Goods & Markets (Greyhawk 4E)

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Greyhawk for 4E

This is a sketch of the economic system to be used in Greyhawk 4E. Greyhawk has a developed economy and a large market in magic items, able to find both buyers and sellers pretty easily.

Loot and Magic Items

This applies to valuables and magic items, as well as to ritual services and components.

  • The sell price 100% of base value.
  • The purchase price is 200% of base price
    • The purchase price is 150% of base price if you have an appropriate connection (usually trough an Affiliation

Mundane Gear

  • The sell price of mundane equipment is 25%. This includes items not generally considered loot, such as non-magical weapons, armor, and personal gear. This includes reduction for gear damage.
  • The purchase price of mundane gear is 100% normal. This ensures you get well-made and maintained items.


The reason for this generous system is to simplify division of spoils and inclusion of minor magic items. If a given treasure includes 10,000 gp worth of diverse items, some of this can be in magic items of a level equal to the party level and lower, and it does not affect the calculations if these items are kept or sold. This allows the Dm to fudge minor magic items, including them in the general loot or specifying them as desired. It can even allow retconning such items into the stash after the fact. Only magic items of a level higher than the party's level need be specified.