Galem (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium


An animator begins play with a powerful servant creature called a homunculus and has the ability to build new homunculi. Unlike the creature named homunculus (which animators consider only a failed experiment), the homunculi animators create is alive, an outsider of the native subtype. The animator forms a link with his homunculus, and can only maintain such a link to one homunculus at a time. If a animator builds a new homunculus, any link to a previous homunculus is lost and that homunculus is destroyed. A homunculus has the same alignment as the animator that created it and knows all languages its creator knows. It is a wholly material creature and cannot be dismissed or summoned.

A animator can create a new homunculus in a ritual that takes a full day to perform. Such a new homunculus is identical in all ways to the previous homunculus. Only when advancing in level can a animator create a new homunculus that differs from the old one, reconstructing it from the ground up, including choosing a new base form. A homunculus is made from a brew of blood and dung, deposited in a bag made of an animal's intestines, gently heated over a slow fire while the animator stirs and exhales on it. At first the creature is very small (hence the name), but further work makes it grow in size and power.

An homunculus can access some unique evolutions, see the appendix. It is otherwise identical to a summoner's eidolon.

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