Scheming Noble (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium

A backstabbing noble is an plotting and conniving noble, an aristocrat willing to go to risk his honor to push her goals or agenda. Knowledgeable in all kinds of tricks and stunts, the backstabbing noble but rarely has to resort to actual sneak attacks, but is usually more than willing to use any opening in social intruige.

Class Information

This is a prestige class archetype.

Prestige Class: Noble Scion.

Build Class: Rogue.

The backstabbing noble is a rogue with money and connections.

Role: A backstabbing noble often keeps to the shadows, acting incognito or through pawns. Some separate their adventuring and social careers, and adventure under a secret identity. Either way they are effective scouts, planners, tricksters and in a pinch backstabers.

Alignment: Any. A backstabbing noble generally hides her true agenda under layers of deception.

Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills

The backstabbing noble's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.