Imbue Space (Action Powers)

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Main article: Powers (Action)

Dim Mak

Basic Action

You can transfer the force of your blow through an inanimate object without harming the object. Make a Melee attack that ignores any Armor the opponent may have, attacking Body instead of Toughness. You can also do other special Stunts based on the ability to ignore intervening substance, such as strike at a wall to damage a man leaning against the other side or destroy a specific brick in a pile.

Core Strike

Limit Break

Strike at your opponent's core; your attack materializes inside his body. The target's soak attribute against this attack is zero.

Extended Touch

Trigger Action (Defense, Combo)

You nearby warp space so that you can reach further. You can intercept opponents attacking you from within Mind meters, striking would-be attackers that you manage to keep at bay. Whenever an opponent within Mind meters of you misses you with an attack using Shoot or Melee, you can use this to make a Normal Melee Attack on them, even at range.

You can also use it as a combo to make your melee attacks reach further.

Soul of the Warp


You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Enervation damage soaked by Body, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.

Teleport Strike

Basic Action

Instead of moving normally, you teleport a distance up to your Move and make a melee attack from an unexpected direction. This is a Normal Melee Attack against which your opponent can't use a trigger action. Trigger actions that can be used when surprised can still be used against Teleport Strike.

Warp Touch

Stance (Damage Boost)

You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2.

Warp Touch does Enervation damage soaked by Body instead of Toughness.