Summoner (Apath)

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Variant Unchained Eidolons

The following additional subtypes of unchained eidolons exist, tough some are restricted to certain summoner archetypes.

Alien Eidolon


These eidolons are twisted in body and soul, creatures from realms beyond sane comprehension. All have the extraplanar subtype, but some have the aberration type and others have the outsider type. The only effect of type is that certain spells and abilities work differently against different creature types.

Alignment: Any, but most are both chaotic and evil.

Forbidden Evolutions: Weapon training.

Base Form: Biped (bite, claws, or tentacle, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite, claws, or tentacle), or serpentine (bite, tentacles [2]).

Base Evolutions: the alien eidolon becomes unsettling to its foes, gaining the frightful presence ability, but with a duration of 1d6 rounds and cannot cause the frightened condition. The alien eidolon also gains one additional evolution point.

At 4th level, the alien eidolon's frightful presence lasts 2d6 rounds. The alien eidolon also gains one additional evolution point.

At 8th level, the alien eidolon gains the full frightful presence evolution; it lasts the full 3d6 rounds and can cause the frightened condition. The alien eidolon also gains one additional evolution point.

At 12th level, the alien eidolon's frightful presence causes the confused condition instead of the scared condition. See insanity in the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide. The alien eidolon also gains one additional evolution point.

At 16th level, the alien eidolon gains the power of an amulet of the planes and a necklace of adaptation, and is protected against the cold and radiation of outer space. A creature carried by the eidolon shares these effects.

At 20th level, the alien eidolon's frightful presence causes both confusion and a random permanent insanity when it would normally cause the frightened condition. The alien eidolon also gains one additional evolution point.

Aeon Eidolon

Aeons are mysterious creatures maintaining the balance between opposing concepts. They are often able to to manipulate the very stuff of reality to achieve their ends. As eidolons, they always have an imbalance that they have been sent to right. They accept the distraction that daily service to the summoner entails, but expect complete focus on their goal once it becomes possible to achieve. Luckily, they usually seek out summoners sympathetic to their cause.

Alignment: Neutral.

Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or serpentine (bite, tail).

Forbidden Evolutions: Improved damage, mount.

Base Evolutions: An aeon eidolon gains a number of abilities at first level: focus question, envisaging, extension of all, and destructive touch. Together, these greatly change the abilities of the eidolon, and several improve over levels.

Focus Question (Sp): At first level, each aeon eidolon selects a question to focus on, and gains spell-like abilities centered on this focus at level 1, 4, and 12. When first gained, a these spell-like abilities can be used once per day each. 4 levels later, they can be used 3 times per day each. They are cast a cleric of a level equal to the eidolon's hit dice and have a save DC of 10 + half the eidolon's hit dice + the eidolon's Wisdom modifier.

Feel or think?

Level 1: Detect chaos and detect law.
Level 4: Calm emotions and bestow insight.
Level 12: Commune and true seeing.
Level 20: Overwhelming presence.

Intuition or reason?

Level 1: Daze and guidiance.
Level 4: Fox's cunning and owl's wisdom.
Level 12: Ancestral memory and find the path.
Level 20: Discern location.

Live or die?

Level 1: Deathwatch
Level 4: Cure serious wounds and cause serious wounds.
Level 12: Breath of life and slay living
Level 20: Soul bind.

Make chains, or break them?

Level 1: Command and remove fear
Level 4: Enthrall and surmount afflictionUM.
Level 12: Break enchantment and lesser geas.
Level 20: Euphoric tranquilityAPG.

Time or space?

Level 1: Augury and lesser confusion.
Level 4: Haste and slow.
Level 12: Dimensional anchor, teleport.
Level 20: Dimensional lock.

To be or not to be?

Level 1: Mending and spark.
Level 4: Make whole and shatter.
Level 12: Disintegrate, fabricate.
Level 20: Mage's disjunction.

Envisaging (Su) Aeons communicate wordlessly, almost incomprehensibly. Aeons mentally scan beings within 100 ft. for their thoughts and intentions, and then retaliate with flashes of psychic projections that emit a single concept in response to whatever the other being was thinking. The flash is usually a combination of a visual and aural stimulation, which displays how the aeon perceives future events might work out. For instance, an aeon seeking to raze a city communicates this concept to non-aeons by sending them a vivid image of the city crumbling to ash. An aeon’s envisaging functions as a non-verbal form of telepathy. Aeons cannot read the thoughts of any creature immune to mind-affecting effects.

