Weapon Bind (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium

Weapon Bind (Combat)

Prerequisite: Expert Disarm.

Benefit: When you perform a successful disarm combat maneuver, you use oe of your weapons to bind the opponent’s weapon (or one weapon of choice against an opponent using several weapons). This maneuver works against opponents using natural weapons or otherwise immune to disarm, and a locked glove or weapon cord provides no defense. If you have Greater Disarm, trapping a weapon causes the opponent to trigger an attack of opportunity just as a successful disarm would.

On a success both you and the opponent are prevented from using the bound weapons. You can break the weapon bind at any time (no action), and must do so if you want to use the trapped weapon. The opponent can break the weapon bind by dropping the bound weapon or disarming the weapon you used to bind. It otherwise lasts until the opponent is no longer in a square you threaten with the binding weapon.