Rituals (4E)
Revision as of 12:35, 22 September 2008 by Starfox (talk | contribs) (→Monster Creation Rituals: Moved)
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4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons |
Utility Rituals
Air Walk
Ritual name
The ritual makes everyone in the ritual tread on air as if walking on solid ground.
Level: 13 | Component Cost: 5,000 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 75,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 1 hour |
Animal Shapes
Ritual name
Everyone in the ritual changes into an animal.
Level: 3 | Component Cost: 40 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 120 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: See text |
Animate Rope
Ritual name
A rope comes to life and moves on your command.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 10 |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 40 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 10 minutes |
Ritual name
You cause a location to emanate magical vibrations that repel a specific kind of intelligent creature.
Level: 15 | Component Cost: 1,500 |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 4,000 |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Arcane Mark
Ritual name
The rune you place glows, then fades. You know it is still there.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 5 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 25 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: 1 hour |
Arcane Sight
Ritual name
You close your eyes and open your magical senses.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 100 |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 250 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: 1 hour |
Arcane Smite
Ritual name
Arcane force pulverizes everything in a small area.
Level: 10 | Component Cost: 550 |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 1,600 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 round |
Assume Appearance
Ritual name
Everyone in the ritual changes appearance.
Level: 3 | Component Cost: 15 |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 40 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 4 hours |
Assume Shape
Ritual name
Everyone in the ritual changes into another race.
Level: 10 | Component Cost: 550 |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 1,450 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: See text |
Astral Projection
Ritual name
You project all the participants in the ritual into the Astral Sea, leaving inert bodies behind.
Level: 18 | Component Cost: 5,000 |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 16,000 |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Religion (no check) |
Duration: Special |
Ritual name
The demon lord is sure to return to wreak havoc. To avoid this, you enshrine it and hope other will continue to keep it bound forever.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 25 |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 50 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion |
Duration: Special |
Call Lightning
Ritual name
You call the wrath of nature to strike like a siege engine.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 100 |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 250 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 1 minute |
Capture Image
Ritual name
You capture an image for later use.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 10 |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 25 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Permanent |
Cloak of Shadows
Ritual name
You collect a pool of shadow and drape it around yourself and your friends.
Level: 14 | Component Cost: 1,800 |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 5,000 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: 1 hour |
Ritual name
Cutting a bloody chunk out of yourself and putting it in a huge vat you ignore the pain and think of your enemies and how you will fool them all with this life insurance.
Level: 17 | Component Cost: 50,000 gp. |
Category: Restoration | Market Price: 12,000 |
Time: 1 week | Key Skill: Healing (no check) |
Duration: Instantaneous |
Ritual name
You call upon your god to ward and protect an area.
Level: 3 | Component Cost: 100 |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 150 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion |
Duration: 6 hours |
Ritual name
You consecrate the carrier with rotting flesh and rat’s tails. Soon, it will bear bitter fruit!
Level: 6 | Component Cost: 250 |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 300 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion |
Duration: Until removed |
Continual Flame
Ritual name
At your touch, the objects burst into heatless flame.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 50 |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 150 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: Permanent |
Control Crops
Ritual name
The earth will return your sacrifices tenfold – or return only dust.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 10 |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 50 |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 1 growing season |
Control Winds
Ritual name
With a whirling motion you force the wind to obey your commands.
Level: 9 | Component Cost: 500 |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 1,200 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 6 hours |
Ritual name
You walk through the crowd with your cornucopia, pouring fresh delicacies into each of their hands.
Level: 9 | Component Cost: 300 |
Category: Creation | Market Price: 1,000 |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 2 hours |
Ritual name
You shape objects out of ephemeral energies.
Level: 8 | Component Cost: Special |
Category: Creation | Market Price: 600 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Instant |
Dancing Lights
Ritual name
You finish the ritual, and an army of witchfires moves out under your command.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 5 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 25 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Ritual name
You stare into the dark, and shadowy patterns emerge.
