Champion (D&D class)

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The champion is the idol of a cause, the zealot warrior, or the chosen champion of a group – a warrior who is dedicated to an ideal or religion and seeks to spread its influence in the world. Gifted with many more supernatural powers than a fighter, the champion combine these gifts with martial skill to spread and protect their ideals.

All champions must have a defined set of ideal that they uphold, and if they break these ideals, they lose many of their powers. This can be a code of honor or a goal they work zealously for, and must be beyond the scope of normal practicality – the champion is never completely his own man. Some rare champions have a dark fate or destiny that they strive to avoid, but which seeks them out regardless. It takes a bit of work to set up a code that agrees with the game world, your alignment, and the DM’s ideas for the campaign. DMs should never allow champions whose ideals set them at odds with the intentions of the campaign – instead, the champion should be on a leash, and their ideal should be set up so that it can be used as an adventure hook. DMs who want to run prosaic, mercenary adventures without idealism should think twice before allowing a champion in their game.

The champion is a metaclass that allows you to create a wide variety of permutations. It is not a regular class as much as a framework, to which you add components to customize the champion to the needs of the player and the campaign. This makes the class dangerous because it is easy to create combinations that do not make sense in the game world. Each champion chooses one each of four power groups; champion attack, champion defense, champion power and champion utility. But this choice should be made carefully, under DM supervision. This is not like arcane spells that the character chooses in-game; it is a life-path representing ultimate devotion to a creed and often outside the character’s influence. DMs may want to pre-establish different groups of champions and define limits for their group selection while defining the game world – the superceded classes mentioned below are prime candidates.

The champion is intended to supercede the following classes; blackguard, crypt knight, divine liberator, paladin, and pious templar. You can use power pools of the champion class to produce variants very close to the classes mentioned as well as many other combinations.

Example Champions

Example Champions shows how the champion metaclass can make core classes of several pretige class concepts and how the champion metaclass has been used in other campaigns. These can be used as models when designing your own types of champion.



Any. The choice of alignment has a fundamental effect on the champion, and cannot be changed lightly. A champion is the favored retainer of some power or the champion of an alignment. While they can be any alignment, they must always hold the tenets or their lord or chosen ethos high and keep this as the central defining tenet of their lives.

Hit Die


Table: The Champion
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Alignment Aura, Tactics 1, Power 1
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Attack 1, Tactics 2
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Tactics 3
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Utility 1
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Attack 2
6 +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Tactics 4
7 +7/+2 +5 +2 +2
8 +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Power 2, Utility 2
9 +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Attack 3
10 +10/+5 +7 +3 +3
11 +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Power 3
12 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Utility 3
13 +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4
14 +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Power 4
15 +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Attack 4
16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Utility 4
17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5
18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Utility 4
19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6
20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Attack 5, Utility 5

Class Features

Class Skills

The Champion's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Ride (Dex).

Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Champions are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).

Alignment Aura (Not True Neutral)

The power of a champions alignment aura (see the detect evil spell) is equal to her champion level. A true neutral champion still has no alignment aura.

Champion Power Pools

The champion gets to pick four power pools, one each from four categories: Attack, Tactics, Channeling and Utility. These power pools should reflect the champion’s outlook on life and dedication to his ideals or deity.

All power pools gain new abilities at the same rate, as noted in TABLE: The Champion. The specific powers gained vary depending on which pools are chosen. Certain pools have alignment restrictions.

Attack Pools

These are the combative skills of the champion. All champions are warriors, but some rely on skill while others have powers of a more supernatural bent.

Champion Smite

This is what the standard paladin and blackguard has. The power of smite belongs to warring champions of all creeds, and is the most common attack power. Some champions do not smite enemies of opposite alignment, but has some other criteria instead; for example the Djinni Champion of Thunder smites opponents of the other elemental subtypes. The DM must approve this in each case. Neutral champions can only take Champion Smite if they pick such a variant. Note that these categories are supposed to be inclusive and champions are supposed to spend their time fighting the selected fores; if a category of creatures makes up less than 25% of all creatures encountered, it is probably inappropriate.

  • Attack 1, gained at level 2 (su): Once per day, a champion of 2nd level or higher may attempt to smite a creature of an opposing alignment with one normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma modifier (if positive) to the attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per level. If the champion accidentally smites a creature that is not of an opposed alignment, the smite has no effect but it is still used up for that day. Champion Smite is a supernatural ability.
  • Attack 2, gained at level 5 (su): Smite 2/day
  • Attack 3, gained at level 10 (su): Smite 3/day
  • Attack 4, gained at level 15 (su): Smite 4/day
  • Attack 5, gained at level 20 (su): Smite 5/day

Champion Warrior

A champion warrior is more geared towards the mundane than most or serving a power that promotes warrior skills.

  • Attack 1, gained at level 2 (ex): The champion gains the Weapon Focus feat for the weapon favored by his patron or alignment.
  • Attack 2, gained at level 5 (ex): The champion learns one bonus feat from the list of fighter bonus feats.
  • Attack 3, gained at level 10 (ex): The champion learns one bonus feat from the list of fighter bonus feats.
  • Attack 4, gained at level 15 (ex): The champion learns one bonus feat from the list of fighter bonus feats.
  • Attack 5, gained at level 20 (ex): The champion learns one bonus feat from the list of fighter bonus feats.

Champion Weapon

Certain champions imbue their weapons directly with the power of their faith. Common among those dedicated to fighting outsiders and undead above all else.

