Craft (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium
Craft Production
Alchemy 3 ±0
Armor 3 ±0
Basket 1 -10
Beer 1 -10
Bone 1 -10
Books 2 -5
Bows 3 -5
Calligraphy 2 -5
Carpentry 1 -10
Clockwork 3 -5
Wool 1 -10
Cloth 2 -10
Clothing 1 -10
Food 1 -10
Glass 2 -5
Guns 3 ±0
Jewelry 2 -5
Leather 1 -10
Locks 3 ±0
Masonry 1 -10
Optics 3 ±0
Paintings 2 -5
Pottery 1 -10
Sculptures 2 -5
Ships 2 -5
Shoes 1 -10
Stonemasonry 1 -10
Tinware 2 -5
Traps 2 -5
Weapons 3 ±0
Wine 1 -10

Publisher: Trailseeker.

Unskilled Use

Craft skills cannot be used unskilled.

Production Rates

The production rate of craft skills depends on the pay rate of their profession. Crafts that produce more valuable goods tend to have a higher pay rate, which makes the amount of items crafted more even on an item per day basis. Alchemists might produce more net worth of items per day, but alchemical items are expensive, they still produce only a few items per day.

The production rate i based on the pay scale and is also the daily wage (in sp) for an apprentice in the craft (skill bonus +5). Multiply the amount crafted by the production rate, as indicated on this table. This list can also serve as a guidelines as to which professions share a common craft skill, though this distinction is somewhat arbitrary.

The business modifier is used with the Appraise rules for running a business using that craft skill.

Simplified Craft Production

Rather than engaging in the calculations and skill checks of crafting, a craftsman simply has a daily production rate; this is the value of items created per day. This rate is equal to the skill bonus in gold pieces per day. As in the normal rules, cost of materials is 1/3 the cost of the finished item.

By working in a workshop and employing apprentices and helpers, this rate can be increased to the skill bonus, squared, in gold pieces per day. This has production costs equal to 95% of the value of the output. This includes taxes, salaries, raw materials, and interest on the workshop. A workshop creates many jobs and is obviously beneficial to the local economy, and nets more money for a master craftsman (skill bonus +15 or more).

Multiply output and cost by the production rate of the Craft in question.

If producing an item with a DC so high that you cannot take 10 to create it, a Craft check is required. If this check fails, the item is not produced. There is no cost, the time is simply wasted.

Typical NPC Craftsmen

Craftsmen generally come in three varieties, apprentice, journeyman, and master. Apprentices work for the normal rate (production rate in silver pieces per day). Journeymen work for three times as much. If available, masters work for the base rate in gold per day and might charge the base rate in silver merely for a short appointment.

Apprentice, expert level 1, Craft skill +5 (+1 ranks, +3 class, +1 Intelligence).

Journeyman, expert level 3, Craft skill +10 (+3 ranks, +3 class, +1 Intelligence, +3 Skill Focus),

Master, expert level 5, Craft skill +15 (+5 ranks, +3 class, +2 Intelligence, +3 Skill Focus, +2 masterwork tools).

Critical Option

If using the critical success option for skills, a critical manufacturing roll results in one masterwork item. If you create more than one item in a week, only one of them is masterwork. On a crafting project taking several weeks, only the first roll counts.

Specific Craft Options

These options apply only to specific crafts.

Alchemy: Salvage Poison

These rules expand on the rules for poison making from the Craft skill and appendix 1 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.

The poison glands of creatures can be milked for poison, poisonous spores can be gathered, and other natural sources of poison can be found. But such poisons must be processed to remain potent, in their natural state they dry out or become inert very quickly. Instead of using them directly, they can be used as raw materials for a manufactured poison that duplicates the effects of the natural poison. The alchemists binds the toxic substance with oils that conserves it for later use.

Salvaging poison from a creature takes one minute and requires a Craft (Alchemy) check with a DC of 10 + the creature's challenge rating, +10 for a contact or inhaled poison. A success gives ingredients enough for one dose of poison, and every 5 points of margin on the roll gives ingredients for an additional dose. A salvager who lacks the poison use ability and rolls a 1 on the die roll to salvage poison accidentally injects himself. Only one attempt can be made to salvage poison from a creature each day. Poison from a cadaver must be salvaged within 15 minutes of the creature's death or destruction.

The Alchemy DC to prepare the poison is the save DC of the poison. The base cost of a salvaged poison depends on the creature's challenge rating and the type of poison the creature originally had: Ingested or injected: 100 gp times challenge rating. Contact or inhaled: 300 gp times challenge rating. The effect of a finished does of salvaged poison is the same as that of the poison used by the original creature. The value of salvaged ingredients is 1/3 of the value of a finished dose. Usually all trade in poison and components of poisons is illegal or restricted, both the law and rival outlaws might react badly to an attempt to trade in poison.


Besides making clocks and toys, Craft (clockwork) can build clockwork and automatons of all kinds.

Glassmaking: Craft Glass Weapons

A glassworker can make one-use melee weapons out of glass at 1/10 of the normal cost of the weapon and one-use ammunition at normal cost. Such glass weapons have Hardness 0, half normal hit points, the fragile quality, and always break after they score a hit. Glass weapons are immune to damage from acid and electricity.

Traps: Deploy Trap

A trap that has been crafted and is ready to be set up can be deployed using Craft (traps). It takes an hour to set up a trap, and requires a Craft (traps) check with a of DC 15 + CR of the trap. Failing by 10 or more means the trapper is caught in the trap. Traps dependent on terrain features, such as a pit trap, can only be deployed if such a terrain feature is available. A trap cannot be moved once it has been set up; all a disabled trap is good for is scrap. Traps can also be deployed in just one minute, but such makeshift deployment is much less effective; halve the Perception and Disable Device DCs of the trap and it will stop working after 24 hours.

Disable Device can also be used for this task, at a -5 penalty.

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