Rage Alchemist (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium

The rage alchemists uses alchemy to induce himself to rage, often combining rage with polymorph effects. A rage alchemist's powers depend more on body than mind. Unlike a true alchemist, a rage alchemist does not create extracts, instead he uses the alchemist list of extracts as his class spell list. He has no particular affinity for normal alchemy.

Class Information

This is a bloodrager archetype.

Class: Bloodrager.

Hit Die: d10.

Class Abilities

The rage alchemist has all the class abilities of the bloodrager, except as noted below.

Rage Alchemy (Su)

A rage alchemist uses the power in his blood to create magical effects. These effects are not infusions, they are cast as regular bloodrager spells, but the rage alchemist uses the alchemist formula list as his spell list. He learns spells, including bloodline spells, just like a regular bloodrager. A bloodrager can only cast spells from the alchemist extract list up to level 4; extracts of level 5 or higher are not on the rage alchemist's formula list and the rage alchemist cannot use spell trigger or spell completion items based on those spells without resorting to Use Magic Device. This is a modification to the bloodrager's spells ability.