Death Powers (FiD)
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Starfox's Blades in the Dark fan page |
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Death and disease are powerful forces.
Action and motivation need not cease with death. Characters can use the powers of the dead, learn their secrets, and even reanimate them as undead.
Death attacks are made with phlegm and ectoplasm that inflict disease. Paradoxically this means that death attacks don't kill quickly, instead they take their time as disease and infection kills you, and this is extremely hard to cure. Death attacks can weaken and corrupt objects, but again this is slow.
Death creatures are spirits of the dead. Study can call apparition that can communicate but not act. Attune can call ghosts that scare and some poltergeist activities at and undead spirits can be called to inhabit corpses as zombies and skeletons. At mid to high tiers, spirits can be called to possess stronger things, such as an undead knight or a powerful mummy, or as incorporeal undead that can walk thru walls and are invulnerable to weapons that are not potent.
Death Power Effects Table
Action | Basic No minimum 3 Stress |
Advanced Minimum 2 Dice 5 Stress |
Master Minimum 4 Dice 7 Stress |
Apex Minimum 6 Dice 13 Stress |
Attune | Soul Sense Detect undead and Death powers. |
Defy Death Banish undead and dismiss Death powers. Animate corpses. |
Defiant Spirit Summon undead. |
Soul's Crossing Create a portal to the plane of death. |
Command | Wraith's Whisper Command undead even if you don't share a language. |
Spectral Speech Communicate with undead and dead things over vast distances. |
Wraith's Will Command undead as if you were their superior. |
Enslave Permanently bind undead to service. |
Consort | Death Mask Make clothes and accessories rotten but functional when used by you and undead creatures. |
Gift of Undeath Assume the form of an undead. |
Curse of Undeath Shapechange a willing or helpless creature into a undead. |
Haunted Hunt Transform a number of willing creatures into undead, give a simple instruction. |
Finesse | Harrowing Herse Ride undead or a vehicle of death as if they were trained. |
Scythe Fine and potent close-range attack, similar to a fine potent weapon. |
Dead Man's Hand Fine manipulation of corpses and undead. |
Deluge of Death A wall of undead, suppressing scale. |
Hunt | Scent of Death Track and pursue undead and corpses. |
Shard of Death Attack similar to a fine and potent rifle. |
Wraithly Warning Create signs of haunting. |
Outbreak Attack like fine and potent grenade. |
Prowl | Deathwatch Hide in graveyards, tombs, and haunted places. |
Ghost Walk Move on and through tombs, corpses, and cadavers. |
Dance Macabre Bring allies when you use Deathwatch and Ghost Walk. |
Death March Crew teleport from one burial place to another. |
Skirmish | Touch of Death A close-range attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol. |
Hand of Death Fine and potent Touch of Death. |
Ghost Dance Distractions and obstructions prevent scale. |
Carnival of Carnage Attack all enemies in a wide area. |
Study | Name of the Deceased Identify corpses, cadavers, and materials taken from the dead. |
Seance Summon an apparition of a dead person you have a link to and ask them questions. |
Obituary Sense the past events of of a corpse or place of death. |
Tale of Tragedy Obituary for every corpse in a large area. |
Survey | Scent of Death Sense manifestations of death, including undead and Death powers. |
Skull Eye Choose an skull or a representation of one; perceive as if you were at that spot. |
Seeking Skull Choose a location or creature. You gain a sensor at the nearest skull. |
Omnipresent Death You perceive from all skulls at once over a wide area. |
Sway | Moody Dead Understand undead even if normally couldn't and sense their motivations. |
Dead Men Talking You and allies can communicate with undead. You can make folk morose. |
Elegy You can post suggestions in the mind of an undead. |
Unity in Death Permanently change the personality and motivations of undead. |
Tinker | Dead Style Work the remains of the dead. Make decrepit and broken items function normally. |
Dead Craft Shape materials you can Dead Polish as if they were of clay. |
Luxuries of the Dead Create Dead Polish objects out of nothing, Create fine and potent items. |
Funerary Splendor Mass produce Dead Craft or make something large, such as a vehicle or building. |
Wreck | Rot of Death Wreck remnants of the dead. Finish off damaged things. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place. |
Rot of Oblivion Rot of Death, but faster as if they were wood. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in combat. |
Dust to Dust Rot of Oblivion and destroyed targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust. |
Crypt Cataclysm Similar to Rot to Oblivion, but over a large area. Level a necropolis or anything weathered. |
Expanded Death Powers
Harness the power of Attune to perceive and manipulate supernatural energies, allowing you to detect and interact with beings and phenomena from other planes of existence.
The consequences usually depends on what happens around you when you do it. Having helpers and bodyguards reduces the consequences, and sometimes a creature wants to be dismissed and the consequence might be that it loses control of itself, or that other creatures appear to intervene.
Soul Sense Detect undead and Death powers.
This is usually done to spot a disguised summoned or animated creature. However, it can also help identify a creature's connection to powers, providing valuable insights into their nature. Limited effect suffices against a creature you can clearly see. You need greater effect against against a creature that is hidden (standard effect) or behind a wall (great effect).