Level: 12 | Component Cost: 1,200 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 3,600 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature (no check) |
Duration: 1 hour |
Ritual name
Calling upon the sun, you bind some of its light.
Level: 3 | Component Cost: 20 gp. |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 150 gp. |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana or Religion. |
Duration: 1 hour |
Ritual name
You invoke the power of shadow and imbue it in an area.
Level: 3 | Component Cost: 100 gp |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 150 gp. |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion |
Duration: 6 hours |
Detect Plant or Beast
Ritual name
Holding your dowsing stick, you think of deer. The stick pulls to towards one, then another.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 10 gp |
Category: Divination | Market Price: 25 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: Instant |
Detect Undead
Ritual name
The incense burns steadily, but suddenly eddies appear in the smoke, disturbing shapes indicating the presence of undead.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 10 gp |
Category: Divination | Market Price: 25 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion |
Duration: Instant |
Dimensional Anchor
Ritual name
A loadstone about your neck weights down on anyone trying to teleport nearby.
Level: 7 | Component Cost: 180 gp |
Category: Warding | Market Price: 500 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Dimensional Barrier
Ritual name
You hedge an area with ritual markers, creating a boundary between the planes.
Level: 13 | Component Cost: 600 gp |
Category: Warding | Market Price: 3,500 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Ritual name
With a flourish, you banish the defeated foe back to its home plane.
Level: 7 | Component Cost: 135 gp. |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 200 gp. |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion or Arcana |
Duration: Instantaneous |
Dream Sending
Ritual name
You enter a trance visualizing your friend, and find yourself face-to-face with him in his dream world.
Level: 9 | Component Cost: 150 gp. |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 800 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: Special |
Ritual name
With clashing cymbals and stomping fee the ritual reaches a crescendo, and the very earth shakes in unison with your calls.
Level: 15 | Component Cost: 2,800 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 8,000 gp |
Time: 15 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: Instant |
Ritual name
You make a great excavation in the earth.
Level: 16 | Component Cost: 2,900 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 8,600 gp |
Time: 4 hours and more, see text | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Instant |
False Vision
Ritual name
You create an image in your mind, then superimpose it on reality, making sure any scrying will lock on to the image.
Level: 9 | Component Cost: 160 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 600 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Gaseous Form
Ritual name
You and your allies whirl in a ritual dance, your forms gradually softening until all that can be seen is a fine mist.
Level: 12 | Component Cost: 1,000 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 3,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Ritual name
You negotiate an agreement with your enemies, then bind everyone to it with a geas. Breaking the agreement now has dire consequences.
Level: 11 | Component Cost: 700 gp |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 1,500 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: Special |
Hallucinatory Sound
Ritual name
You direct, and its like an unseen orchestra is playing.
Level: 2 | Component Cost: 10 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 40 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 4 hours |
Hallucinatory Terrain
Ritual name
You make terrain feel, look, sound, and smell like some other sort of terrain.
Level: 7 | Component Cost: 65 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 250 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Hallucinatory Wall
Ritual name
You make a solid illusory wall.
Level: 4 | Component Cost: 30 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 150 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Helping Hand
Ritual name
You create the ghostly image of a hand, which can find a creature and lead it to you.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 100 gp |
Category: Divination | Market Price: 180 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion |
Duration: 24 hours or until dismissed |
Hero’s Feast
Ritual name
You attend a splendid banquet, waited upon by radiant beings and consuming nectar and ambrosia. After the meal, you are refreshed and ready for further heroics.
Level: 13 | Component Cost: 2,600 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 4,200 gp |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Religion (no check) |
Duration: Instant |
Illusory Scrying
Ritual name
Having heard of his miraculous rescue by an unknown hero, you show the young king a vision in which the secret savior is revealed to be you.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 10 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 25 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Imbue With Power
Ritual name
You imbue another with power, lending you a piece of your spirit for a limited time.
