Witch (Apath)
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Witchery expanded.
A witch can learn the Spell Mastery feat, just like a wizard.
Hexes that lack a range in their description (such as peacebond) have a range of 30 ft.
- Command objects (sp): You can animate one Tiny object (as animate objects) at will. At level 2 you can animate a Small object, at level 4 a Medium object, at level 8 a Large object and at level 16 a Huge object. An object animated with this ability lasts until you animate a new object. You control all animated objects under your control better than normal, commanding them to perform tasks other than attacking as if they were as intelligent as your familiar is. They have no other of your familiar's abilities, and don't really have an Intelligence score; your familiar directs them subconsciously.
- Improved Familiar (ex): The witch gains the Improved Familiar feat but must meet any prerequisites.
- Potion trap (su): The witch can cast a hex over a potion or other container of drink, while casting a spell that affects one or more creatures. The casting and hex together take a full-round action. The next creature that drinks from this liquid suffers from the indicated spell as if cast by the witch. The saving throw for this spell is that of a hex, rather than a spell. The witch decides all the details of the spell when using the hex. When using this with a spell like charm person that gives the witch special advantage against the target, the witch can select another creature present when the hex is used as the beneficiary of that part of the spell. The hex is considered a magic trap, with a detection and disable difficulty equal to 10 + the saving throw DC. If not consumed within 24 hours, it loses its potency.
- Poison nails (ex): The witch's unarmed attacks inflict a poison. This poison deals 1d3 Dexterity damage per round for 6 rounds. Poisoned creatures can make a Fortitude save each round to negate the damage and end the affliction - save Dc is the same as for other hexes.
- Skyclad Witch (su): The witch is constantly under the effects of endure elements and learns the Eschew Material Components feat.
- Spirit familiar (Su): Your familiar can become incorporeal for one round at will as a standard action as long as it is within line-of-sight of you.
Major Hex
- Extend terrain (Su): You can cause a terrain feature to grow in size, making a glacier, wood, swamp, desert, grassland or other type of terrain expand to replace other types of terrain. This cannot change bedrock or stone, but otherwise shapes the landcape. The select type of terrain within 300 ft. of you expands by 20 ft. from any point it covered before. If a creature is on the land you are trying to change, it gets a saving throw to negate the hex. You can only use this ability once per hour on any particular area, successfully or not. If you die, the terrain rapidly shrinks back to its old limits.
- Ride tool (Su): The witch enchants a broom or a piece of equipment or tool of approximately the same size and shape, including most two-handed weapons. The tool confers overland flight for a number of hours per day equal to her level. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour increments. The witch can share this effect with another, spending hours of duration on tools for them to ride. The tool can still be used normally while under this hex, the witch only actually rides it when hustling, but if it is lost or packed the ability is suppressed until it is held in hand again.
Only cantrips from the basic rulebook are considered common spells; the rest have to be learned during play.
External Links
- Witch at www.d20pfsrd.com
- Witch Guide
- A Witch’s Guide to Shutting Down Enemies