Extension of All (Ex) Through an aeon’s connection to the multiverse, it gains access to strange and abstruse knowledge that filters through all existence. Much of the knowledge is timeless, comprised of events long past, present, and potentially even those yet to come. Aeons gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Dice on all Knowledge skill checks. This same connection also binds them to other aeons. As a result, they can communicate with each other freely, over great distances as if using telepathy. This ability also works across planes, albeit less effectively, allowing the communication of vague impressions or feelings, not specific details or sights. An aeon eidolon share is this communion, but the usefulness of this ability to the summoner is limited by the envisaging ability.

Destructive Touch (Su) The aeon eidolon can make a melee attack that inflicts 1d6 points of force damage. This damage increases by +1 at level 4 and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 1d6+5 at level 20. This is a primary natural attack, but gains no damage bonus from Strength.

At 4th level, aeon eidolons gain Void Form (Su) Though aeons aren’t incorporeal, their forms are only a semi-tangible manifestation of something greater. An aeon’s void form grants it a deflection bonus equal to 1/4 its Hit Dice (rounded down).

At 8th level, aeon eidolons gain Resistance to cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10 as well as a +4 bonus on saves against poison.

At 16th level, aeon eidolons gain immunity to cold, critical hits, and poison.

Augmented Animal Eidolon

(naturalist, spirit summoner, wild caller, wild caller racial)

Some summoners have bonded with a spirit of the wild, a spirit-animal or avatar of nature. These eidolons are of the animal type and the extra-dimensional subtype. Hailing from wild places on other planes, these creatures often start out looking like a terrestrial animal, but as they progress they often grow to be fantastic combinations of animal traits. They have the same mental and physical attributes as other eidolons and can speak.

Alignment: Neutral Good, neutral, or neutral evil.

Forbidden Evolutions: Breath weapon, damage reduction, energy attacks, magic attacks, weapon training.

Base Form: Biped (bite or claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite or claws, scent), or serpentine (bite, poison [bite], scent).

Class Skills Instead of the normal eidolon's list of class skills the augmented animal eidolon uses the following list: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Fly (Dex), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Base Evolutions: Starting at 1st level, augmented animal eidolons gain the increased attribute (Constitution) evolution.

At 4th level, augmented animal eidolons gain wild empathy (Ex). The eidolon can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The eidolon rolls 1d20 and adds its hit dice level and its Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the eidolon and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The eidolon can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but it takes a –4 penalty on the check. If the augmented animal eidolon is using wild empathy against an animal it strongly resembles in form and function (at the GMs option), it gains a +4 bonus on the check.

At 8th level, augmented animal eidolons gain woodland stride (Ex). The augmented animal eidolon may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at its normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect it.

At 12th level, the augmented animal eidolon gains swift tracker (ex) and can move at its normal speed while using Survival to follow tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. It takes only a –10 penalty (instead of the normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

At 16th level, augmented animal eidolons gain quarry (Ex). The augmented animal eidolon can, as a standard action, denote one target within its line of sight as its quarry. Whenever it is following the tracks of its quarry, it can take 10 on its Survival skill checks while moving at normal speed, without penalty. In addition, it receives a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls made against its quarry, and all critical threats are automatically confirmed. An augmented animal eidolon can have no more than one quarry at a time. It can dismiss this effect at any time as a free action, but it cannot select a new quarry for 24 hours. If the augmented animal eidolon sees proof that its quarry is dead, it can select a new quarry after waiting 1 hour.

At 20th level, augmented animal eidolons gain hide in plain sight (ex) and can use Stealth to hide even without cover or concealment in any kind of natural terrain.

Dragon Eidolon

Table: Dragon Eidolon
Dragon Type Energy Type Breath Shape Alignment
Black Acid 60-foot line Chaotic Evil
Blue Electricity 60-foot line Lawful Evil
Green Acid 30-foot cone Lawful Evil
Red Fire 30-foot cone Chaotic Evil
White Cold 30-foot cone Chaotic Evil
Brass Fire 60-foot line Chaotic Good
Bronze Electricity 60-foot line Lawful Good
Copper Acid 60-foot line Chaotic Good
Gold Fire 30-foot cone Lawful Good
Silver Cold 30-foot cone Lawful Good

(monster channeler, monster mage)

Certain summoners ally with extra-dimensional dragons. These dragon eidolons are proud and won't stand for abuse, but will indulge a loyal and polite summoner as if he was a pet. A dragon eidolon is modeled on a kind of true dragon, and gains a breath weapon and damage resistance based on the type of dragon, see Table: Dragon Eidolon.

