Adventuring Gear (5A)

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Armored Boots 20 gp 2 lb.

This is a pair of heavy boots reinforced with steel. They grant immunity to attacks that specifically target the foot, such caltrops or bear traps. Armored boots are noisy and give disadvantage on stealth.

Armored Boots, Mithral 1,000 gp 1 lb.

Mithral armored boots do not impose disadvantage on stealth and can be shaped like dainty slippers and other fantastic shapes.

Assembly Weapon +50 gp x2 price

A weapon can be constructed so that it can be quickly assembled from parts, each of which is inconspicuous. It takes a minute to assemble or disassemble the weapon. Recognizing the disassembled weapon for what it is requires an Intelligence (Investigation) check (DC 15). If the pieces are separated (generally carried by different creatures), the DC of recognizing any single piece as being part of a weapon is 20. An assembly weapon costs an additional 50 gold pieces, plus twice the cost of the weapon. If it is a magic weapon, only one of the disassembled pieces carry the magic, other pieces can be replaced without harming the enchantment.

Book, Note 5 gp, 5 lbs

A blank book to take notes in.

Book, Reference 25 gp, 5 lbs

A book containing standard information on a variety of subjects related to one field of lore. A reference work allows a reroll on a failed Knowledge check with one minute of reading.

Cheval de Frise 1 gp 20 lb

A larger, wooden version of caltrops, a single cheval de frise creates a danger zone 5 ft. square and takes an action to set up. A creature from Large to Colossal in size that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this turn and take 1d8 piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the creature’s walking speed by 10 feet until the creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the save. Smaller creatures easily avoid these oversize obstructions.

Diving Kit 25 gp 6 lb.

A set of primitive diving equipment. This includes a set of flippers, a nose clamp, and a simple snorkel. It grants a swim speed of 10 ft. Wearing flippers reduces the wearer’s land speed to 5 ft. Taking each flipper on or off is an action.

Lead Lined Vestments 25 gp 4 lb

A body covering heavy garment, like a full catsuit, hooded robe, or suit of full armor can be lined with lead to stop certain detection spells from detecting the wearer. This works best with stiff materials, like a suit of rigid armor or a leather raincoat; other clothes lose the integrity of the lining after about day of use. This counts as wearing metal armor for a druid, even if the vestments are not armor.

Money Belt 5 gp

This looks like a heavy belt of thick skin or metal ornamentation. Even on close inspection it takes a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to recognize anything is out of the ordinary. The buckle gas a tiny concealed edge. Using this tool, the wearer measures off two-inch segments of the belt, starting at the buckle. Each two-inch segment can hold up to five coins, 10 gems, a tightly folded sheet (which can hold things like a message, map, or scroll of a single spell) or a similar diminutive object. The pockets are routinely lined with thin lead to block detection magic.

Net, Safety 8 gp, 18 lb

A round sheet of canvas 10 ft. in diameter stretched flat across a wooden frame. Very cumbersome to carry, the device can be dissembled or assembled in one minute. Can be held by four or more people and used to break a fall. You can make a Dexterity (acrobatics) check and reduce the damage by the result of the roll.

Pole 5 cp 7 lb.

The pole is in the PH, but use is not explained. A pole of springy wood popular with adventurers. Because it is springy, it is not good at taking weight, such as to stop crushing walls or be used as a lever. It can be used in various ways.

  • It extends the range of Search to 10 ft.
  • You can spend an action to gain advantage on a jump.
  • You can spend an action to gain advantage on a balance check.

Pole, Climbing (25 gp, 2 lb)

The Shinobi-kumade (literally, "Ninja Rake") is a collapsible pole with a claw at one end. Collapsed, it is barely 18" long, but it can telescope out to 12 ft. and is cunningly reinforced to support the weight of a man. It may be used as a club or staff but breaks on an attack roll of one. Used to aid climbing, the Shinobi-kumade makes short climbs up to 15 ft. very easy (DC 5), and can aid long climbs by leapfrogging from foothold to foothold.

Pole, Collapsible 4 gp, 5 lb

A set of tubes of increasing diameter, one inside the other, the collapsible pole can be telescoped in length from 2 ft. to 10 ft. as a bonus action and functions as a 10 ft pole. It can be used as a weapon (pole, quarterstaff, or club) but is not intended for combat and breaks on an attack roll of 1.

Secret Compartment 10 gp

There is a number of personal items ubiquitous in each culture. The trick is to select an item so common it does not register as unusual, yet large enough and rigid enough to hold a compartment. Examples from various areas include armor, saddles, sheathes, holy symbols, codpieces, corsets, clogs, high-heeled boots, fancy hats, sword hilts, and so on. Such objects can be fitted with secret compartments, perfect for hiding a weapon like a knife, reserve funds, a potion, or other objects up to 8 ounces or so in weight. The compartment is lined in lead to foil detection spells. A secret compartment like this will pass most searches automatically, and only a determined search allows an Intelligence (Investigation) check (DC 20) to discover the compartment.