  • Attack 1, gained at level 2 (su): Any melee weapon the champion uses gains the "magic" quality, thus gaining the ability to damage certain creatures.
  • Attack 2, gained at level 5 (su): Any melee weapon the champion uses gains the "chaotic/evil/good/lawful" qualities that matches the character’s alignment, thus gaining the ability to damage certain creatures, including many outsiders.
  • Attack 3, gained at level 10 (su): Any melee weapon the champion uses gains the "ghost touch" quality, thus gaining the ability to ignore miss chance when attacking incorporeal or ethereal targets.
  • Attack 4, gained at level 15 (su): Any melee weapon the champion uses gains the "seeking" quality, thus ignoring any concealment miss chance. Seeking can normally only be applied to ranged weapons, but this ability is an exception.
  • Attack 5, gained at level 20 (sp): At will, the champion can give any melee weapon he uses the "brilliant energy" quality for 1 round/level or until it leaves the champion's hand. A brilliant energy weapon gives off light as a torch (20-foot radius). It ignores nonliving matter. Armor and shield bonuses to AC (including any enhancement bonuses to that armor) do not count against it because the weapon passes through armor. (Dexterity, deflection, dodge, natural armor, and other such bonuses still apply.) A brilliant energy weapon cannot harm undead, constructs, and objects.

Chosen Champion (Good or Evil only)

Certain rare champions are even more dedicated to good and evil than others, developing these ties as they gain in levels. More common among peaceful deities, but those rarely have champions.

  • Attack 1, gained at level 2 (ex): The champion learns one divine, vile, or holy feat, as appropriate to alignment. Divine feats are explained in Complete Divine. Vile feats are described in the Book of Vile Darkness. Holy feats are described in the Book of Exalted Deeds.
  • Attack 2, gained at level 5 (ex): The champion learns one additional divine, vile, or holy feat.
  • Attack 3, gained at level 10 (ex): The champion learns one additional divine, vile, or holy feat.
  • Attack 4, gained at level 15 (ex): The champion learns one additional divine, vile, or holy feat.
  • Attack 5, gained at level 20 (ex): The champion learns one additional divine, vile, or holy feat.

Elemental Weapon Champion

Suitable for champions whose patrons wield weapons of elemental might like Thor or Hieroneous, the elemental weapon champion can imbue their weapon with primal forces to strike down foes.

  • Attack 1, gained at level 2 (ex): Any melee weapon the champion uses gains the "magic" quality, thus gaining the ability to damage certain creatures.
  • Attack 2, gained at level 5 (ex): When wilding his deity's favored weapon, the elemental weapon champion can imbue it with his patron's element as a standard action. The weapon deals an additional 1d6 of elemental damage with each hit. This ability can be used once per day per two class levels and lasts a number of rounds equal to half the champion's class level + the champion's Charisma bonus, but the effect ends at the end of the round if the weapon leaves the champion's hand.
  • Attack 3, gained at level 10 (ex): Instead of giving the weapon additional elemental damage, the elemental weapon champion can add 2d6 of good/evil/chaotic/lawful damage, as appropriate to his alignment. A neutral elemental weapon champion can choose which type of damage to cause.
  • Attack 4, gained at level 15 (ex): The elemental weapon champion can give his weapon both elemental and aligned damage.
  • Attack 5, gained at level 20 (ex): Instead of giving his weapon additional damage, the the champion can give any melee weapon he uses the "brilliant energy" quality for 1 round/level or until it leaves the champion's hand. A brilliant energy weapon gives off light as a torch (20-foot radius). It ignores nonliving matter. Armor and shield bonuses to AC (including any enhancement bonuses to that armor) do not count against it because the weapon passes through armor. (Dexterity, deflection, dodge, natural armor, and other such bonuses still apply.) A brilliant energy weapon cannot harm undead, constructs, and objects.

Intrusion Champion

The champion is dedicated to "attack" installations, bypassing traps and locks to get to his goal.

  • Attack 1, gained at level 2 (ex): Trapfinding, as a rogue. Add Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), and Open Locks (Int) to the intrusion champion's list of class skills.
  • Attack 2, gained at level 5 (ex): Uncanny dodge, as a rogue.
  • Attack 3, gained at level 10 (ex): Trap sense +2, as a rogue.
  • Attack 4, gained at level 15 (ex): Improved uncanny dodge, as a rogue.
  • Attack 5, gained at level 20 (ex): Skill mastery as a rogue.

Tactics Pools

The tactical abilities of the champion – mainly defensive in nature, even if some champions see a poison blade in the back as the best defense. Some of these are in fact several powers all baked into one.

Champion Aura (Not True Neutral)

Champion aura imbues the champion with a part of the divine essence, empowering him against the supernatural.

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Detect Chas/Evil/Good/Law (sp): At will, the champion can detect chaos/evil/good/law as a spell-like ability – opposing alignments only.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Aura of Courage (ex/su): Beginning at 2nd level, a champion is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies within 10 feet of the champion gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Granting the morale bonus to allies is a supernatural ability. Divine Grace (su): A champion applies her Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws.
  • Tactics 3, gained at level 3: Protection from Alignment (su): The champion is constantly protected by protection from chaos/evil/good/law – but only opposed alignments.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Ghost Touch Armor (su): Any armor the champion wears gains the “ghost touch” quality, and thus protects against attacks from ethereal and incorporeal creatures.

Champion Blessing (Good, Lawful neutral, or Chaotic neutral Only)

This is what the standard paladin has, and is common among defenders of the good – though it does exist among champions of pure law and chaos. It is a defensive, group-oriented ability.

