Personality Deck

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A quick and dirty way of generating personality. Draw cards from a deck of cards and read the result in the table below. Two cards is a good place to start. The suit of each card determines the focus of that personality trait as listed in the headers. The value of the card indicates quality, with low cards being negative traits and high cards positive values. The ace is considered the lowest card and indicates a subversion of the value. The clothed cards represent the highest values and are so notable they are obvious.

  1. Brutal
  2. Hysterical
  3. Vicious
  4. Rough
  5. Stubborn
  6. Impetuous
  7. Forceful
  8. Fiery
  9. Fierce
  10. Potent
  11. [Jack]—Combative
  12. [Queen]—Passionate
  13. [King]—Commanding


  1. Narcissist
  2. Aloft
  3. Cold
  4. Introverted
  5. Neighborly
  6. Approachable
  7. Intimate
  8. Gregarious
  9. Warm
  10. Honorable
  11. [Jack]—Lustful
  12. [Queen]—Loving
  13. [King]—Just
  1. Racketeer
  2. Niggardly
  3. Gainful
  4. Frugal
  5. Eager
  6. Inventive
  7. Energetic
  8. Constructive
  9. Vigorous
  10. Effective
  11. [Jack]—Dynamic
  12. [Queen]—Prolific
  13. [King]—Lavish


  1. Fraud
  2. Zealous
  3. Ruthless
  4. Pompous
  5. Aspiring
  6. Hopeful
  7. Earnest
  8. Striving
  9. Enterprising
  10. Resourceful
  11. [Jack]—Brilliant
  12. [Queen]—Inspired
  13. [King]—Charismatic
  1. Red Joker—Draw another card and subvert the trope
  2. Black Joker—Draw 2 new cards