Secret Pocket 5 gp

Tiny secret pockets can be sewn into clothing. Even on close inspection it takes an Intelligence (Investigation) check to recognize anything is out of the ordinary. Each secret pocket can hold up to five coins, 20 gems, a tightly folded sheet (which can hold a message, map, or scroll) or a similar diminutive object. The pocket is lined in lead to foil detection.

Spell Component Robe 30 gp, 3 lb

This is a spell component pouch sewn into a fine wizard's robe. Numerous small pockets can be used to store sundry spell components and keep them easily accessible. Less obvious than a spell component pouch, it has the same utility; assume any small, free material component for a spell the caster knows is kept in this robe.

Stilts (1 gp, 15 lb)

Short stilts are common as toys. The stilts described here are ten ft. tall or more. These stilts are tied to the lower leg of the wearer, who cannot move normally with the stilts fitted. Putting on or removing each stilt is an action. It takes no hands to use stilts tied this way. Walking on stilts requires a Dexterity (acrobatics) check for balance (DC 5) each round. Standing up from prone with stilts fitted requires a DC 15 Dexterity (acrobatics) check unless done from an elevated position. A character on stilts can move at normal speed through difficult ground that does not entangle, as long as there is a hard ground beneath. Examples include crowds, caltrops, spikes, water, tall grass, and hedgerows but not uneven ground, slick ground, gravel, mud, or vines.

Fighting in stilts puts you at 10 ft. range from adjacent creatures on the ground, but you can be shoved and grappled as if you were on the ground. The stilts have ac 17 and 10 hit points. Mithral stilts can be made at a cost of 1,500 gp and have ac 23.

Mechanical Devices

Clock, Pendulum 100 gp 10 lb

A device for telling time. A pendulum clock is very accurate if properly calibrated but must remain stationary to function. Besides the obvious uses in time keeping and spell duration timing, timepieces find great use in astronomy, making it possible to time astronomical observations.

Clock, Spring 200 gp, 10 lb

A device for telling time. A spring clock can be moved around but is less accurate than a pendulum clock. Timepieces find great use in navigation, making it much easier to measure speed and time astronomical observations, giving advantage when using Navigator’s tools.

Clock, Pocket Watch 500 gp

A wearable device for telling time and also a status symbol. Less reliable than even a spring clock, it is safest to calibrate a pocket watch at least once per week if exact timing is required.

Manacles, Inquisitor's 100 gp 5 lb.

This is the same as normal manacles, but they also incorporate elements that stops the caster from concentrating on or casting spells, requiring a Constitution save (DC 20) to do so. On a failed check, the spell and spell slot is lost. Anything that gives a bonus to concentration checks also benefits this Constitution save.

Manacles, Masterwork 100 gp 4 lb.

These metal restraints can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping the manacles requires a successful DC 25 Dexterity (acrobatics) check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 25 Strength (athletics) check. Each set of manacles comes with one key. Without the key, a creature proficient with thieves’ tools can pick the masterwork manacles’ lock with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Masterwork manacles have 30 hit points.

Manacles, Simple 5 sp 8 lb.

These metal restraints can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping the manacles requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity (acrobatics) check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 20 Strength (athletics) check. Simple manacles do not have a lock, they are sealed with a sprint or chain, often used to form a chain gang. Simple manacles have 10 hit points.

Music Box 500 gp, 20 lbs to negligible

A clockwork contraption that plays a set piece of music. Larger devices play at a higher volume, using more notes, and for a longer time, with the largest playing up to half an hour of music and the smallest only one minute. The device has a Perform skill of +1 per four pounds of weight in pounds and can play three minutes per pound of weight (minimum +0 and 1 minute). Variant music boxes have no springs, which means they must be cranked by hand but can play indefinitely.

Parasol Shield 100 gp 4 lb

This is an elegant silk parasol that is sturdy enough to function as a shield in an emergency. It has an ac of 12 and 10 hit points. Strictly an emergency weapon, once it has been used as a shields, it no longer looks like a high-class parasol. On close inspection it takes an Intelligence (Investigation) (DC 15) to recognize the device for what it is.

Spring-Heels (150 gp, 6 lb.)

A pair of sturdy springs worn on the feet. Moving on spring-heels requires a Dexterity (acrobatics) check for balance (DC 10) each round. Add the DC of any other balance check required into a single check. The springs doubles speed and allow jumping twice as far. Moving on spring feet is strenuous; a creature that fights with these on gains a level of exhaustion if the fight is more rounds that its Constitution score. The springs are noisy and movement jerky and erratic, giving disadvantage on Stealth. Taking spring heels on or off is an action.