Alignment: Depends on the type of dragon chosen, see Table: Dragon Eidolon.

Forbidden Evolutions: Tentacle.

Base Form: Quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite and claws).

Base Evolutions: At first level, dragon eidolons gain the flight (wings) evolution. A dragon eidolon must be Small in size until level 4. Thereafter it can be any size normally allowed.

At 4th level, dragon eidolons gain the resistance evolution against the energy type from Table: Dragon Eidolon.

At 8th level, dragon eidolons gain the breath weapon evolution. Certain dragon eidolons may have a 60 ft' line instead of a 30 ft. cone, depending on the type of breath the original dragon has, see Table: Dragon Eidolon.

At 12th level, dragon eidolons gain the immunity evolution against the damage type listed on Table: Dragon Eidolon. The dragon eidolon gets no refund for the resistance evolution which now becomes obsolete.

At 16th level, dragon eidolons gain the wing buffet evolution.

At 20th level, dragon eidolons gain the frightful presence evolution.

Dream Eidolon

Animated dream, feargaunt


Alignment: XXX.

Base Form: Biped (bite or claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite or claws, scent), or serpentine (bite, poison [bite], scent).

Forbidden Evolutions:

Base Evolutions: the XXX evolution.

At 4th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 8th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 12th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 16th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 20th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

Einherjar Eidolon

Einherjar are champions of chaos and individuality who have achieved immortality as champions of a god or cause, too stubbornly proud to change their shape upon becoming outsiders. Einherji sometimes make pacts with summoners, commonly those that sing their praise or descendants from their mortal life. A summoner that hangs back and avoids combat will be seen as a skald companion by the einherjar, someone to be protected so they can continue to weave tales of glory around the einherjar's deeds.

Einherjar always keep their basic form and cannot gain additional limbs, but they can otherwise gain evolutions, including those that confer natural attacks such as gore, bite, or claws. An einherjar who fights with weapons treats all natural attacks as secondary weapons.

Alignment: Any chaotic.

Forbidden Evolutions: Burrow, constrict, limbs, mount, pincers, poison, reach, sting, tail, tail slap, tentacle, web.

Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).

Base Evolutions: Einherjar are proficient with all weapons and shields (except tower shields). They are immune to fear.

At 4th level, the einherjar eidolon can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting it additional combat prowess. An einherjar eidolon can rage for two rounds per day for each hit dice. An einherjar eidolon can enter or exit a rage as a free action. If an einherjar eidolon falls unconscious, it rage immediately ends. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed when the summoner prepares spells.

While in a rage, an einherjar eidolon gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. She also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. These temporary hit points are lost first when a character takes damage, disappear when the rage ends, and are not replenished if the einherjar eidolon enters a rage again within 1 minute of it previous rage.

At 8th level, einherjar eidolons gains resistance (Su) against acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10.

At 12th level, the einherjar eidolon's bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saves while raging increases to +3. In addition, the amount of temporary hit points gained when entering a rage increases to 3 per Hit Die.

At 16th level, einherjar eidolons gains immunity to cold, disease, and poison

At 20th level, the einherjar eidolon is continually under freedom of movement. This is a supernatural ability.

Fey Eidolon

(first worlder)

Fey rarely regard creatures of other types with any degree of sympathy, but rarely a certain fey develops such a deep rapport with another creature that they allow that creature to call upon them. They have the fey type and the extraplanar subtype.

Alignment: Any non-lawful.

Hit Dice: Fey eidolon have d6 hit dice.

Languages: Fey eidolons speak Sylvan as well as any languages spoken by the summoner.

Saving Throws: Fey eidolons with a humanoid base form have the following saves: Saves Fort (poor), Ref (good), Will (good).

Skills: Fey eidolons gain 6 skill points per hit dice and have the following class skills:: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, and Use Magic Device.

Forbidden Evolutions: None.

Base Form: Biped (flight (wings), limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite, scent), or serpentine (bite, poison [bite], scent).

Base Evolutions: A fey eidolon gains a number of spell-like abilities as the summoner advances in level, which they fey eidolon uses as a sorcerer of a level equal to it's hit dice. When first gained, they fey eidolon can use each of these spell-like abilities once per day, and 4 levels after gaining a spell-like ability, it can use them 3 times per day.