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Detect Chas/Evil /Law (sp): At will, the champion can detect chaos/evil/law as a spell-like ability – opposing alignments only.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Divine Grace (su): The champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws. Lay on Hands (su): Each day a champion can cure a total number of hit points equal to the Champion's Charisma bonus (if any) times the champion's level. The champion can cure themselves. The champion may choose to divide his curing among multiple recipients, and he doesn't have to use it all at once. Lay on hands is a spell-like ability whose use is a standard action. Alternatively, the Champion can use any or all of these points to deal damage to undead creatures. Treat this attack just like a touch spell. The Champion decides how many cure points to use as damage after successfully touching the undead creature.
  • Tactics 3, gained at level 3: Aura of Courage (ex/su): Beginning at 2nd level, a Champion is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies within 10 feet of the Champion gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Granting the morale bonus to allies is a supernatural ability. Divine Health (su): A champion is immune to all diseases, including magical diseases.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Remove Disease (sp): The Champion can remove disease once per day, plus once per day per three class levels (twice at level 9, thrice at 12, four times at 15, five times at 18).

Champion Commander

The champion is leader in the battles of his creed.

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Aura of Courage (ex/su): The champion is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies within 60 feet of the champion gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Granting the morale bonus to allies is a supernatural ability.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Divine Grace (su): The champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws.
  • Tactics 3, gained at level 3: Rally (ex): A champion not currently suffering from a fear effect can use this ability as a standard action. All allies within 60 feet who are suffering from any fear effect and who can hear the champion are allowed another saving throw against the fear effect, with a morale bonus equal to the champion’s Charisma bonus.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Inflame (ex): As a full-round action, the champion can inflame the passions of himself and his allies. All allies within 60 ft. who can hear the champion gains a morale bonus equal to the champion’s Charisma bonus on attack rolls and saving throws. The bonus lasts one minute per level of the champion. The champion can use inflame once per day, plus once per day per three class levels (twice at level 9, thrice at 12, four times at 15, five times at 18).

Champion of Corruption (Evil Only)

This is what the evil paladin variants from Unearthed Arcana have,

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Detect Good (sp): At will, the champion can detect good.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Divine Grace (su): The champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws. Deadly touch (sp): Beginning at 2nd level, a champion of corruption can cause wounds with a successful touch attack. Each day she can deal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her champion level x her Charisma bonus. An opponent subjected to this attack can make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 champion level + champion's Cha modifier) to halve the damage dealt. Alternatively, a champion of corruption can use any or all of this power to cure damage to undead creatures, just as an inflict wounds spell does. This power otherwise functions identically to the paladin's lay on hands ability.
  • Tactics 3, gained at level 3: Aura of Courage (ex/su): A champion of corruption radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within 10 feet of him to take a -2 penalty on all saving throws. This ability otherwise functions identically to the paladin's aura of courage class feature.. Divine Health (su): A champion is immune to all diseases, including magical diseases.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Inflict Disease (sp): A paladin of slaughter can inflict disease with her touch (as the contagion spell) once per day, plus once per day per three class levels (twice at level 9, thrice at 12, four times at 15, five times at 18). The Fortitude saving throw DC is (DC 10 + 1/2 champion level + champion's Cha modifier).

Champion Endurance

For the rugged survivor who is constantly tested against the elements – and who often serves a deity as wild and savage as the elements themselves – but it can also be a result of the devotion of a quiet ascetic.

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Endurance (ex): The champion gains the Endurance feat as a bonus feat. Endure Elements (su): the champion is constantly under the effects of endure elements. This is a supernatural ability.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Divine Grace (su): A champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws. Remove Fatigue (sp): The champion can eliminate fatigue in any creature he touches. The champion may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier.
  • Tactics 3, gained at level 3: Divine Health (su): A champion is immune to all diseases, including magical diseases. Temperature Resistance (su): The champion gains fire and cold resistance equal to his class level.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Energy Resistance (su): The champion gains sonic, electricity and acid resistance equal to his class level.

Champion Existentialist (Chaotic Only)

No-one dictates the actions of the existentialist, not even the power he serves. The existentialist’s relationship to his patron is loose, an ideal rather than a set of rules.

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Resolve (ex): The champion gains immunity to all charm, compulsion, and fear effects. His mind is his own; no other creature can control his thoughts or actions.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Remove Fatigue (sp): The champion can eliminate fatigue in any creature he touches. The champion may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Divine Grace (su): A champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws.
  • Tactics 3, gained at level 3: Aura of Resolve (su): The champion grants a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm, compulsion, or fear effects to all allies within 10 feet of him. This ability functions while the champion is conscious, but not if he is unconscious or dead.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Break Enhancement (sp): The champion can use break enchantment as a spell-like ability once per day, plus once per day per three class levels (twice at level 9, thrice at 12, four times at 15, five times at 18).

Champion Resilience

The resilient champion has been hardened in the service of his creed and is a doughty defensive warrior.

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Devotion (ex): The resilient champion’s Will saving throws are better than normal. Use the same base saving throw modifier for Will saves as for Fortitude saves.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Divine Grace (su): A champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws. Mettle (su): The champion can shrug off spells and magical effects that would otherwise harm him. If a champion makes a successful Will or Fortitude saving throw that would normally reduce the spell’s effect, he suffers no effect from the spell at all. Only spells with a Saving Throw entry of "Will partial" or "Fortitude half" or similar entries can be negated trough this ability.
  • Tactics 3, gained at level 3: Champion Balance (ex): The champion adds +2 to any roll to resist being bull rushed or tripped, and to Balance checks.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Damage reduction (su): The resilient champion has the ability to shrug off some amount of injury from each blow or attack. A resilient champion gains damage reduction 1/-. Every three levels the damage reduction increases by 1; 2/- at level 9, 3/- at 12, 4/- at 15, 5/- at 18

Champion of Murder (Evil Only)

The standard blackguard ability. The best defense is a preemptive sneak attack!