Level: 7 | Component Cost: 180 gp |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 400 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: 6 hours |
Ritual name
You send your defeated foe into eternal imprisonment from which he flee or be resurrected.
Level: 17 | Component Cost: 5,000 gp |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 15,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Permanent |
Ritual name
You call out to your god to make a compact with a new devotee.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: Free |
Category: Binding | Market Price: Free |
Time: 6 hours | Key Skill: Religion (no check), user must be of a divine origin class |
Duration: Instant |
Leomund’s Secure Shelter
Ritual name
The cottage suddenly is there, like a natural extension of the terrain.
Level: 8 | Component Cost: 5 gp |
Category: Creation | Market Price: 35 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: 24 hours |
Ritual name
After joining together in a quick marching ditty, you set off walking at a frisk pace.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 5 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 35 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 10 hours or until broken |
Lord of the Land
Ritual name
Level: 10 | Component Cost: 400 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 800 gp |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 1 year |
Low-Light Vision
Ritual name
You close your eyes, and when you open them again they gleam like a cat’s.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 100 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 250 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature (no check) |
Duration: 1 hour |
Mark of Justice
Ritual name
You mark a prisoner with a mark that shows his sins to the world.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 75 gp |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 150 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion |
Duration: Permanent |
Ritual name
Gentle breezes carry your words to your friends.
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 10 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 50 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Miasma of Shadows
Ritual name
With a dramatic gesture, you open your cloak, and a dark fog envelops the area.
Level: 3 | Component Cost: 150 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 250 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 4 hours |
Mimic Shape
Ritual name
Everyone in the ritual becomes the race of one participant.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 80 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 250 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: See text |
Mind Blank
Ritual name
You put a perfectly white and smooth clay mask over the target’s face, which gradually grows transparent and forms a shield around his mind.
Level: 24 | Component Cost: 60,000 gp |
Category: Warding | Market Price: 120,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Mirage Arcana
Ritual name
You paint in broad strokes, imagination your brush, reality your canvas.
Level: 15 | Component Cost: 1,600 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 3,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Modify Magical Terrain
Ritual name
With great rumbling of earth, you change one type of terrain into another.
Level: 22 | Component Cost: 20,000 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 41,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Instant |
Modify Memory
Ritual name
Reaching into the mind of the target, you pluck the strands of memory like the strings of a lute.
Level: 10 | Component Cost: 250 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 800 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Modify Terrain
Ritual name
With great rumbling of earth, you change one type of terrain into another.
Level: 12 | Component Cost: 800 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 2,200 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Instant |
Ritual name
You can make a creature put a mortgage on its spirit, allowing it to be summoned to serve later.
Level: 7 | Component Cost: 150 gp |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 250 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Instant or 1 hour |
Ritual name
You send a hideous and unsettling phantasmal vision to a specific creature that you name or otherwise specifically designate.
Level: 7 | Component Cost: 150 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 250 gp |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Instant |
Object Portal
Ritual name
The shimmering expands, causing objects in the area to disappear.
Level: 3 | Component Cost: 45 gp |
Category: Transport | Market Price: 120 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Obscuring Mist
Ritual name
Swirling tendrils of mist rise out of the ground, obscuring everything.
Level: 8 | Component Cost: 180 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 750 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 4 hours |
Overland Flight
Ritual name
Dealing with the wind spirits, you negotiate passage for you and your friends.
Level: 17 | Component Cost: 5,200 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 15,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 10 hours |
Ritual name
You twist the nature of the earth, temporarily opening a passage trough still-solid rock.
Level: 10 | Component Cost: 480 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 960 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Permanent Illusion
Ritual name
You craft an elaborate alternate reality.
Level: 21 | Component Cost: 8,000 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 4,000 gp |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Permanent |
Phantom Trap
Ritual name
You imagine the worst trap you can and then make an illusion of it.
Level: 3 | Component Cost: 25 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 100 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Portal Beacon
Ritual name
You teleport to a known location, and leave the link open so you can return.
