Voices Curse (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium


Publisher: Trailseeker.

You hear incorporeal voices speaking to you.

You are constantly surrounded by a choir of voices that advice and guide you. These voices are distracting, making you suffer a -2 penalty on initiative checks and -5 on Perception checks. The advice they give always follow the ideals of your faith, and they urge you to act piously. At least once per session, they urge you to go to extreme lengths in pursuit of the ideals of your faith. You should role-play this, and the GM should voice this advice at least once per session. Sometimes the voices have a long-term agenda they might lead you on, in other cases they just advocate a very pious life. Not following the advice of your voices is a breach of faith, but you can argue with them if you do not agree with their advice. In cases of disagreement your voices can take away one of your highest available spell slots for each infraction.

Asking the advice of your voices is a standard action. They have a skill bonus in Knowledge (Religion) of 10 + your level. The voices are not immediately aware of your surroundings, taking a few rounds to take in a situation; they will not warn you if you are about to do something stupid or improper unless you ask.

At level 5 you gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects.

At level 10 the voices help you control yourself. You can make an additional saving throw each round to break out of a lasting mind-affecting effect that allows a Will saving throw.

At level 15, you can use commune at will as a spell-like ability. Doing so takes an hour of intense communion with your voices.

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