Defy Death Banish undead and dismiss Death powers. Animate corpses.
Dismissing undead is hard and usually requires great effect. A creature that has been wounded or otherwise weakened only needs standard effect. A creature that wants to be dismissed requires only limited effect. Undead are either Death spirits or things possessed by Death spirits called corporeal undead.. When a spirit possessing a corpse is dismissed, the corpse loses its animating power and collapses.
Death can only dispel Death powers and powers affecting undead. Dispelling is often used as a setup action to help another character in a situation when the opposition is using powers. This improves the position of the supported action. It can be used as a defense against others' use of power, or it can be used to break the continuing effects of powers. When used directly, the effect is usually limited.
When dramatically appropriate that a power is hard to dispel, often because it is the crux of the situation, this will not negate the power but instead give you a clue to what you need to do to resolve the situation.
Unlike most other powers, Death power at this level can summon simple Death spirits to possess corpses to create basic undead like skeletons and zombies. These creatures are largely automatons and must receive instruction to even perform simple tasks.
Defiant Spirit Summon undead.
As outlined under Defy Death, undead are either incorporeal spirits or Death spirits possessing things, usually corpses but sometimes other things related to Death, like graves, tombs, or even entire graveyards. Summons can use simple effects of their power and maintain power effects you have created. They can also give advice and information related to their power.
You must know what you are to summon. In general, you can summon generic creatures one tier lower than yourself without having to do a flashback. Such a creature is similar to a gang member in ability and are often summoned in groups to add scale.
To summon a particular creature, similar to a cohort, you need its unique identity, often called true name in the mystical power traditions. For a technomancer this would be a type id number, a blueprint, or a block of data. Learning about the right creature to summon is a task in its own right, often requiring a flashback or downtime activity to use Command, Consort, Study, or Sway to gain information.
It might be worth the extra effort to summon a creature of higher tier, but this is also much more demanding, using the usual rules for tiers.
The most versatile undead are the spirits of dead people summoned to possess their own body. These become intelligent undead along the lines of vampires and liches. You can only do this with the spirits of creatures willing to become undead.
Summoned creatures generally come in three types, elementals, spirits, and creatures with powers.
Depending on your degree of effect the creature is willing to do different things. Limited effect allows you to ask questions of an intelligent creature or demand a short period of physical labor from a simple creature. The creature will not fight for you. If forced into a fight due to circumstances, it will resent it.
Standard effect allows you to ask for any service appropriate to the type of creature. A devil will do evil, a fire elemental will burn stuff, and so on. This includes dangerous tasks such as combat if the creature has such abilities, which most of them do.
Great effect allows actions outside the creature's comfort zone, but not things it directly opposes. A devil will do most things except those associated with Light, a fire elemental will heat your forge or power your steam engine. Lengthy service also requires great effect, like summoning the creature to guard a treasure for as long as it can.
Typical consequences include: You lose some of your life energy The creature strikes out at you once. A tightwire struggle to keep the creature under control. Overly literal interpretations of your commands. Demanding not to be summoned again until some time or event has passed. General sulkiness. Demanding you sell your soul, become its agent in the world, that you come to its home plane to serve it there for a time (usually three scores).
Offering a creature gifts or services appropriate to its nature can improve position. This is essentially a devil's bargain, accepting a price in advance. Desperate position usually comes from trading position for effect, but it might come from a difference in ethos. If you are a priest of light and summon undead, or if the summon is three or more tiers above you the position will be desperate. Consequences include the spirit demanding you sell your soul, become its agent in the world, that you come to its home plane to serve it there for a time (usually three scores), that you defeat the creature in a duel or similar dramatic story events.
Soul's Crossing Create a portal to the plane of death.
Create a portal to the land of the dead. There are things that are possible to do on these planes that are not allowed in the regular world, most effects are reduced one step in difficulty, from advanced to basic, master to advanced, and apex to master. This opens the possibility of new super-apex powers that have to be negotiated with the game master. Such effects rarely reach outside the plane where you perform them, but if they affect creatures on that plane, the effect may remain when you return to the mundane world.
Gating can allow access to creatures too powerful to summon and souls unwilling to become undead. In this case you can ask for an audience. The creature may then use the gate to come to you, call you into its presence, or just communicate with you.
Using a gate is usually played out as a score, which means there is an engagement roll. Depending on how quickly the matter is resolved, the game master may require a separate use of the power to return home again. However if you do this in a scene that is dangerous, such as asking for help against an enemy too powerful for you to defeat, the position is usually much worse. Once you have established a connection to a certain place or audience with a certain creature, you can usually do so again from a controlled position.
Command and intimidate the undead, projecting authority. Position and effect depend on the situation and your relationship with the listeners.
Wraith's Whisper Command undead even if you don't share a language.
This is useful for intimidating creatures under your power and commanding foreign or alien undead. Combined with the basic power of Sway, it allows two-way communication.
Spectral Speech Communicate with undead and dead things over vast distances.