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Detect Good (sp): At will, the champion can detect good as a spell-like ability.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Aura of Despair (su): Beginning at 2nd level, the champion radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within 10 feet of him to suffer a –2 morale penalty on all saving throws. Aura of despair is a supernatural ability. Dark Blessing (su): The champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws.
  • Tactics 3, gained at level 3: Poison Use (ex): The champion is skilled in the use of poison and never risks accidentally poisoning himself when applying poison to a blade.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Sneak Attack (ex): If a champion can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend herself effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Basically, any time the champion’s target would be denied his Dexterity bonus to AC (whether he actually has a Dexterity bonus or not) or when the champion flanks the target, the champion’s attack deals +1d6 points of. Should the champion score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. A champion can only sneak attack a living creature with a discernible anatomy. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is also not vulnerable to sneak attacks. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, the champion can make a sneak attack that deals subdual damage instead of normal damage. The champion cannot use a weapon that deals normal damage to deal subdual damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty. The champion must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital spot. The champion cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach. The sneak attack damage bonus is +1d6 at level 6, and improves by 1d6 every 3 class levels (+2d6 at level 9, +3d6 at 12, +4d6 at 15, +5d6 at 18).

Death Lord (Evil Only)

Consorting with the undead is evil, but death lords are often lawful and claim to act in the interest of maintaining the rights of the living and dead. Of course, some are chaotic and use their soulless minions only as tools.

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Death Aura (su) The death lord registers as an undead creature of his hit dice to detection spells, and other undead will react to him as if he was an undead creature. Detect Undead (sp): At will, the champion can detect undead as a spell-like ability. This ability duplicates the effects of the spell. In addition, corpses suitable for animation registers as a faint undead aura.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Immortal Grace (su): A champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws. Touch of Death (su): Each day a champion can restore a total number of hit points equal to the champion's Charisma bonus (if any) times the champion's level to any undead creature. Touch of Death is a spell-like ability whose use is a standard action. Alternatively, the champion can use any or all of these points to deal damage to living creatures. Treat this attack just like a touch spell. The champion decides how many points to use as damage after successfully touching the living creature. The creature gets a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ level + Charisma bonus) for half damage.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Aura of Courage (ex/su): Beginning at 2nd level, a champion is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies within 10 feet of the champion gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Granting the morale bonus to allies is a supernatural ability. Death Attunement (su): The champion is attuned to negative energy. He becomes immune to negative levels caused by energy drain or negative energy, and is treated as an undead creature for the purpose of powers and spells that cure or inflict wounds. Immortal Health (su): A champion is immune to all diseases, including magical diseases.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: Animate Dead (sp): The champion may use animate dead as a spell-like ability once per day, plus once per day per three class levels (twice at level 9, thrice at 12, four times at 15, five times at 18).

Spider Champion

Inspired by the Drow Judicator, the spider champion is a devotee of the spider goddess and fights for her ideals.

  • Tactics 1, gained at level 1: Spider Step: The Spider Champion takes on the wall-walking ability of a spider and gains a climbing movement rate of 20 ft. A creature with a climb speed has a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks. The creature must make a Climb check to climb any wall or slope with a DC of more than 0, but it always can choose to take 10 even if rushed or threatened while climbing. The creature climbs at the given speed while climbing. If it chooses an accelerated climb it moves at double the given climb speed (or its base land speed, whichever is lower) and makes a single Climb check at a -5 penalty. Creatures cannot run while climbing. A creature retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus on their attacks against a climbing creature.
  • Tactics 2, gained at level 2: Dark Blessing (su): The champion applies his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws. Spider Bite: The spider champion gains a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage and is poisonous. The bite is a secondary natural weapon that can be used once per round at the spider champion’s highest base attack bonus, with the standard –5 penalty for a secondary attack. The Fortitude save DC for the poison is 18 + the spider champion’s Con modifier, and it deals 1d6 points of Strength damage for both its initial and its secondary damage.
  • Tactics 3, gained at level 3: Spider’s Grace: The Spider Champion takes on the elusive attributes of a spider. The character receives a +4 insight bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
  • Tactics 4, gained at level 6: War Strike (ex): The Champion can attempt a crippling strike with a normal melee attack. This must be stated before the attack is made. If he hits and inflicts any damage, he deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage in addition to his regular damage. The target may attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ champion level + champion’s Cha modifier) to halve the Constitution damage. War Strike can be used once per day, plus once per day per three class levels after level 6 (twice at level 9, thrice at 12, four times at 15, five times at 18).

Channeling Pools

All champions channel the powers of their ethos in some way.

Champion Caller

The champion can call allied outsiders and make deals with them. He can also banish them to a limited extent. The Champion Caller can also turn or rebuke undead (as appropriate to his alignment) as a cleric three levels below his champion class level. Planar allies called react very favorably to the champion and usually demand only half payment or waive the payment altogether if called while the champion is directly serving his cause.

  • Channeling 1, gained at level 4: Protection from Alignment (sp): Once per day per four levels, the champion can use protection from chaos/evil/good/law – opposed alignments only. A neutral champion can use any version.
  • Channeling 2, gained at level 8: Lesser Planar Ally (sp): Once per week per four class levels, the champion can use lesser planar ally as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 3, gained at level 11: Dismissal (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use dismissal as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 4, gained at level 14: Planar Ally (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use planar ally as a spell-like ability.

Champion Enchanter

Instead of preparing combat spells, the champion enchanter has a narrow range of weapon-boosting abilities with many uses. The Champion Enchanter can also turn or rebuke undead (as appropriate to his alignment) as a cleric three levels below his champion class level.

