Earth Powers (FiD)

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Main Page is Powers Earth is the base of all, the solid ground we walk on, dig into, and who ultimately nourishes us all.

The earth can be influenced and used by other powers, yet it remains solid. Earth powers can be slow and imprecise, but are very powerful.

Earth attacks are thrown rocks and weapons made of stone, but more powerful effects can cause tremors and earthquakes. Combines well with other powers, for example earth plus fire can cause a volcano and earth plus air can cause a sandstorm.

Earth creatures are mainly earth elementals, but also creatures that burrow into the earth and monsters and animals with earth powers. Burrowing animals are also covered by the Animal power.

Earth Power Effects Table

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Perceive
You can detect earth creatures and earth powers.
You can force an earth creature that is native to another plane of existence to return to that plane, or to end the operation of an earth ability.
You can summon an earth creature. This is generally an unwilling servant. It will obey one command from you and this can be extended. Learning who to summon may require study or be a a score in itself.
Earth Gate
You can create a portal that allows travel to and from the plane of earth for a limited time.
Command Communicate
You can talk to earth creatures even if normally couldn't, allowing you to use the command action normally on them.
You and allies can communicate with earth creatures.
You can give commands to earth creatures, as if you were their superior. This does not remove existing loyalties, which can lead to conflicts.
You can permanently bind creatures to service. Unless affected by other powers, they will stay in one location and act according to your instructions, like very loyal and literal-minded goons.
Consort Mask
You can change your clothes and accessories by imbuing them with earth, including crystals and gems. This can mask your identity or create fabulous outfits.
You assume the form of an earth creature. Add 1d to one action and subtract 1d from all actions covered by an attribute except if you just raised one of them.
You can shapechange a willing or helpless creatures into an earth creature. This can be a curse, it can be broken but it is not easy. You can easily break the effect.
Subterranean Stampede
You can transform a large number of willing or non-sentient creatures and give them a simple instruction, typically someone for them to hunt.
Finesse Ride Earth
If there is an earth creature mount or a vehicle made of earth, you can ride it as if it was domesticated and you have the keys.
Stalagmite Strike
You can use the power as a fine and potent close-range attack, similar in effect to a fine potent dueling sword or pistol, or you can give your friends the Ride ability for the duration of a score.
Pebble Poke
You can do fine manipulation of earth, allowing you to do small and exact manipulations at range. This allows you to open doors, trigger or hinder mechanisms, or perform other minor manipulations, as long as you have a pebble.
Stalactite Storm
Your power manifests like a storm of spears, suppressing the effect of multiple opponents and acting as a fine potent weapon.
Hunt Impressions In Earth
You can track over any solid surface, even if the target does not leave any mundane trail or clues.
Pellet Shot
You can use your power to attack, similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle.
Dust Dance
You can raise a cloud of dust and toss solid objects about. You can cover a single room indoors or a city block outdoors.
Gravel Grenade
You can use your power to attack similar to a fine and potent grenade. This allows you to fight many creatures in the same area, but there is a risk of collateral damage.
Prowl Boulder Blend
You can hide among rocks or bare stone, including stone, brick, and concrete walls. This allows you to hide in impossible places.
You can move on and through earth. This allows you to climb on vertical walls, walk through walls and so on, as long as they are made of earth. Rebar can block your path.
You can bring allies along when you use Boulder Blend and Earthglide.
Womb of the Earth
You and allies can teleport from one location surrounded by nothing but earth to another. Barriers blocking access to earthen walls must be removed. This is regional travel, you stay within the same city or region, but it is generally sufficient to enter or escape just about any situation or location.
Skirmish Stone Skirmish
You can use the power as a close-range attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol.
Diamond Daggers
Same as Skirmish Attack, except the weapon is fine and potent.
Your power creates distractions and obstructions that prevents the enemy from benefiting from numbers and otherwise works as a fine potent weapon.
Crystal Cascade
Your power strikes out in all directions, attacking all enemies in a wide area.
Study Crystal Clarity
You can identify objects and creatures that manifest earth and see the use of the abilities of the earth power.
Earthly Expertise
You know the powers and abilities of something you identified with Crystal Clarity.
Earthly Echoes
You can read the past events of something you use Earthly Expertise on. This includes previous owners and how the object has been moved around as well as significant scenes.
Gaia's Glory
You research everything in a wide area. This is easy to do where you are, more difficult at range. You can then use hindsight on some of these targets.
Survey Earthly Intuition
You can sense manifestations of earth at a distance and understand their general nature. This works even when you can't see the target, but both range and information suffers.
Earth Eyes
Choose a piece of earth, whether it be soil, a rock, or any other earth-related object; you can perceive as if you were at that spot.
Choose a location or creature. You gain a sensor at the nearest piece of earth, which is often close enough to perceive the target.
One with the Earth
You perceive from all objects manifesting your power at once over a wide area. As long as you concentrate you retain this perception and can report what you see to others.
Sway Earth Empathy
You can understand earth creatures even if normally couldn't. You learn learn their objectives.
Terran Talk
You and allies can communicate with earth creatures. You can make folk more content and confident
Stone Suggestion
You can post suggestions in the mind of an earth creature, which will be triggered under conditions you specify. Common suggestions are to steal something, attack someone, or ignore some event. This is a subtle power, but easier to spot once triggered.
Carved in Stone
You change the personality and motivations of earth creatures. This power is permanent, but blatant. The target remember their past, but regard it as unimportant compared to their new motivations.
Tinker Chisel
You can handle earth and stone as if you had the appropriate tools and protective devices.
You can shape earth and stone as if they were of clay, and they will retain their new shape for some time even if they would normally not, such as sand.
You can create objects of earth and stone out of nothing, or transform an object from one material to another as long as you know the power required for both the starting and final form. This can create complex tools, such as fine and potent items appropriate to the power(s) used.
Similar to Earthforge, but you mass produce objects, even a set of different objects. You can also make something large, such as a vehicle or building.
Wreck Crack
You can crack earth and stone much like a sledgehammer. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
When smashing earth and stone, you affect hard objects as if they were wood. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in combat.
Similar to Stonebreaker, but destroyed targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust.
Ruinous Rumble
Similar to Stonebreaker, but over a large area. This can level a city block, raze a city wall, and similar massive destruction.

Expanded Earth Powers

Expanded descriptions of effects that differ significantly from Typical Powers.

Earth is the base of all things, including the power rules. No Earth power is different enough to need its own detailed description.