Rogue (Apath)
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Unofficial rules compendium | |
Perceived as a weak class, the rogue has been spruced up.
As the ultimate skill monkeys, rogues have all skills as class skills. Any limitation on skills limits the rogue too much.
Alternate Skill Bonuses
Rogues benefit from having alternate attribute modifiers to all skills they are trained in; choose either one. This ability is free for rogues and available as the Alternate Skill Technique talent to others.
This should allow the rogue to focus more on a few attributes, reducing multi-attribute dependency.
Skill (Subskill) | Normal Key Ability | Alternate Key Ability |
Acrobatics | Dex | Str |
Appraise | Int | Wis |
Bluff | Cha | Int |
Climb | Str | Dex |
Craft (Smith of any kind) | Int | Str |
Craft (Fermenting) | Int | Wis |
Craft (Any other) | Int | Dex |
Diplomacy | Cha | Wis |
Disable Device | Dex | Int |
Disguise | Cha | Wis |
Escape Artist | Dex | Con |
Fly | Dex | Con |
Handle Animal | Cha | Wis |
Heal | Wis | Int |
Intimidate | Cha | Str |
Knowledge | Int | Wis |
Linguistics | Int | Wis |
Perception | Wis | Int |
Perform (comedy, dance, keyboard, string) | Cha | Dex |
Perform (act, percussion, oratory, wind, sing) | Cha | Con |
Profession (courtesan, gambler, innkeeper) | Wis | Cha |
Profession (farmer, miner, soldier, woodcutter) | Wis | Str |
Profession (other) | Wis | Int |
Ride | Dex | Cha |
Sense Motive | Wis | Cha |
Sleight of Hand | Dex | Cha |
Spellcraft | Int | Wis |
Stealth | Dex | Con |
Survival | Wis | Con |
Swim | Str | Con |
Use Magic Device | Cha | Int |
- You can't add the same ability score to a particular skill twice. This limits the combinations with effects like the Intimidating Prowess feat.
- A skill that changes what attribute it is connected to is counted as a skill of the new attribute when making skill checks, but not for other purposes. See Paizo errata. Note that a skill that has a primary key attribute that is Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution suffers from armor check penalties, even if used with another attribute as an alternate key ability. An effect (such as rage) that prevents the use of skills tied to a certain attribute always refers to the original attribute of the skill.
- Skills with several subskills (Craft, Knowledge, Perform and Profession) have certain subskills with different alternate key abilities. If a specific subskill has a different alternate key ability, you cannot use it with the common alternate key ability.
Rogue Talents
Many rogue talents have been consolidated or modified. The current table can be found here: Rogue Talents.
[b]Sneak Attack (Ex) (Clarification)
When a rogue makes a sneak attack, the additional damage is of the same type as that of the attack used. When using an attack that inflicts several different types of damage, such as a torch, the rogue decides what kind of damage the sneak attack does, selecting any of the damage types the attack already does. Total the damage of each type before applying reductions for hardness, damage reduction, or energy resistance.
Rogue's Retraining (Ex) (New)
Rogues are adaptable and focus their training on the skills and abilities they actually use. At level 2 and every level after, the rogue can move around a number of skill points allocated to skills equal to her class level. Reduce the skill ranks the rogue has and redistribute these skill ranks along with those gained from advancing in level. No skill can ever have more ranks than the rogue's Hit Dice. At level 4, and every two rogue levels thereafter, the rogue can replace one rogue talent she knows with another rogue talent she fulfils the prerequisites for. She cannot replace a rogue talent with an advanced rogue talent. At level 12, she can replace an advanced rogue talent with another advanced rogue talent. If the rogue uses retraining so that she no longer fulfils the prerequisites of some other ability, she cannot use that ability until she once again fulfils the prerequisites.