At 1st level the fey eidolon can use charm person and faerie fire.

At 4th level the fey eidolon can use deep slumber and tree shape.

At 8th level the fey eidolon can use charm monster and hallucinatory terrain. It also gains DR 5/cold iron.

At 12th level the fey eidolon can use confusion and polymorph (self only).

At 16th level the fey eidolon can use feeblemenid and transport via plants.

At 20th level the fey eidolon can use mass charm monster and irresistible dance.

Genie Eidolon

Genie is not properly a subtype of outsider, instead genies are outsiders with the extraplanar subtype as well as the subtrype matching their primary element (see base evolutions below).

There is something that draws genies to mortals, and this mysterious attraction is very strong. There is a long tradition of genies serving magicians, either from friendship and loyalty or because they have been forced to.

Genie eidolons begin smaller and weaker than regular genies. Other genies often treat them like children, and they may indeed be the offspring of genies.

Alignment: Any.

Forbidden Evolutions: Damage reduction, flight (with wings only), mount, tentacle, web, wing buffet.

Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], weapon training). Genie eidolons lack legs, having a lower body composed of a swirling mass of their element, and have a base speed of 20 ft. Genie eidolons can select the legs evolution, with normal benefits.

Base Evolutions: At first level, a genie selects a primary element, which decided many of their powers. A genie can take evolutions that go against their chosen element if they wish, but powers gained by advancing in level follow an elemental theme. All spells are cast as a sorcerer of a level equal to the genie eidolon's hit dice.

1st level abilities based on each primary element: Air: levitate (sp) self only at will, resistance (acid) evolution. Earth: climb evolution, resistance (electricity) evolution. Fire: +4 initiative and resistance (fire) evolution. Water: aquatic subtype, gills evolution, and swim evolution.

At 4th level, genie eidolons add 1d6 energy damage to all their weapon and natural attacks, with a damage type deepening on their chosen element. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. Air: electricity. Earth: acid. Fire: fire. Water: cold.

At 8th level, genie eidolons gain more abilities based on their chosen element. Air: flight evolution [4 without wings]. Earth: burrow evolution. Fire: levitate (sp) self only at will. Water: swim evolution [2 times, adding +40 ft. to swim speed]

At 12th level, genie eidolons gain more abilities based on their chosen element. Air: levitate (sp) at will (this is no longer self only). Earth: Cast wall of stone 3 times per day. Fire: flight evolution [4 without wings]. Water: Cast control water and water breathing once per day each.

At 16th level, genie eidolons can cast magnificent mansion and mirage arcana once per day each. The genie eidolon need not concentrate to maintain mirage arcana, but can only maintain one such illusion at one time; casting a new one dispels any earlier ones.

At 20th level, increase the additional energy damage from level 4 to 2d6.

Kami Eidolon


Alignment: XXX.

Forbidden Evolutions:

Base Form: Biped (bite or claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite or claws, scent), or serpentine (bite, poison [bite], scent).

Base Evolutions: the XXX evolution.

At 4th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 8th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 12th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 16th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 20th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

Magical Beast Eidolon

(bestial summoner, monster channeler, monster mage)

Certain eidolons are of the magical beast type with the extra-dimensional subtype. The magical beast eidolon often mimics some kind of legendary creature like a unicorn or owlbear, it takes a Knowledge Arcana check (DC 20 + eidolon's hit dice) to identify a magical beast eidolon for what it is. The DC is reduced by 5 for each evolution the magical beast eidolon has that the creature it lacks mimics. The number of evolution points in each evolution does affect the DC, nor does base evolutions

Alignment: Any.

Base Form: Quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite or claws), or serpentine (bite, poison [bite] or grab, tail).

Forbidden Evolutions:

Base Evolutions: 2 points of evolutions.

At 4th level, magical beast eidolons gain the improved damage (bite) and scent evolutions.

At 8th level, magical beast eidolons gain DR 10/magic or the ability increase (Constitution) evolution.

At 12th level, magical beast eidolons gain the ability increase (Strength) evolution.

At 16th level, magical beast eidolons gain the improved natural armor evolution

At 20th level, magical beast eidolons gain the fast healing evolution.

Monstrous Humanoid Eidolon

Monstrous humanoids from other planes can be bound as eidolons, and always have the extraplanar subtype.

Alignment: Any.

Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]), or serpentine (increased attribute [Strength], limbs [arms]).

Forbidden Evolutions:

Base Evolutions: the improved natural armor and weapon training evolutions.

At 4th level, monstrous humanoid eidolons gain the weapon training evolution (2), making them proficient with all simple and martial weapons.

At 8th level, monstrous humanoid eidolons gain DR 10/magic or the ability increase (Constitution) evolution.

At 12th level, monstrous humanoid eidolons gain the improved natural armor evolution and proficiency with shields (except tower shields) or proficiency with one exotic weapon.

At 16th level, monstrous humanoid eidolons gain the improved natural armor evolution.

At 20th level, monstrous humanoid eidolons gain the fast healing evolution.

Nature Spirit Eidolon


Alignment: XXX.

Base Form: Biped (bite or claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite or claws, scent), or serpentine (bite, poison [bite], scent).

Forbidden Evolutions:

Base Evolutions: the XXX evolution.

At 4th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 8th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 12th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 16th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 20th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

Oni Eidolon Intro.

Alignment: XXX.

Base Form: Biped (bite or claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite or claws, scent), or serpentine (bite, poison [bite], scent).

Forbidden Evolutions:

Base Evolutions: the XXX evolution.

At 4th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 8th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 12th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 16th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

At 20th level, XX eidolons gain the XXX evolution.

Plant Eidolon

Plant eidolons are extradimensional plant creatures that have chosen to become a summoner's ally.

Alignment: Any, often neutral.

Base Form: Serpentine (no free evolutions).

Base Evolutions: Plant eidolons have low-light vision, but not darkvision. They are immune to all mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning.

Plant eidolons have access to the spore burst variant of the breath weapon evolution (4 points). A spore burst does no damage, but a creature failing its saving throw is either dazed 2d6 rounds (with a saving throw allowed at the end of each round to break free), nauseated 2d6 rounds, or slept 2d6 minutes, as decided when the effect is bought. This is a poison effect.

Plant eidolons can also take the reach evolution multiple times with cumulative effect. At double cost, the plant eidolon can increase the reach of all its natural attacks except bite.

At 4th level, plant eidolons gain the skilled (stealth) evolution and one extra evolution point.

At 8th level, plant eidolons gain one extra evolution point.

At 12th level, plant eidolons gain the fast healing evolution and one extra evolution point.

At 16th level, plant eidolons gain one extra evolution point.

At 20th level, plant eidolons gain two extra evolution points.

Rakshasa Eidolon

Shadow Eidolon

(shadow caller)

Shadow eidolons hail from the plane of shadow and are the allies or slaves of other creatures from that plane. The have fleeting, indistinct forms.

Alignment: Any (usually non-good).

Forbidden Evolutions:

Base Form: Biped (bite or claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite or claws), or serpentine (bite, tail, tail slap).

Base Evolutions: At first level shadow eidolons gain shadow blend (su): In any illumination other than bright light, a shadow eidolon blends into the shadows, giving it concealment (20% miss chance). A shadow eidolon can suspend or resume this ability as a free action.

At 4th level, shadow eidolons gain the resistance evolution against cold and electricity.

At 8th level, shadow eidolons gain the energy attacks (cold) evolution.

At 12th level, shadow eidolons gain DR 10/magic.

At 16th level, shadow eidolons gain the frightful presence evolution.

At 20th level, shadow eidolons can use shadow stepUM as a swift action three times per day

Storykin Eidolon

(story summoner)

Tied to the harrow deck, storykin eidolons are manifestations of fate. A storykin eidolon appears as an amalgam of shifting cards.

Alignment: Any.

Forbidden Evolutions: Bite, gills, poison, slam.

Base Form: Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], claws), or serpentine (claws, limbs [arms], tail).

Base Evolutions: the storykin eidolon can take harrow cards from its body and throw them as if they were shuriken (1d2 damage (1 point for Small eidolons), range increment 10 ft. It has an unlimited supply of cards and is proficient in shuriken. This counts as both a thrown weapon and a natural attack for the purpose of what spells and abilities it works with. Thrown cards are destroyed and without value. At level 4 and every four levels thereafter, the damage of these shuriken increase by one step; 1d3 at level 4, 1d4 at level 8, 1d6 at level 12, 1d8 at level 16, and 2d6 at level 20. A small storykin eidolon's shuriken damage is reduced by one step.

