchemy)
DC Attack type
Energy Damage Attribute damage Save DC (hindering effect) Save DC (incapacitatingeffect]
1-7 15 2d6 1d4 15 -
8-11 20 4d6 1d6 17 12
12-15 25 6d6 1d8 19 13
16-19 30 8d6 1d10 21 14
20-23 35 10d6 2d6 23 15

Hindering effects include damage, attribute damage (such as poison), blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, knocked down, panicked, or stunned. Incapacitating effects include dead, helpless, paralyzed, and petrified. The duration of the effect is the same as it was for the creature you salvaged it from.

If the original attack was an area attack, you create a grenade-like weapon with a burst radius of 10 ft. If the original attack was single-target, your create a ranged touch attack. In both cases it is a thrown weapon with a range increment of ten ft. If you salvage an injected poison, you get one application you can put on a weapon, and you can apply such a poison with no risk to yourself.