  • Channeling 1, gained at level 4: Bless Weapon (sp): Once per day per four levels, the champion can use bless weapon as a spell-like ability. The blessed weapon will offer benefits against anyone with an alignment component opposed to that of the champion.
  • Channeling 2, gained at level 8: Bull’s Strength (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use bull’s strength as a spell-like ability
  • Channeling 3, gained at level 11: Greater Magic Weapon (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use magic weapon, greater as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 4, gained at level 14: Holy Sword (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use holy sword as a spell-like ability. The blessed weapon will offer benefits against anyone with an alignment component opposed to that of the champion.

Champion Magic Resistance

Some champions are specialized against magic, either as enemies or in an effort to police it.

  • Channeling 1, gained at level 4:: Detect Magic (sp): At will, the Champion can detect magic as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 2, gained at level 8: Spell Resistance (ex): The champion has a spell resistance of 11 + class level. If the champion has a companion, this spell resistance is transferred with the Share Spells ability.
  • Channeling 3, gained at level 11: Greater Dispel Magic (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use greater dispel magic as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 4, gained at level 14: Greater Spell Resistance (ex): The champion has a spell resistance of 16 + class level. This supersedes the previous spell resistance ability. If the champion has a companion, this spell resistance is transferred with the Share Spells ability.

Champion Purifier (Non-Evil Only)

Instead of preparing diverse healing spells, the champion purifier has eternal access to a narrow range of restoratives. The Champion Purifier can also turn undead as a cleric three levels below his champion class level.

  • Channeling 1, gained at level 4: Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use delay poison or restoration, lesser as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 2, gained at level 8: Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use remove blindness/deafness or remove paralysis as a spell-like ability
  • Channeling 3, gained at level 11: Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use death ward. remove curse or remove disease as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 4, gained at level 14: Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use neutralize poison or restoration as a spell-like ability.

Champion Reanimator (Evil Only)

A focus on reanimating the undead. The Champion Reanimator can also rebuke undead as a cleric three levels below his champion class level.

  • Channeling 1, gained at level 4: Death Knell (sp): Once per day per four levels the champion can use death knell as a spell-like ability. Rebuke undead (su): The champion can rebuke undead as a cleric of his class level -3.
  • Channeling 2, gained at level 8: Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use animate dead as a spell-like ability
  • Channeling 3, gained at level 11: Once per week per four class levels, the champion can use create undead as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 4, gained at level 14: Once per week per four class levels, the champion can use create undead, greater as a spell-like ability.

Champion Spellcaster

Not all champions are spellcasters, only those taking this channeling pool. Beginning at 4th level, some champions gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells. To cast a spell, the champion must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the spell's level. Champion bonus spells are based on Wisdom, and saving throws against these spells have a Difficulty Class of 10 + spell level + Wisdom modifier. When the champion gets 0 spells of a given level, such as 0 1st-level spells at 4th level, he gets only bonus spells. A champion has access to any spell on the champion spell list and can freely choose which to prepare, just as a cleric can.

There are several sub-types of champion spellcasters. Each has a separate list and some of them also have special abilities. When you choose to be a champion spellcaster, you must pick one of the below spellcasting categories.

A champion prepares and casts spells just as a cleric does (though the champion cannot use spontaneous casting to substitute a cure spell in place of a prepared spell). Through 3rd level, a champion spellcaster has no caster level. Starting at 4th level, a champion's caster level is his class level minus three. Champion spellcasters do not gain new abilities at specific levels, rather they have a spells per day table like other spellcasters.

Table: Spells per day
Level Spells per Day
1 2 3 4
1 — — — —
2 — — — —
3 — — — —
4 0 — — —
5 0 — — —
6 1 — — —
7 1 — — —
8 1 0 — —
9 1 0 — —
10 1 1 — —
11 1 1 0 —
12 1 1 1 —
13 1 1 1 —
14 2 1 1 0
15 2 1 1 1
16 2 2 1 1
17 2 2 2 1
18 3 2 2 1
19 3 3 3 2
20 3 3 3 3

Blackguard (evil only) The blackguard uses the following spell list. In addition, a blackguard can rebuke undead as a cleric of his casting level.

1st level - cause fear, corrupt weapon, cure light wounds, curse water, detect good, detect poison, detect undead, divine favor, doom, endure elements, inflict light wounds, magic weapon, misdirection, protection from good, read magic, summon monster I . 2nd level - bull's strength, darkness, death knell, desecrate, eagle's splendor, hold person, resist energy, shatter, owl's wisdom, summon monster II*, undetectable alignment. 3rd level - bestow curse, contagion, cure moderate wounds, deeper darkness, dispel magic, inflict moderate wounds, magic circle against good, magic weapon, greater, prayer, protection from elements, summon monster III*, . 4th level - break enchantment, cure serious wounds, dispel good, freedom of movement, inflict serious wounds, mark of justice, poison, summon monster IV, unholy sword.

Asterixed spells are all evil. Summon monster spells summon only evil creatures. Corrupt weapon and unholy sword are similar to bless weapon and holy sword respectively, but offer benefits against good creatures instead of evil ones.

Crypt Knight (evil only) The crypt knight uses the following spell list. In addition, a crypt knight can rebuke undead as a cleric of his casting level. 1st level - cause fear, chill touch, death knell, deathwatch, detect undead, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds, summon undead I. 2nd level - animate dead, bull’s strength, command undead, cure light wounds, darkness, desecrate, false life, gentle repose, inflict moderate wounds, remove paralysis, shatter, slow poison, summon undead II. 3rd level - contagion, create undead, cure moderate wounds, deeper darkness, ghoul touch, greater magic fang, protection from elements, speak with dead, summon undead II*. 4th level - create greater undead, death ward, freedom of movement, inflict severe wounds, neutralize poison, poison, restoration, summon undead IV.