Trap Kit (variable)

A magical or mechanical trap that has been crafted and is ready to be placed is called a trap kit. It normally takes an hour to set up a trap kit and turn it into an actual trap, and requires a Dexterity (thief's or tinker's tools) check with a of DC 1 + CR of the trap. Failing by 10 or more means the trapper is caught in the trap. Traps dependent on terrain features, such as a pit trap, can only be deployed if such a terrain feature is available. Weight can vary considerably, but for simplicity's sake assume a trap kit weighs 1 lb./challenge rating, plus 10 lbs. for a mechanical trap. Cost As the trap in question, see traps in the core rulebook.

Wheelchair (25 gp, 15 lb)

A wheelchair allows a practiced rider to move normally on flat ground without using the legs. A character in a wheelchair needs both hands to move and has a speed of 20 ft. With one hand on the wheel, the rider has a speed of 5 ft. With no hands on the wheels, the rider is immobilized but is not helpless. An assistant can push the wheelchair, freeing the rider's hands. A wheelchair is very susceptible to terrain conditions; soft ground, extensive litter, or uneven surfaces are all difficult ground to a wheelchair. Terrain considered difficult ground to walkers is impassible to a wheelchair. A wheelchair ignores ground-based hazards like caltrops and grease but counts such areas as difficult ground.

Travel Gear

Flag, Ensign 4 gp 2 lb

Ensign is the naval term for a flag, often a signal flag. Naval ensigns are about three feet by five. A typical ensign has AC 15 (it is not an immobile object when flying in the wind) and 20 hit points. It is immune to piercing and bludgeoning damage. It is readable at about 10 miles. The price is for a sturdy sewn flag, but flags embroidered with fancy coats-of-arms in threads of precious metals can easily cost a hundred times as much. A simple ensign can be hand-colored on canvas in about 10 minutes at almost no cost, but only lasts until the first squall.

Flagpole 1 gp 10 lb

A flagpole is a 10 ft. pole suitable for carrying an ensign or banner and with a rope mechanism for hoisting it. Flagpoles often have the flag nailed to it and the flag and pole are hoisted together at sea or carried by an especially trusted retainer on land. A flagpole is AC 12, 10 hit points, and resistance to bludgeoning and piercing damage.

Flags, Signal 20 gp 10 lb

A set of flags each 2 ft' square, intended to be tied in sequences and used for signalling. No universal signaling language exists, but signals can be agreed upon. Some colors are beginning to get universally understood meanings; yellow (disease), red (no quarter), black (challenge), white (parley). A signal flag can be read at about 1 mile. A signal flag has AC 18 (it is not an immobile object when flying in the wind) and 5 hit points. It is immune to piercing and bludgeoning damage.

Folding Raft 40 gp 15 lb

A collapsible raft. It has room for one person and his personal gear. In collapsed form, it may be carried slung over one shoulder or as a backpack and resembles a small tent. Assembling or disassembling it takes one minute. It takes a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to recognize it’s purpose when disassembled. It is a water vehicle with a speed of 20 ft.

Glider 75 gp 40 lb

Condition DC
Light wind 15
Moderate wind 20
Strong wind 25
Severe wind 30

Gliders are large fixed wing glider aircraft looking somewhat like a sail or kite with a wingspan of 20 ft. (for a Medium rider). A character who wears a glider and deliberately jumps off from a height will descend at a rate of 5 ft. each round. Make an Acrobatics or Fly check each round with a DC depending on the wind. On a failure by up to four points, the glider moves straight ahead. On a failure by five points or more, the glider stalls, dropping 2d6 x 5 ft. If this forces the character to land, there is normal falling damage and the glider is destroyed. As long as the glide roll succeeds the user can move horizontally a number of feet equal to twice the roll (minimum 20 feet). Using a glider requires an action each round. Gliding is impossible in winds stronger than severe or spaces under 50 ft. wide. A glider can be assembled or disassembled in 10 minutes, a folded flier appears to be a tent unless a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check succeeds.

Leather Boat 30 gp 40 lb

This is a small boat made of oiled skins, cloth, or bark with ribs of wood or bone. It is surprisingly seaworthy if well handled. If water-filled, it can be cut open when on land allowing the water to pour out; this makes it practical for difficult landings in high waves. Such a hole is easily repaired. A typical leather boat is 10 feet long, 3 feet wide, and carries 2 crew and up to two passengers or 500 lbs of cargo at 40 ft. speed. Two Paddles are included. A disassembling variant costs double and takes 10 minutes to assemble or disassemble.