Handle Animal (Apath)

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Additional Uses

This skill has a number of additional uses.

Domesticate Animals

It is always easiest to domesticate an animal while it is growing up, as covered in the "rear a wild animal" rule. But it is possible (if difficult) to domesticate a wild animal as an adult.

Domesticating an animal generally takes a number of weeks equal to the creature's expected lifetime in years. The trainer must feed the animal must have some way to restrain and discipline the animal and defend himself from it's attacks. This can be done by physical means (cages, leashes, whips) or by magic such as charm spells.

The difficulty depends on the animal's hit dice, it's normal group behavior, and the ties your race has to animals.

Racial affinities are cultural and physiological traits that make certain animals easier to train. A matter of shared perceptions, modes of communication, social organization, and food, these traits create a strong affinity between certain humanoid races and animal species. Any animal listed under "organization" in a humanoid race's description is one that race has affinity for. This includes giant and dire version of such animals.

Race Animal affinities
Boggard Frog
Cyclops Cockatrice, pig, goat
Dark Creeper Bat
Dwarf Ram, goat, raven, bear
Elf Eagle, stag, horse
Elf, Drow Spider, monitor lizard
Giant, Cave Lizard
Giant, Cloud Griffon
Giant, Fire Fire subtype
Giant, Frost Winter wolf
Giant, Hill Dire wolf
Giant, Stone Cave bear
Giant, Storm Griffon, shark
Gillmen Squid
Gnoll Hyena, hyaenodon
Gnome Badger, weasel
Goblin Goblin dog, wolf
Grippli Frog
Halfling Dog, squirrel, pony, pig
Hobgoblin Leopard
Human Dog, house cat, horse
Locathah Fish
Merfolk Dolphins, porpoises
Orc Boar
Ratfolk Rat
Sahuagin Shark
Tengu Flightless birds
Vishanka Snake
Lizardfolk Monitor lizard
Animal DC
Animals living in small groups (wolves, eagles, lions) 20 + hit dice
Herd animals (antelope, zebra) 25 + hit dice
Solitary animals (most cats, bears) 30 + hit dice
Raising the animal from infancy -10
You have a racial affinity for the animal -10

If a domestication attempt fails by 4 or less, the time is simply wasted. If it fails by 5 or more, the animal attacks. The creature has to be free from restraint during the later parts of training, and attacks at such a time. Even if the creature survives it can never be domesticated by that trainer.

Effects of Domestication

A domesticated creature can function among humanoids and generally will not attack or harm humanoids unless its training so dictates or its master orders it. A domesticated animal can still react badly if approached carelessly or denied food, and is generally not safe to have around persons unskilled in Handle Animal.

A domesticated creature will never attack a type of creature that has a racial affinity for it, even if provoked, and is safe to have around children of such races.

Both domesticated and non-domesticated creatures can be taught tricks, but only domesticated animals can be pushed to do things they have not been trained to do.

Handling Different Creatures

The handle animal skill handles animals, but can also be used to handle and train other types of creatures, and can even be used to enslave intelligent creatures, conditioning them as slaves. In general, there are two things to consider, intelligence and creature type.

Intelligence and Slavery

Animals have an Intelligence score of 1 or 2. Paizo has clarified that you can increase an animal's intelligence to 3 or more, and it remains and animal and trainable. ´Vermin have an Intelligence of zero, and are thus not trainable (they cannot be taught tricks), but they can be domesticated. Races with an affinity for vermin have generally bred those vermin to an Intelligence of 1.

Creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or more are capable of speech and limited sentience. A creature with an Intelligence of 3 or 4 is capable of understanding simple speech and express itself in a few words, but not generally able to handle itself in society. A creature of Intelligence 5 or 6 is able to fend for itself and act as a member of a small community, such as a single household or business. A creature of intelligence 7 or more might be slow, but can make its own decisions and engage with society at large. In most cases, a creature of Intelligence 4 or less will not protest as long as it is fed, while a creature of Intelligence 6 or less will not protest unless it is mistreated. No matter how well its material conditions are, a creature of Intelligence 7 or more will resent slavery.

Creatures of any Intelligence score can be trained, but it is generally slavery and an evil act to train a creature of Intelligence 5 or more; a good trainer should insist that such creatures be treated as a person. Training a creature of Intelligence 7 or more is definitely an evil act. Such training is more properly termed conditioning and needs constant threat of punishment to be enforced.

A creature that feels itself mistreated can rebel against its trainer or handler with a successful opposed Charisma check. If given active support by others, this check is automatically successful. If this check fails, the creature will act in accordance with its domestication and training.

Creature Type

  • Aberration: Can be domesticated and trained, but all Handle Animal checks in relation to them suffer a -5 penalty. Intelligent aberrations will often seem to thrive on such treatment, but in general there are dangerous side effects from long-time exposure to aberrations.
  • Animal: The most common creatures to be trained with Handle Animal. All the base rules apply to animals.
  • Construct: Constructs cannot be domesticated or trained.
  • Dragon: Dragons can be trained and domesticated. Most dragons are intelligent enough to resent this, and await an opportunity to strike back. Dragons are very patient, and can fake loyalty.
  • Fey: Cannot be domesticated or trained.
  • Humanoid: Humanoids can be domesticated and trained, but are intelligent enough to resent this as slavery.
  • Magical beast: Can be domesticated and trained, but all Handle Animal checks in relation to them suffer a -5 penalty.
  • Monstrous humanoid: Can be domesticated and trained, but all Handle Animal checks in relation to them suffer a -5 penalty. Most are intelligent enough to resent slavery.
  • Ooze: Cannot be domesticated or trained, but do respond to specific stimuli in such a way that they can be given very simple commands, as if pushing an animal.
  • Outsider: Can be domesticated and trained, but all Handle Animal checks in relation to them suffer a -5 penalty. Outsiders cannot be conditioned to act against their alignment or elemental nature.
  • Plant: Non-intelligent plant respond as oozes. Intelligent plants cannot be trained or domesticated.
  • Undead: Cannot be trained or domesticated. Undead has to be controlled by supernatural means.
  • Vermin: Can be domesticated, and vermin with an Intelligence rating can be trained, but all Handle Animal checks in relation to them suffer a -5 penalty.