Champion Lawgiver (lawful only) The champion lawgiver uses the following spell list.

1st level - bless, bless water, bless weapon, cause fear, create water, cure light wounds, detect chaos, detect poison, detect undead, divine favor, doom, endure elements, know direction, magic weapon, protection from chaos, read magic, resistance, restoration (lesser), sanctuary, virtue. 2nd level - bull’s strength, calm emotions, delay poison, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, hold person, owl’s wisdom, remove paralysis, resist energy, shield other, zone of truth. 3rd level - bestow curse, cure moderate wounds, daylight, discern lies, dispel magic, heal mount, magic circle against chaos, magic weapon (greater), mark of justice, prayer, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse. 4th level - break enchantment, cure serious wounds, death ward, dispel chaos, hold monster, holy sword, neutralize poison, restoration, spell immunity.

Bless weapon and holy sword offer benefits against chaotic creatures instead of evil ones when cast by a champion lawgiver.

Champion Liberator (chaotic only) Dedicated to preserving freedom, the liberator is the ultimate existentialist, bearing the burden of his own actions all by herself – thus his spells are directed against no specific alignment. Even the chaotic can oppress.

The champion liberator uses the following spell list.

1st level - bless, bless water, bless weapon, cause fear, create water, cure light wounds, detect poison, detect undead, divine favor, doom, endure elements, entropic shield, know direction, magic weapon, misdirection, protection from law, read magic, resistance, restoration (lesser), virtue. 2nd level –bull’s strength, cat’s grace, delay poison, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, heroism, owl’s wisdom, remove paralysis, resist energy, shield other, undetectable alignment, zone of truth. 3rd level - bestow curse, cure moderate wounds, daylight, discern lies, dispel magic, heal mount, magic circle against law, magic weapon (greater), prayer, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse. 4th level - break enchantment, cure serious wounds, death ward, dispel law, freedom of movement, holy sword, neutralize poison, restoration.

Bless weapon and holy sword offer benefits against all creatures instead of only evil ones when cast by a champion liberator.

Champion Paladin (good only) The paladin uses the standard paladin spell list. In addition, a paladin can turn undead as a cleric of his casting level. Add detect evil as a first-level spell. (Unlike normal paladins, not all champions have this as an innate ability.)

Domain Champion Domain champions serve powers who care less for alignments than for their domains – gods of thunder, fire, sea or other divine spheres.

A domain champion spellcaster has the paladin spell list unless he is evil, in which case they use the blackguard spell list. No domain champion can use the spells Bless Weapon or Holy Sword. In addition, champion domain caster picks two clerical domains. This grants two domain powers and extra spells that become part of his spell list. Unlike clerics, they do not receive separate domain spell slots, instead preparing domain spells in regular spell slots. Nor can they turn or rebuke undead unless they pick a domain that grants such ability.

As a special rule, a domain champion spellcaster with the war domain and the champion warrior attack pool gains both weapon focus and weapon specialization in their patron’s favored weapon.

Champion Vigilant

The vigilant is a judge, inquisitor, truthseer, or detective. The champion gains 2 additional skill points per level. In addition, the following skills become class skills: Gather Information (Int), Intimidation (Cha), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis).

  • Channeling 1, gained at level 4: Know Direction (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use know direction as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 2, gained at level 8: See Invisible (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use see invisible as a spell-like ability.
  • Channeling 3, gained at level 11: Discern Lies (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use discern lies as a spell-like ability. The Will save DC against this effect is 10 + ½ level + Charisma bonus.
  • Channeling 4, gained at level 14: True Seeing (sp): Once per day per four class levels, the champion can use true seeing as a spell-like ability.

Utility Pools

Battle is not everything. In order to represent his creed, the champion gains some utility powers.

Champion Commando

Again, an option for the more mundane champion, dedicated to a creed that appreciates skill and self-reliance.

The champion gains 6 skill points per level instead of the usual two. In addition, the following skills become class skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Dex).

Champion Companion

Upon or after reaching 5th level, a champion can call an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal companion to serve him. The standard companion for a Medium-size champion is a warhorse, and the standard mount for a Small champion is a warpony or riding dog. The champion's companion is different from a standard animal of its type in many ways. If it was originally an animal or vermin, it is now a magical beast, and bases its skills, saves, attack rolls and feats on this new category.

Once per day, as a full-round action, the champion may magically call his mount from the outer plane in which it resides. The companion immediately appears next to the champion and remains until dismissed (as a free action). The companion is the same creature each time it is called, and because it is not summoned, will retain any equipment it had when last dismissed. As long as it is alive when dismissed, it returns to full health on the next summons. Should the companion die, it immediately disappears, leaving anything carried behind. A new companion can be called after a full day of meditation or a short quest. The same applies if the companion is retired. A quest might be required to get the more unusual companions.

Table: The Champion's mount
Champion Level Bonus HD Natural Armor Str Adj. Int Special
4–7 +2 +4 +1 6 Improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, share saving throws
8–11 +4 +6 +2 7 Improves speed
12–15 +6 +8 +3 8 Command creatures of its kind
16–19 +8 +10 +4 9 Spell resistance
20 +10 +12 +5 10

Champion Level: The level of the champion. If the companion suffers a level drain, treat it as a companion of a lower-level champion. Bonus HD: These are extra Hit Dice (normally d10), each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal. Remember that extra Hit Dice improve the companion's base attack and base save bonuses. These extra hit dice will not cause the creature to progress in size – they function as class levels in that regard.

