Summoner Spell List Additions (Apath)

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Summoner Spell List Additions

The unchained summoner lost all spells from "minor" paizo publications, which are listed here. A few of these spells have been altered in level; phantom chariot, damnation stride, summon stampede,

Level 0: benign dispel, fireflies, summon zero.

Level 1: bone armor, celestial healing, detect metal, flotsam vessel, infernal healing, lighten object, rouse undead I, snowball.

Level 2: alter summoned monster, anti-summoning shield, blade tutor's spirit, dark whispers], final sacrifice, force anchor, gird ally, glitterdust, rouse undead II.

Level 3: air breathing], conjuration foil, conjure carriage, deft digits, insect spies, master's escape, pack empathy, rouse undead IV, selective alarm, siphon might, summon totem creature, sundered serpent coil, swarm of fangs, trade items, urban step.

Level 4: calm air, caustic blood, celestial healing (greater), devil contract, hollow heroism, infernal healing (greater), instant restoration, nixie's lure, skeleton crew, summon lesser psychopomp, phantom chariot, rouse undead V.

Level 5: banishing blade, damnation stride, eaglesoul, geniekind, grand destiny, lighten object (mass), mage's decree, master's mutation, rouse undead VI, summon infernal host, summon stampede, summon vanth, unseen crew.

Level 6: baleful shadow transmutation, dissolution, human potential (mass), insect spies (greater), magnetic field, planar refuge, rouse undead VII, shadow transmutation, summon laborers, treacherous teleport, true seeing.

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