You can communicate with undead over any distance as long as you know the target, and a line-of-sight even if you do not. You can communicate with the most powerful creature related to your power in a vehicle or installation as long as you can see the exterior. The communication is simple and direct, suitable for the Command skill.
You can also use a skull as a communication device. You say who you are trying to speak to, and if a skull is present, you can communicate.
Wraith's Will Command undead as if you were their superior.
Targets will see you as a leader type outranking them. This does not remove existing loyalties, which can lead to conflicts. Understanding the social order of your targets helps avoid conflicting with their established loyalties. Ordering animated city guards to ignore a disturbance is harder (needs more effect) than telling them to deal with it and move on, because their task is to protect the now-dead city.
Limited effect might result in a creature not doing what it might not have done anyway, like not investigating a disturbance. This is usually enough to order skeletons and zombies to do anything. Standard effect makes the creature do what it should, but in a way you decide, like like taking the left instead of the right patrol route. Great effect means targets will ignore their normal routine and go out of their way to please you, like skeletons fighting for you, or enemies ignoring or fleeing from you.
The position depends on the creatures' actual relationship to you—ordering a creature that sees itself as your superior is a desperate position. A controlled position comes from a creature that agrees you are superior, usually just making retrying harder. A risky position is typical against a creature that sees itself as your equal and not your enemy, possibly leading to heat, misunderstood orders, or small rebellions.
Enslave Permanently bind undead to service.
This won’t work unless you are already in a position of power. The effect is similar to Authority but permanent. A creature can be freed by powers or strong passions.
Death Mask Make clothes and accessories rotten but functional when used by you and undead creatures.
Gift of Undeath Assume the form of an undead.
Curse of Undeath Shapechange a willing or helpless creature into an undead.
Haunted Hunt Transform a number of willing creatures into undead, give a simple instruction.
Harrowing Herse Ride undead or a vehicle of death as if they were trained.
Scythe Fine and potent close-range attack, similar to a fine potent weapon.
Dead Man's Hand Fine manipulation of corpses and undead.
Deluge of Death A wall of undead, suppressing scale.
Scent of Death Track and pursue undead and corpses.
Shard of Death Attack similar to a fine and potent rifle.
Wraithly Warning Create signs of haunting.
You can create signs of haunting, such as faintly glowing images, rattling noises, and banging doors. You can cover a single room indoors or a city block outdoors.
Outbreak Attack like a fine and potent grenade.
Deathwatch Hide in graveyards, tombs, and haunted places.
Ghost Walk Move on and through tombs, corpses, and cadavers.
Dance Macabre Bring allies when you use Deathwatch and Ghost Walk.
Death March Crew teleport from one burial place to another.
Touch of Death A close-range attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol.
Hand of Death Fine and potent Touch of Death.
Ghost Dance Distractions and obstructions prevent scale.
Carnival of Carnage Attack all enemies in a wide area.
Study and analyze objects and creatures imbued with death to gain insight and knowledge. This works on bone and skin used as materials, on corpses, and undead.
Name of the Deceased Identify corpses, cadavers, and materials taken from the dead.
Identify corpses, cadavers, including silk, leather, and undead, learning their use and abilities.
Seance Summon an apparition of a dead person you have a link to and ask them questions.
This requires a link to the dead. Part of the corpse, grave, cenotaph, and place of death all qualify. A personal object can also do, as well as a close friend or relative of the deceased.
You summon a powerless apparition of the dead person. This can be a ghostly image or voice, or a manifestation on something like a Ouija board or tarot reading. The spirit of the dead can tell you about things that happened in its lifetime. Most apparitions are vain and eager to speak about their lives and the wrongs they suffered, especially to people close to them. They retain some of their habits from life, particularly negative ones like suspicion, greed, and vengefulness.
Depending on the setting, an apparition may or may not be able to speak of its continued existence after death.
Obituary Sense the past events of a corpse or place of death.
Tale of Tragedy Obituary for every corpse in a large area.
Scent of Death Sense manifestations of death, including undead and Death powers.
Skull Eye Choose a skull or a representation of one; perceive as if you were at that spot.
Seeking Skull Choose a location or creature. You gain a sensor at the nearest skull.
Omnipresent Death You perceive from all skulls at once over a wide area.
Moody Dead Understand undead even if normally couldn't and sense their motivations.
Dead Men Talking You and allies can communicate with undead. You can make folk morose.
Elegy You can post suggestions in the mind of an undead.
Unity in Death Permanently change the personality and motivations of undead.
Dead Style Work the remains of the dead. Make decrepit and broken items function normally.
Dead Craft Shape materials you can Dead Polish as if they were of clay.
Luxuries of the Dead Create Dead Polish objects out of nothing, create fine and potent items.
Funerary Splendor Mass produce Dead Craft or make something large, such as a vehicle or building.
Rot of Death Wreck remnants of the dead. Finish off damaged things. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
Rot of Oblivion Rot of Death, but faster as if they were wood. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in combat.
Dust to Dust Rot of Oblivion and destroyed targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust.
Crypt Cataclysm Similar to Rot to Oblivion, but over a large area. Level a necropolis or anything weathered.