Weapon Bind (Apath)

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Weapon Bind (Combat)

Benefit: You can make a weapon bind maneuver without triggering an attack of opportunity. This works as a disarm maneuver, and gains any bonuses that apply to such a maneuver, but the results are different. Instead of disarming your opponent, you bind the opponent’s weapon (or one weapon of choice against an opponent using several weapons). This maneuver works against opponents using natural weapons or otherwise immune to disarm, and a locked glove or weapon cord provides no defense. If you have Greater Disarm, trapping a weapon causes the opponent to trigger an attack of opportunity just as a successful disarm would.

If you succeed you ensnare a weapon of your choice, preventing your foe from using that weapon until the end of your next turn. If your CMB check exceeds the CMD of the target by 10 or more, two of the targets limbs are entangled. A foe can take a standard action to free its weapon(s).