Rogue’s Edge (Ex) (Modified)
In addition to the other benefits given by the unchained rogue's edge ability, a rogue gains a number of virtual skill ranks equal to half her rogue level in each skill she has rogue's edge in. These virtual skill ranks are not restricted by Hit Dice and their only function is to calculate the abilities of skill unlocks. Rogues edge also adds half the rogue's class level to skill checks with each skill it applies to. The skill bonus does not stack with the benefits of trapfinding and similar rogue abilities or talents that add half the rogue's class level to skill checks. These benefits apply to rogue's edge gained as a class feature or from the Signature Skill feat, but only to the rogue class.
Table: Rogue
This is the original unchained rogue table, with alternate skill bonuses at first level.
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Fort Save |
Ref Save |
Will Save |
Special |
1st | +0 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Alternate skill bonuses, finesse training, sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding |
2nd | +1 | +0 | +3 | +0 | Evasion, rogue talent |
3rd | +2 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Danger sense +1, finesse training, sneak attack +2d6 |
4th | +3 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Debilitating injury, rogue talent, uncanny dodge |
5th | +3 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Rogue's edge, sneak attack +3d6 |
6th | +4 | +2 | +5 | +2 | Danger sense +2, rogue talent |
7th | +5 | +2 | +5 | +2 | Sneak attack +4d6 |
8th | +6/+1 | +2 | +6 | +2 | Improved uncanny dodge, rogue talent |
9th | +6/+1 | +3 | +6 | +3 | Danger sense +3, sneak attack +5d6 |
10th | +7/+2 | +3 | +7 | +3 | Advanced talents, debilitating injury, rogue talent, rogue's edge |
11th | +8/+3 | +3 | +7 | +3 | Finesse training, sneak attack +6d6 |
12th | +9/+4 | +4 | +8 | +4 | Danger sense +4, rogue talent |
13th | +9/+4 | +4 | +8 | +4 | Sneak attack +7d6 |
14th | +10/+5 | +4 | +9 | +4 | Rogue talent |
15th | +11/+6/+1 | +5 | +9 | +5 | Danger sense +5, rogue's edge, sneak attack +8d6 |
16th | +12/+7/+2 | +5 | +10 | +5 | Debilitating injury, rogue talent |
17th | +12/+7/+2 | +5 | +10 | +5 | Sneak attack +9d6 |
18th | +13/+8/+3 | +6 | +11 | +6 | Danger sense +6, rogue talent |
19th | +14/+9/+4 | +6 | +11 | +6 | Finesse training, sneak attack +10d6 |
20th | +15/+10/+5 | +6 | +12 | +6 | Master strike, rogue talent, rogue's edge |
External Links
- Revised Rogue talents - these are not in play but good inspiration.
- Rogue Eidolon's Guide to Rogues
- More swagger than you're comfortable with - A Guide to the Rogue by kcmorris
- Death from the Shadow A Guide to the Ninja by Jb200 - Ninja are almost-rogues.
External Archetypes
The following Paizo rogue archetypes are still relevant to the unchained rogue:
- Carnivalist Pet rogue
- Chameleon Stealthy
- Counterfeit Mage Magic device user
- Knife Master Knife specialist
- Liberator Escape artist
- Makeshift Scrapper Improvised weapons
- Pirate Scrappy pirate
- Poisoner Poison user (not maker)
- Rake Social interactions
- River Rat Marsh specialist
- Roof Runner
- Sapper Traps and demolition expert
- Scavenger Technology expert
- Scout Skirmisher
- Scroll Scoundrel Adapts to enemy tactics
- Spy Bluff and poison
- Swindler Dice man
- Thug Intimidator
- Underground Chemist Splash sneak attack
- Vexing Dodger Climbs on larger opponents
Racial Archetypes
- Cat Burglar Catfolk
- Deadly Courtesan Vishkanya
- Eldritch Raider Gillmen
- Flicher Halfling
- Snare Setter Kobold
- Swordmaster Tengu
- Trickster Kitsune
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