Natural Armor: The number listed here is an improvement to the companion's AC. It represents the preternatural toughness of a champion's companion.

Str Adj.: Add this figure to the companion's Strength score.

Int: The companion's minimum Intelligence score. If the companion is naturally more intelligent than this, there is no bonus.

Improved Evasion: If the companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails. Improved evasion is an extraordinary ability.

Share Spells: At the champion's option, the champion may have any spell or spell-like ability he casts on him or herself also affect his companion. The companion must be within 5 feet. If the spell has a duration other than instantaneous, the spell stops affecting the companion if it moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the companion again even if the companion returns to the champion before the duration expires. Additionally, the champion may cast a spell or spell-like effect with a target of "You" on the companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. The champion and the companion can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type.

Empathic Link: The champion has an empathic link with the companion out to a distance of up to one mile. The champion cannot see through the companion's eyes, but they can communicate telepathically. Even intelligent companions see the world differently from humans, so misunderstandings are always possible. This is a supernatural ability. Because of the empathic link between the companion and the champion, the champion has the same connection to an item or place that the companion does, just as a master and his familiar.

Share Saving Throws: The companion uses its own base save or the champion's, whichever is higher.

Improved Speed (Ex): The companion's speed increases by 10 feet.

Command: The companion's command ability is a spell-like ability that it can use at will against other creatures of its kind with fewer Hit Dice than it has itself. The companion can use this ability once per day per two levels of its champion, and the ability functions just like the spell command. For purposes of this spell, the companion can make itself be understood by any creature of its kind. Since this is a spell-like ability, the companion may have to make a Concentration check to use the ability under stress.

Spell Resistance: The companion's spell resistance equals the champion's level + 5.

Relationship to the Companion: Lawful good champions treasure their companions as friends and devoted followers. Their companions are extremely loyal in all cases, but if they are dismissed or killed due to the champion’s carelessness, he may have to atone to gain a new companion. Chaotic evil champions have a less binding relationship; they can go through countless companions in their career. But their companions retain much more personal initiative and may balk at orders or even desert a champion when their objectives diverge – the companion may betray the champion rather than the other way around. For alignments in between, there is a balance between these extremes.

Alternate Champion Companions The companion is normally either a medium-sized animal or a warhorse, but there are other options as shown in Companions Table. In each case, no aspect of the champion’s alignment may be opposed to an aspect of the companion’s alignment.

A champion of higher level may select a more powerful creature as a companion. Because these creatures are more powerful than normal, they have a higher level requirement, and the effective level of the champion is reduced when calculating the bonus abilities of the companion.

The champion companion and the champion work excellently together. The champion is immune to any special attacks the champion companion may have, but not to special attacks possessed by other creatures of the same type. If the champion companion has some special ability it can use only on itself, that ability extends to the champion in a way similar to the share spells ability, above.

Undead and Construct Companions : To reflect the relative weakness of these companions, they receive twice the usual hit dice bonus for level advancement. In addition, an undead servant replaces the ability of Command with the ability to rebuke undead as a cleric of half its master’s level, once per day per two levels of its master, but does not apply Charisma bonuses or penalties to this ability.

4th level or higher (level ±0) : Any animal or vermin with a challenge rating of 2 or lower (N), Animated Object, Large (N), Arrowhawk, Juvenile (N), Devil, Lemure (LE), Elemental, Small or Medium (N), Krenshar (N), Phantom Fungus (N), Shocker Lizard (N), Skeleton, 5 hd or less (NE), Stirge (N), Tojanida, Juveline (N), Zombie, 6 hd or less (NE).

8th level or higher (level -4) : Any animal or vermin with a challenge rating of 4 or lower (N), Animated Object, Huge (N), Ankheg (N), Archon, Lantern (LG), Arrowhawk, Adult (N), Belker (NE), Blink Dog (LG), Choker (CE), Darkmantle (N), Demon, Dretch (CE), Demon, Quasit (CE), Devil, Imp (LE), Digester (N), Elemental, Large (N), Formian Warrior (LN), Ghoul (CE), Hell Hound (LE), Hippogriff (N), Hound Archon (LG), Howler (CE Magmin (CN), Mephit, any (N), Minotaur (CE), Nixie (N), Otygh (N), Owl, Giant (NG), Owlbear (N), Pegasus (CG), Pseudodragon (CG), Salamander (NE), Sea Cat (N), Skeleton, 9 hd or less (NE), Thoqqua (N), Tojanida, Adult (N), Vampire Spawn (NE), Worg (NE), Zombie, 14 hd or less (NE).

12th level or higher (level -8) : Any animal or vermin with a challenge rating of 6 or lower (N), Achaierai (LE), Animated Object, Gargantuan (N), Arrowhawk, Elder (N), Behir (N), Carrion Crawler (N), Devil, Chain (LE), Displacer Beast (LE), Drider (CE), Eladrin, Bralani (CG), Elemental, Huge (N), Gargoyle (CE), Genie, Jann (N), Ghast (CE), Girallon (N), Grick (N), Griffon (N), Hag, Annis (CE), Hieracosphinx (CE), Invisible Stalker (N), Manticore (LE), Medusa (LE), Mummy (LE), Shadow Mastiff (NE), Skeleton, 14 hd or less (NE), Slaad, Red (CN), Spider Eater (N), Tojanida, Elder (N), Troll (CE), Unicorn (CG), Will-o-Wisp (NE), Winter Wolf (NE), Yeth Hound (NE), Zombie, 20 hd or less (NE).

