Other Humans (Greyhawk)

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GreyhawkGreyhawk Arms

There are other human races in the World of Greyhawk, living in the main outside Oerth.


These are the arctic peoples living near Flaeness.

  • Languages: Chakji, Common.


Originaly from the far west, these people moved into the Flaeness after the invoked devastarion, and today dominate among the Tiger and Wolf nomads.

  • Languages: Ordai, Common


A horse-folk separate from thew Baklunish and the Paynim. Today they live in Ull. They revere no gods, only demons and spirits.

  • Languages: Ulagha, Common

Tuov (Hepmonland)

The black warriors of Hepmonland are proud and accomplished. The Tuov is actually only one of many human cultures in Heptmonaland, but it is the one outsiders most frequently encounter.

  • Languages: Tuov, Common.


Living in the intensely magical land of Zindia, these people are frail of body but great in spirit. They are similar to pathfinder's Vuldrans.

  • Languages: Zindian, Common.


Coming from a land ruled by dragonborn, the Nipponese do all in their power to live up to their demanding masters. They are similar to Pathfinder's Minkai.

  • Languages: Nipponese, Common.


The remotest human people known, Celestials live at the center of the world in a land dominated by dragons and kobolds. Similar to the lads of the Tian-Shus isn Pathfinder.

  • Languages: Celestial, any one other.


Native to distant Erypt, these bronze-colored people have an ancient civilization.

  • Languages: Osirian


Antiquities Smuggler (Regional): You have moved contraband relics from Osirion’s elder days for years, and have learned some tricks. Choose one of the following skills: Appraise, Bluff, or Sleight of Hand. You gain a +1 trait bonus on that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.

Osirionologist (Regional): You have studied the history of ancient Osirion, and may have even ventured inside one of the great pyramids. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (engineering) and Knowledge (history) checks, and one of them is always a class skill for you. In addition, you may choose Ancient Osiriani as one of your bonus languages.