Level: 13 | Component Cost: 1,000 gp |
Category: Travel | Market Price: 3,400 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Special |
Programmed Illusion
Ritual name
You craft an elaborate scene in your mind, then hide it away until it is needed.
Level: 18 | Component Cost: 2.400 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 12,000 gp |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Until triggered, then 24 hours |
Programmed Scrying
Ritual name
Looking into the mirror, the onlooker sees his horrible demise at the hands of the baron, who appears to be vampire in disguise.
Level: 7 | Component Cost: 75 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 300 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Until triggered |
Ritual name
Raising your blade in salute, you dedicate yourself to a sacred mission.
Level: 8 | Component Cost: 150 gp |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 500 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion (no check) |
Duration: One year or until fulfilled |
Raise Tower
Ritual name
You cause the earth to raise into a great tower
Level: 12 | Component Cost: 900 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 2,000 gp |
Time: 24 hours | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Special |
Resist Energy
Ritual name
You say the final word of the ritual and pour a drop of acid on your skin. At first, it burns, but the feeling quickly fades and it fizzles away harmlessly.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 100 gp |
Category: Warding | Market Price: 220 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Resist Energy, Contingent
Ritual name
Wearing a brace of seven gemstones, you link their magic so that one of them can steal the magic of all of the others.
Level: 20 | Component Cost: 15,000 gp |
Category: Warding | Market Price: 30,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Resist Energy, Mass
Ritual name
You send three gemstones into orbit around your head, ready to absorb any incoming energy.
Level: 10 | Component Cost: 500 gp |
Category: Warding | Market Price: 1,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Resist Energy, Prismatic
Ritual name
Wearing a brace of seven gemstones, you link their magic so that all of them are active at once.
Level: 15 | Component Cost: 2800 gp |
Category: Warding | Market Price: 5200 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Resist Energy, Triad
Ritual name
You send three gemstones into orbit around your head, ready to absorb any incoming energy.
Level: 25 | Component Cost: 65,000 gp |
Category: Warding | Market Price: 125,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Shape Magic Item
Ritual name
You take the ugly red shoes off and invoke the ritual, finding delicious lime sandals in their place. Red is so last week!
Level: 1 | Component Cost: 25 gp |
Category: Creation | Market Price: 50 gp |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Arcana (no roll) |
Duration: Instant |
Shrink Item
Ritual name
You peer at the item through a crystal lens, noting how it becomes smaller and smaller. When you remove the lens, it remains shrunk.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 80 gp |
Category: Creation | Market Price: 200 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Until restored |
Ritual name
Shaping an rough form of snow and ice, you add a body part from your victim and a strong whiff of shadow energy. Suddenly, your victim is at your command.
Level: 15 | Component Cost: 4,000 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 25,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Permanent until destroyed |
Sound of Doom
Ritual name
Angelic trumpets blast the target area.
Level: 15 | Component Cost: 3,900 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 7,500 gp |
Time: 15 minutes | Key Skill: Religion |
Duration: 1 round |
Spectral Army
Ritual name
You create the illusion of a creature, then imbue it with a shadow of sentience.
Level: 25 | Component Cost: 80,000 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 185, 000 gp |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Variable |
Spectral Horde
Ritual name
Imagining a host of creatures, you let your mental phantoms take on a semblance of life.
Level: 15 | Component Cost: 1,800 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 4,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Variable |
Spectral Monster
Ritual name
You create the illusion of a creature, then imbue it with a shadow of sentience.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 50 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 200 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Variable |
Spectral Squad
Ritual name
Imagining a host of creatures, you let your mental phantoms take on a semblance of life.
Level: 10 | Component Cost: 300 gp |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 900 gp |
Time: {{{time}}} | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Variable |
Ritual name
You set up an irresistible lure drawing a particular kind of creature closer.
Level: 15 | Component Cost: 1,500 |
Category: Deception | Market Price: 4,000 |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Tame Beasts
Ritual name
Chanting softly, you tame wild beasts in the vicinity and ask them to serve you.
