Wandering Craftsman (Apath)

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A wandering craftsman is a respectable person learning a respectable craft while wandering the earth to seek new experiences and new skills. Far from a rogue, he is still a person with his wits about him. Commonly caught up in exceptional situations, he has to act much like a rogue to survive. As an adventurer he relies on skills, magic item creation, and physical fighting. Unable to cast spells, he still has a spellcaster level and spell list, solely for the purpose of creating magic items.

Class Abilities

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Wandering craftsmen are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the sap. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Virtual Caster Level

A wandering craftsman is not a spellcaster, but he has a spellcaster level equal to his wandering craftsman level solely for the purpose of creating magic items. The wandering craftsman uses the wizard spell list, and can use wizardly spell trigger items. In order to use a spell in item creation, the wandering craftsman must have an Intelligence equal to or higher than the spell's level +10.

Note that wandering craftsmen do not have Spellcraft as a class skill. Most wandering craftsmen use the appropriate Craft or Profession skills to create magic items. If a wandering craftsman is enchanting an item he has created himself using craft skills, add +5 to the Craft or Profession skill roll to enchant the item. Time spend crafting an item also counts against the time it takes to enchant that item.

Craftsmans's Disability

At 12th level, a wandering craftsman gains a disability from long hours of hard work with dangerous materials. Select one of the following penalties.

  • Forgetfulness: Reduce the wandering craftsman's virtual caster level by 2.
  • Greed: The craftsmaster gets over-attached to his work, and refuses to lend, give away, or give a discount on anything he creates, even to close friends.
  • Hard of Hearing: The craftsmaster takes a -5 penalty on hearing Perception tests.
  • Limp: The wandering craftsman cannot run.
  • Premature Aging: The craftsmaster goes bald, gets thin white hair, looks wasted, suffers permanent bad breath, or otherwise seems aged and generally unattractive. Take a -5 penalty on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skills to flirt.
  • Twitches: The craftsmaster suffers from periodic twitches, reducing his CMD by -2.

Summary of Lost Class Abilities

These abilities of the original class are lost or modified in this archetype: None.