Halflings (Greyhawk)

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Greyhawk (Action)Greyhawk Arms

Halflings in Greyhawk are less nomadic than in other worlds. While individual halflings often travel extensively, as a people they are rather static. Traveling halflings often feel an urge to return home as they grow to middle age. Halflings enjoy sharing experiences with other people and often involve themselves heavily with humans, living a full life as the sidekick or companion to a human before "retiring" to family life among halflings. Many halfling communities contain such "retired heroes", which can come as a great surprise to anyone who would molest them. Promiscuous (and infertile) with other races, halflings are notoriously faithful among themselves.

Cultural Traits

Friendly, Outgoing, Accepting.

Real-World Models

Danish (or a parody thereof).


The alignment of a halfling determines his attitude among outsiders.

Among themselves, halflings are almost universally behave as if they were lawful good. Halflings welcome strangers, never steal from each other, and form tight-knit communities. Such communities rarely have or need written laws as the mores of society is ingrained into every individual. A halfling among strangers is a completely different matter. Some become hellions and go wild with gleeful abandon, while others remain law-abiding and good tough they often find peculiar laws and edicts confusing and choose to ignore them.


Gender equality, Inter-species sex, Voyeurism.


Bondage, Promiscuity (with other halflings).


Conventional. Family is counted by the burrow, not by lineage; whoever stays home inherits the family name and property.


Halflings have their share of sorcerers, beguilers, druids, bards, and clerics. Wizards are rare among them, but do exist. Halflings like to make wondrous items and potions; other magics are generally traded for or simply stolen.


Halflings have their own pantheon, little known to bigger folk. It is led by Yondalla, mother of the halflings.

Name Rank Alignment Sphere Domains
Yondalla Greater LG Halflings, Diplomacy, Safety Charm, Community (Family), Protection, Travel (trade), Trickery Halfling, Elder
Arvoreen Lesser LG Defense, Warriors War, Protection, Courage Halfling
Brandobaris Demigod N Theives Trickery, Luck, Travel Halfling
Cyrrollalee Lesser LG Trust, Protection Family, Wealth, Protection Halfling
Sheela Peryroyl Lesser N Agriculture, Weather Plant, Air, Family Halfling


Childish (Racial): You look childish. You ignore size, and age modifiers to disguise yourself as a child of a Small, Medium, or Large humanoid. If you are masquerading as a human child, you also ignore race modifiers.

Perfect Servant (Racial): When in a setting where servants or orderlies would be expected, you get a +4 trait bonus to Disguise checks to appear as a servant or orderly. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Profession (Valet).

Providential Passenger

Successful Shirker (Racial)

Well-Informed (Racial): You make it a point to know everyone and to be connected to everything around you. You frequent the best taverns, attend all of the right events, and graciously help anyone who needs it. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks when gathering information and Knowledge (local) checks to know gossip. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.