Minotaurs (Action)

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Heroic Action Role-Play

Alternate Names: Taurians, Mino Bulls, Bovines

Attributes and Schticks

Body: 8-13
Mind: 3-8
Reflexes: 3-8
Move: 5


Basic Action

You can come on to someone sexually in a very direct manner without being overtly threatening or rude. Those you use this on are overtaken by lust and lost in the moment, but might wonder at their own behavior later.

You can use Seduction as a basic action. If you fail a roll, the target gathers his wits. This can make further seduction impossible and might put you in a awkward situation.


Limit Break

You can perform prodigious feats of strength. Add 5 to your Body for a single task, such as a single attack or a mighty feat like lifting or breaking something. You can take a Basic Action as a part of this Limit Break, and the benefits apply only to that single Basic Action.


Basic Action

Charge straight a distance equal to your Move and make a Normal Melee Attack. You can move normally in the round you Ram, either before or after the charge. If you hit you do Body +4 Blunt damage and the target is toppled over if he takes a Hits, losing a shot. An immobile target, such as a wall, door, or very heavy object, takes Body +8 Blunt damage instead, but if you fail to break the object, you loose a shot.


Brutish bull-men, minotaurs are strong but bestial.


A minotaur has the torso of a powerful hairy man, with the head, legs, and tail of a bovine. They are powerful and muscular and taller than most humans, from 180 to 225 cm not including their horns. They are physically impressive and appear very virile.


A minotaur enjoys being the center of attention at all times, even in activities where it is merely a passive participant, such as the famous bull dance. Strong and fierce, they are used to getting things their way and can be sore losers. Many minotaurs are brutes, but there is also a mystical side to them. Tied to the earth and fertility, they can be powerful mystics, tough they rarely use powers to fight.

A minotaur can subsist on grass, but must then spend all of its time eating. They prefer cereals or red meat for food and are not adverse to eating fallen enemies, which contributes to their fearsome reputation.


Nations of minotaurs are rare and strictly hierarchical; the strong rule the weak and rank is determined in formal duels. Though militarily strong, a minotaur nation is rarely expansionist, but might conquer neighboring lands to ensure their version of peace.


Single minotaurs tend to end up in human fertility cults, inciting the cultists to frenzies. Even a minotaur trying to lead a quiet life will be challenged because they stand out as symbols of power.


Minotaurs are said to be able to breed both with bovines and humans, but in civilized lands they bred strictly with each other, and breeding rights are often fought over. Calves are taken care of by the mother and expected to care for themselves at a young age.