Summon Dream (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium

Summon Dream (General)

Publisher: Everyman Games.

Prerequisites: Summon monster spell or ability, chaotic alignment.

Benefit: Add the following creatures to the list you can summon with summon monster spells. Spell-like abilities with a duration other than instantaneous used by summoned dreams are dispelled when the summon effect ends.

Summon natures ally I

Summon natures ally II

Summon natures ally III

Summon nature's ally IV flail snailB3, fukujin kami, karkadannB5,

Summon nature's ally V ahuizotlB3, boroboroton tsukumogamiB5, dandasuka rakshasaB3, hypnalisB4, lunar nagaB3, amanusya rakshasaB3, saguaroiB4, shambling mound, wood giantB2.

Summon nature's ally VI bakuB3, gynosphinx, kirinB3, marai rakshasaB3, water nagaB3.

Summon nature's ally VII abaiaB4, ahoolB5, androsphinxB3, couatl, guardian naga, rakshasaB3, spirit naga, tikbalangB4, zuishin kamiB3,

Summon natures ally VIII amarokB5, avatarana rakshasaB5, baku dreamweaverOB, calikangISWG, loreleiB4, lukwataB3, royal nagaB3,

Summon nature's ally IX azruverdaB3, cherufeB5, ghorazaghB3.

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