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GreyhawkGreyhawk Arms

An international guild of seekers for lore and loot. Divided into lodges, of which the Sasserine lodge is one.

Type: College

Scale: 14 (Continent)

Capital: 14. Gp limit 100,000. Assets 1,400,000 gp.

Executive powers: Gift, Research, Trade.


Critereon Affiliation Score Modifier
Character level +1/2 levels
Inherent 0
Acquired 4
Ability to read or write three "dead" languages +1
5 or more rains in Appraise +1
5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Geography) or Knowledge (History) +1
‡ 10 or more ranks in Knowledge (Geography) or Knowledge (History) +2
Work 6
Pay 10% of income in guild dues +2
Paid less than 1% of income in guild dues -1
Donates magic item to seeker lodge (this also counts against guild dues) +2/5,000 gp
Continual reports on most activities to the affiliation (doubled if players writes and publishes journal) +1
Owns an artifact or a magic item worth 100,000 gp or more +1
Works as guild official 1 month/year +1
Works as full-time guild scribe, chronicling another member for a full year† +2
Adventure 2
Adds significant new lore to seeker lodge +1
Wins crucial lodge debate +1
Penalties 2
Fails to deposit a journal in seeker lodge once/year -2
Failure to serve duties as a Seeker Council member this year -4
Loses a magic item on deposit from the seekers -4
Reveal Seeker secrets to non-members (you are free to reveal secrets you brought to light) -2
Deliberately wrecks a ship -4

† This bonus is not generally applicable to PCs. Does not count for balance purposes.

‡ Bonus not cumulative with others in the group or with the line above the group.


Affiliation Score Title: Benefits and Duties
3 or lower Apprentice: no benefits.
4-10 Seeker: Free but spartan accommodations at any seeker lodge. +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge checks at seeker libraries.
11-20 Master Seeker: +4 circumstance bonus on Knowledge checks at seeker libraries. Receives an unflinchingly loyal servant/chronicler (expert class cohort).
21-29 Member of Seeker Council: Access to a lodge's most secret tomes, grants an +8 circumstance check on Knowledge checks at seeker libraries and a +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks in Seeker debates. Borrow and use non-charged guild item worth Affiliation Score x 500 gp for one month once per year. Must serve 30 days each year administrating the lodge. Loss of item or failure to serve gives loss of affiliation score.
30 or higher Grand Master: Borrow and use non-charged guild item worth Affiliation Score x 500 gp. Loss of item gives loss of affiliation score.

Peter Blood

Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
Character level +1/2 levels
5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Geography) or Knowledge (History) +1
Paid less than 1% of income in guild dues -1