Foreigners (Greyhawk 4E)

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Greyhawk for 4E

Humans are the dominant race of Greyhawk, even after the resurge of the fey. This means humans need to be treated in greater detail than in most D&D campaigns. These variants of the basic human differ in details, but follow the general humans on humans as outlined in the Player’s Handbook, including the bonus feeat and extra at-will power. There are three differences besides purely cultural traits. Attributes are specified, with a +2 bonus to two different attributes. Bonus skills are specified to one of a short list – not to class skills. In some cases the second language is specified as well.

Mixed or Minor

This is a catch-all for racial mixes, mismatches, and peoples to small to have their own category. It is slightly less powerful than the others, but has unsurpassed flexibility. This is the Human described in the Player's Handbook.

  • Attribute bonuses: +2 any one ability score
  • Recommended classes: Any
  • Cultural classes: Any
  • Languages: Common, any one other.
  • Bonus Skill: Any


Rhenne form a migrant population, some on the waterways of the Nyv Dyr, others on the roads of other civilized lands. Nonmilitant yet not docile, they latch on to the civilizations of others. They have a cultural phobia against divine magic; any Rhenne practicing divine magic is cast out.

  • Attribute bonuses: +2 Con, +2 Cha
  • Recommended classes: Warlock
  • Cultural classes: Rogue, Warlock
  • Languages: Common, Rhenne (properly named Rhopan).
  • Bonus Skill: One of Acrobatics, Bluff, Insight, Thievery.


These races are not native to the Flaness, and exist only as immigrants. They do not have Common as their language, but most learn it.

Tuov (Hepmonland)

The black warriors of Hepmonland are proud and accomplished.

  • Attribute bonuses: +2 Str, +2 Con
  • Recommended classes: Fighter
  • Cultural classes: Fighter, Ranger, Warlock
  • Languages: Tuov, any one other.
  • Bonus Skill: Any


Living in the intensely magical land of Zindia, these people are frail of body but great in spirit.

  • Attribute bonuses: +2 Int, +2 Wis
  • Recommended classes: Wizard
  • Cultural classes: Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard
  • Languages: Zindian, any one other.
  • Bonus Skill: Any


Coming from a land ruled by dragonborn, the Nipponese do all in their power to live up to their demanding masters.

  • Attribute bonuses: +2 Dex, +2 Con
  • Recommended classes: Ranger, Warlock
  • Cultural classes: Fighter, Ranger, Warlord, Wizard
  • Languages: Nipponese, any one other.
  • Bonus Skill: Any


The remotest human people known, Celestials live at the center of the world in a land dominated by dragons and kobolds.

  • Attribute bonuses: +2 Dex, +2 Int
  • Recommended classes: Wizard
  • Cultural classes: Cleric, Fighter, Warlord, Wizard
  • Languages: Celestial, any one other.
  • Bonus Skill: Any