16th level or higher (level -12) : Any animal or vermin with a challenge rating of 8 or lower (N), Animated Object, Colossal (N), Bulette (N), Chaos Beast (CN), Chimera (CE), Chuul (CE), Criosphinx (N), Destrachan (NE), Devil, Hellcat (LE), Dragonne (N), Elemental, Greater (N), Genie, Djinnie (CG), Gorgon (N), Gray Renderer (N), Gynosphinx (N), Hag, Green (CE), Hag, Sea (CE), Harpy (CE), Hell Hound, Nessian (LE), Inevitable, Zelekhut (LN), Lamasy (LG), Lamia (CE), Lillend (CG), Nightmare (NE), Phase Spider (N), Remorhaz (N), Skeleton, 20 hd or less (NE), Slaad, Blue (CN), Treant (NG), Umber Hulk (N), Wywern (N).

20th level or higher (level -16), Any animal or vermin with a challenge rating of 10 or lower (N), Androsphinx (CG), Delver (N), Demon, Babau (CE), Demon, Beblith (CE), Demon, Retriever (CE), Devil, Erinyes (LE), Elemental, Elder (N), Genie, Efreet (won’t grant wishes), (LE), Guardinal, Avoral (NG), Inevitable, Kolyarut (LN), Quatl (LG), Roc (N), Slaad, Green (CN).

Champion Navigator

The champion navigator has ties to a ship or other vessel, a captain and master on board.

Gain Knowledge (geography) as a class skill. For these abilities to function, the champion must be the undisputed leader and commander of a large vehicle with a crew of at least five people. He must also have spent at least one week in the past month aboard the vessel.

  • Utility 1, gained at level 4: Fortified Vessel (su): The Hardness of the vessel is increased by +1. This is a sacred bonus and increases by +1 every 4 levels.
  • Utility 2, gained at level 8: Seaworthy (su): Any skill roll made to navigate, repair, or operate the vessel gets a +2 bonus. The bonus can apply to you or to anyone under your command. This is a sacred bonus and increases by +1 every 4 levels.
  • Utility 3, gained at level 12: Vessel Awareness (su): The champion becomes constantly aware of what is happening on board the vessel whenever he is on board. This uses the Spot skill, except that you are observing from every part of the vessel all the time.
  • Utility 4, gained at level 16: Constant Lookout (su): As the aware ability, above, except that it extends out to 10 ft. per level from the vessel in all directions, and that it works as long as you remain in that area. It is almost impossible to run aground once you have this ability, as the sea floor is pretty obvious.
  • Utility 5, gained at level 20: Vessel Recall (sp): Once per week per four class levels, you can use word of recall as a spell-like ability. If you are on board your vessel when you do this, this will call you, your vessel, and everyone on board back to your port of call. Unwilling passengers receive a Will saving throw to avoid the effect (DC 10 + Cha bonus + ½ class level).

Champion Officer

The champion commands men rather than supernatural bests.

  • Utility 1, gained at level 4: Leadership (ex): You gain the Leadership feat despite not having sufficient level to qualify for it. Your Leadership Score has a permanent +2 modifier.
  • Utility 2, gained at level 8: Domination (ex): You ignore all negative modifiers to your Leadership score, for whatever reason. Your men are devoted to you even if you repeatedly fail them.
  • Utility 3, gained at level 12: Regular (ex): After having served with you for a week, all your followers (not cohorts) gain an additional level of experience.
  • Utility 4, gained at level 16: Veteran (ex): After having served with you for a week, all your followers (not cohorts) gain two additional levels of experience. This supercedes (does not stack with) the regular ability, above.
  • Utility 5, gained at level 20: Elite (ex): After having served with you for a week, all your followers (not cohorts) gain three additional levels of experience. This supercedes (does not stack with) the regular and veteran abilities, above.

Champion Pilgrim

Certain champions spend their lives wandering form place to place in an eternal pilgrimage.

Gain Survival as a class skill.

  • Utility 1, gained at level 4: Longstrider (su): You are constantly under a longstrider effect. So is any mount you ride. If this ability is somehow negated, you can re-establish it as a free action.
  • Utility 2, gained at level 8: Expeditious Retreat (sp): Once per day per four class levels, you can use expeditious retreat as a spell-like ability. Doing so is a free action.
  • Utility 3, gained at level 12: Longstrider, Mass (sp): Once per day per four class levels, you can use longstrider as a spell-like ability, affecting up to one ally/level, all of whom must be within 30 ft. of you at the time.
  • Utility 4, gained at level 16: Word of Recall (sp): Once per week per four class levels, you can use word of recall as a spell-like ability.
  • Utility 5, gained at level 20: Refuge (sp): Once per week per four class levels, you can use refuge as a spell-like ability. As with all spell-like abilities, there is no need for a material component with a gold piece cost to use this ability, tough you still need an item to put the magic upon.

Champion Plane Warden

The champion plane warden has taken upon himself to guard the pathways between planes.

Gain Knowledge (Planes) as a class skill.

  • Utility 1, gained at level 4: Dimensional Anchor (su): Once per day per class level, you can use dimensional anchor as a spell-like ability. The Will save DC against this effect is 10 + ½ level + Charisma bonus.
  • Utility 2, gained at level 8: Plane Shift (sp): Once per week per four class levels, you can use plane shift as a spell-like ability.
  • Utility 3, gained at level 12: Planar Recall (sp): Once per week per four class levels, you can use word of recall as a spell-like ability. Unlike the spell, this ability can travel between planes.
  • Utility 4, gained at level 16: Dimension Lock (sp): Once per day per four class levels, you can use dimensional lock as a spell-like ability.
  • Utility 5, gained at level 20: Astral Projection/Etherealness (sp): Once per week per four class levels, you can use either astral projection or etherealness as a spell-like ability.