Domain Sorcerer (D&D Sorcerer variant)

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Unofficial rules compendium

The domain sorcerer is tied to some source of power; this can be a patron like a powerful outsider or spirit, it can be an element, or it can just be a natural phenomenon. Unlike a divine spellcaster, a domain sorcerer's patron has no direct say over the sorcerer’s power, and they cannot communicate directly. In fact, the source of the domain sorcerer's powers need not even be sentient. Rather, the sorcerer has managed to contact the source of power and received a gift that cannot easily be taken back. Sentient patrons try to judge the personalities of those who want their power and only sponsor those who seem worthy in their eyes, but once they have done this, they cannot easily withdraw their power.

Bonus feats:

  • Level 1:
    • Eschew Materials.
  • Level 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20: select from this list:
    • Any metamagic feat
    • Any Draconic feat
    • Any Heritage feat
    • New Spell
    • Spell Focus


All sorcerers get one domain, automatically learning all domain spells as soon as they can cast them. You also get the granted power of the domain. Domain spells are considered arcane spells when used by a sorcerer. Any divine focus requirement can be ignored with Eschew Materials. Domain powers in italics have been changed from the original. Some domains are the same as those of clerics; others are arcane domains from Unearthed Arcana; the later all have new domain powers.

A domain sorcerer that takes a prestige class that grants new spellcasting levels continues to gain new domain spells as he advances, just like a cleric does.

Name Domain Power Reference
Animal Speak with animals once per day. Knowledge (nature) as class skill Player's Handbook p 186
Antimagic +4 bonus on dispel checks Unearthed Arcana p 57
Battle Proficiency and Weapon Focus with one martial weapon Unearthed Arcana p 57
Cold Cold resistance 5 Unearthed Arcana p 57
Conjuration Double duration on conjuration spells (as Extend Spell) Unearthed Arcana p 57
Death Spells on domain list do not require a material components Player's Handbook p 186
Divination Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot as class skills Unearthed Arcana p 57
Domination Spell Focus (enchantment) Complete Divine p 138
Dream Immune to fear Complete Divine p 138
Earth Acid resistance 5 Player's Handbook p 186
Enhancement Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Sense Motive as class skills Unearthed Arcana p 58
Evocation Spell Focus (evocation) Unearthed Arcana p 58
Fire Fire resistance 5 Unearthed Arcana p 58
Force Reroll damage roll 1/day Complete Divine p 138
Illusion Spell Focus (illusion) Unearthed Arcana p 58
Knowledge All knowledge skills become class skills Player's Handbook p 187
Liberation Reroll certain saves Complete divine p 139
Luck Reroll once/day Player's Handbook p 187
Madness Madness Complete Divine p 139
Magic Spells on domain list do not require a material components Player's Handbook p 188
Mind +2 Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive Complete Divine p 140
Necromancy Spell Focus (necromancy) Unearthed Arcana p 58
Oracle Divination spells at +2 caster levels Complete Divine p 140
Pestilence Immune to effects of disease Complete Divine p 141
Plant Add Survival and Knowledge (nature) to class skills Player's Handbook p 188
Storm Electric resistance 5 Unearthed Arcana p 58
Summoner +2 caster level for Conjuration (summoning) spells Complete Divine p 141
Transmutation Spell Focus (transmutation) Unearthed Arcana p 58
Travel Freedom of movement 1 round per day per level Player's Handbook p 188
Trickery Bluff, Disguise, Hide become class skills Player's Handbook p 189
War Proficiency and Weapon Focus with one martial weapon Player's Handbook p 189
Water +4 bonus on Swim skill Player's Handbook p 189
Weather Reduce effects of wind Complete Divine p 141