A storykin eidolon does not need to breathe and is immune to poison and disease, but takes damage from water; 1d6 on a direct hit from a flask of water, 1 hit point if splashed, 5d6 per round if immersed in water.

At 4th level, all the storykin eidolon's natural attacks count as magical weapons and it gains the skilled (Escape artist) evolution.

At 8th level, storykin eidolons gains DR 5/cutting and can cast dancing lights, daze, detect magic, or mage hand as a sorcerer of a level equal to the eidolon's hit dice a total of 4 times/day.

At 12th level, storykin eidolons gain the gore evolution and the DR increases to 10/cutting.

At 16th level, storykin eidolons gain the fly (wings) evolution.

At 20th level, storykin eidolons gain the wing buffet evolution.

Quippoth Eidolon

Quippoth are a race from primeval past and the deepest reaches of the abyss. Focusing on eliminating sin to destroy their hated enemies the demons, quippoth consider the elimination of all mortals the most direct path top this goal.

Alignment: Chaotic evil.

Forbidden Evolutions:

Base Form: Quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], bite or claws), or serpentine (3 additional evolution points).

Base Evolutions: A quippoth eidolon that is affected by a mind-affecting effect instead goes into a violent rage, becoming confused for the duration of the of the mind-affecting effect. On rounds when the quippoth acts normally, it is also affected normally by the mind-affecting effect.

At 4th level, quippoth eidolons gain Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10.

At 8th level, quippoth eidolons gain Horrific Appearance (Su): All qlippoth have such horrific and mind-rending shapes that those who gaze upon them suffer all manner of ill effects. A qlippoth can present itself as a standard action to assault the senses of all living creatures within 30 feet. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the qlippoth’s Hit Dice + the qlippoth’s Charisma modifier) negates the effect. This ability is a mind-affecting gaze attack.

The effect a particular quippoth eidolon's horrific appearance varies, select one of the following. Targets are paralyzed 1 round. Targets are stunned 1d4 rounds. Targets are nauseated 2d4 rounds Targets are confused 2d6 rounds. Targets are fascinated 2d6 minutes. Targets take 1d6 damage to an attribute determined when the power is gained.

At 12th level, quippoth eidolons gain immunity to cold and poison.

At 16th level, quippoth eidolons select two effects of its horrific appearance. A successful save negates both effects.

At 20th level, quippoth eidolons gain immunity to mind-affecting effects.


New evolutions available to eidolons.

Size Alteration (Su)

4 point evolution

As a standard action the eidolon can alter its size, from the smallest size category it is capable of (normally Small, but see the tiny evolution) to the largest (normally Medium, but see the Large evolution). Any equipment the eidolon wears or wields also changes size. The eidolon gains the effects due an eidolon of whatever size it currently has. An eidolon with size control can simultaneously have the large/huge and tiny evolutions, this increases its available size choices.

Tiny (Su)

2 point evolution

The eidolon is Tiny in size. A Tiny eidolon is often mistaken for a familiar, but Knowledge (Arcana) (DC 10 + eidolons hit dice) can identify it for what it is.

A Tiny eidolon gains a +4 bonus to its Dexterity score. It also takes a –8 penalty to its Strength and a –4 penalty to its Constitution. It gains a +2 size bonus to its AC and attack rolls, a –2 penalty to its CMB and CMD scores, a +4 bonus on its Fly skill checks, and a +8 bonus on its Stealth skill checks. All natural armor the native eidolon has is halved. It also loses its natural reach and all natural and weapon attacks do two steps less damage. An eidolon with the Tiny evolution cannot also be Small, Large, or Huge.

Frequently Asked Questions

These answers are my interpretation of the rules, not rules changes.

  • An eidolon cannot heal naturally, but it can be healed by any supernatural means.
  • Eidolons do not begin with traits, but can purchase them using the Additional Traits feat. They must still have a source or trainer for the trait.
  • An eidolon is not a player character, and does not gain maximum hit points on its first hit die.
  • A creature summoned by the Summon Monster ability (not spell) appears immediately and can act in the turn it appears.
  • A creature summoned by a summon monster spell (as opposed to the class ability) uses all the normal rules of the spell, and can be present at the same time as the eidolon or a creature summoned using the class ability.
  • Feats that improve or change the abilities or numbers of summoned creatures (like Augment Summoning and Superior Summoning) works for the summon monster ability, but never work with the eidolon, even when it is summoned using the summon eidolon spell.

See Also

External Links

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