Kinetic Transmuter (Apath)

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Whereas most kineticists focus on unleashing elemental energies in the form of powerful blasts, kinetic transmuters harness the primal power of the elements to shape materials to their will.

Class Information

This is an kineticist archetype that transmutes rather than conjures matter..

Publisher: d20pfsrd Publishing based on the works of Jessie Staffler.

Class: kineticist.

Hit Die: d8.

Class Features

The kinetic transmuter has all the standard kineticist’s class features, except as noted below.

Elemental Focus (Su)

A kinetic transmuter must select either earth or fire as their elemental focus at level 1. Earth because it allows them to have a fundamental understanding of base materials and how to change them, or fire because it gives them access to the primal forces which control the universe. They may choose any of the simple blasts as their basic blasts.

Transmutation Skills (Sp)

Rather than the standard utility wild talents available to normal kineticists, a kinetic transmuter gains abilities that allow them to transform matter on a base level. These abilities replicate spells from the transmutation school, and work like normal wild talents except they cost no burn (unless noted).

The transmutation skills are:

2nd Level: Jury rig

4th Level: Make whole

6th Level: Shrink item

8th level: Warp metal and warp wood (using this ability costs 1 point of burn per use)

10th Level: Fabricate

12th level: Move earth

14th Level: Memory of function

16th Level: Polymorph any object (using this ability costs 4 points of burn per use).

18th level: Iron body (self only)

20th level: Transmute blood to acid (using this ability costs 6 burn.)

These replace the wild utility talents gained at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. 16,.18 and 20.

Create Life (Sp)

At 20th level, a kinetic transmuter has mastered the ultimate ability: the ability to raise the dead. They gain the ability to cast true resurrection, essentially creating a living body out of base components.

However, doing this is fraught with risk. Firstly, doing so inflicts 6 points of burn upon the transmuter. If this would be enough subdual damage to render them unconscious, then they must make a will save DC 10 plus the character level of the individual they are attempting to raise. Failure indicates that there is a massive backlash, causing the kineticists body to begin to disintegrate. They take 6d10 damage, which is permanently deducted from their hit points. If they lose more than half their hit points in that matter, then they permanently lose a random limb. In addition to this damage, the procedure fails, and the attempted resurectee is either not completed, or is brought back as some kind of monster, such as an uncontrolled flesh golem, a doppelganger, or something worse. (GM's discretion).

The ritual needed to raise a subject requires sufficient base materials to make the body, and requires one hour of preparation per character level of the target being raised. This replaced omnikinesis.

Summary of Changed Class Abilities

These abilities of the original class are lost or modified in this archetype:

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