Honey (Greyhawk Action)
Greyhawk Action! |
Neutral Good, lesser Common goddes of beauty and dance.
Honey is an ascended mortal sponsored by Olidarma and the Common goddess of dance and naked beauty. Her cult is very new and barely established, but has some of the fervor of the newly converted. There is little hierarchy and much inspiration among her followers. Synchretists identify her as an aspect of Olidarma.
Honey is shown as a naked female faun or as a young woman of the worshiper's race, nude or dressed in revealing dancing outfits. She has no special items, but is often shown wearing garlands of flowers. When she she is forced to fight she uses a lithe martial art built around trips and kicks. She is said to wander the Flanaess in various identities and in the company of different heroes and romances.
Emotions speak stronger than thoughts, but loudest of all speaks the body in dance. Find harmony within your body and use this to inspire others. Beauty is to be shared, love can dispel evil and darkness.
Her services are always showy affairs, often with feasting and dancing long into the night. Her priestesses are entertainers and work to spread happiness, inspire good deeds, and to further love of all kinds. While they encourage the creation of art, they rarely take any for themselves and are not encouraged to take payment for their magic or performances. They use any donations to establish and embellish temples and to pay their way in the world.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Weapon: Unarmed strike
Symbol: Calla flower (fresh or as motif)
Pathfinder Domains
Charm (Love), Good (Agathion), Healing (Restoration), Luck, Magic (Divine).
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Achieve sexual or performance climax with one or more partners or spectators. Praise the most beautiful aspects of yourself and any partners aloud, and offer a prayer to Honey. If no-one is there to be interacted with, you must roam an area with a 100 ft. radius looking for spectators. If you do not find any, you can proceed alone. Gain a +4 bonus on Armor Class against attacks of opportunity.
- Honey Charm (Sp) disguise self 3/day, mirror image 2/day, or charm monster 1/day
- Flawless Form (Su) Gain a sacred bonus to Armor Class equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum +1) whenever you wear revealing clothing and no armor.
- Liberation (Sp) You can cast freedom once per day.