Level: 2 | Component Cost: 10 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 25 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 1 week |
Telepathic Bond
Ritual name
You mix your blood with that of the others and feel how your thoughts mix as well.
Level: 12 | Component Cost: 600 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 2,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 24 hours |
Telepathic Message
Ritual name
You put your heads together and temporarily break the wall between minds.
Level: 7 | Component Cost: 80 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 500 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no roll) |
Duration: 1 hour |
Teleportation Beacon
Ritual name
You set up a temporary beacon for others to teleport to.
Level: 16 | Component Cost: 3,400 gp |
Category: Travel | Market Price: 9,000 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: 1 hour |
Teleportation Circle
Ritual name
Over time, you craft a magical beacon for others to teleport to.
Level: 11 | Component Cost: 680 gp |
Category: Travel | Market Price: 900 gp |
Time: 1 month | Key Skill: Arcana (no check) |
Duration: Permanent |
Unity of Purpose
Ritual name
You make a pledge to certain ideals and seek unity of purpose with your friends.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 100 gp |
Category: Binding | Market Price: 250 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion (no check) |
Duration: 1 hour |
Wall of Stone
Ritual name
You create a solid stone wall
Level: 10 | Component Cost: 500 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 1,000 gp |
Time: 1 hour | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: Instant |
Wall of Thorns
Ritual name
A wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of very tough, pliable, tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long as a human’s finger.
Level: 10 | Component Cost: 400 gp. |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 800 gp. |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: Instant |
Water Walk, Group
Ritual name
The ritual makes everyone in the ritual tread on water as if walking on solid ground.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 100 gp. |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 250 gp. |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Nature |
Duration: 1 hour |
Whispering Wind
Ritual name
A quiet zephyr carries your words to your friends.
Level: 4 | Component Cost: 40 gp |
Category: Exploration | Market Price: 120 gp |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana |
Duration: 1 hour |
Zone of Revelation
Ritual name
You spread ritual dust over the area, revealing all secret magic.
Level: 5 | Component Cost: 80 gp. |
Category: Divination | Market Price: 200 gp. |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Religion |
Duration: 10 minutes |
Summon Monster
Ritual name
You summon a creature and demand that it does your bidding.
Level: Variable | Component Cost: Variable |
Category: Binding | Market Price: Variable |
Time: 10 minutes | Key Skill: Arcana, Nature, or Religion |
Duration: Variable |
The duration of the service depends on the result of the ritual check
Arcana Check Result | Area |
9 or lower | 1 hour |
10-19 | 1 hour |
20-29 | 4 hours |
30-39 | 1 day |
40 or higher | 3 days |
The cost of the ritual to learn and cast depends on the level of the summoned creature.
Level | Market price | Component cost |
1 | 360 | 72 |
2 | 520 | 104 |
3 | 680 | 136 |
4 | 840 | 168 |
5 | 1,000 | 200 |
6 | 1,800 | 360 |
7 | 2,600 | 520 |
8 | 3,400 | 680 |
9 | 4,200 | 840 |
10 | 5,000 | 1,000 |
11 | 9,000 | 1,800 |
12 | 13,000 | 2,600 |
13 | 17,000 | 3,400 |
14 | 21,000 | 4,200 |
15 | 25,000 | 5,000 |
16 | 45,000 | 9,000 |
17 | 65,000 | 13,000 |
18 | 85,000 | 17,000 |
19 | 105,000 | 21,000 |
20 | 125,000 | 25,000 |
21 | 225,000 | 45,000 |
22 | 325,000 | 65,000 |
23 | 425,000 | 85,000 |
24 | 525,000 | 105,000 |
25 | 625,000 | 125,000 |
26 | 1,125,000 | 225,000 |
27 | 1,625,000 | 325,000 |
28 | 2,125,000 | 425,000 |
29 | 2,625,000 | 525,000 |
30 | 3,125,000 | 625,000 |