Move Electricity (Action Powers)
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Electric Teleport
Limit Break
You can Teleport to any point along an electric connection; a wire, cable or other continuous metal, such as a railroad track. During a lightning storm you can teleport to any point where there is currently a lightning storm; this calls a lightning bolt to strike each location.
Lightning Storm
Limit Break
This allows you to create a lightning storm. The change is instantaneous and maintained by the power for a scene; it the power is disrupted natural weather conditions quickly return. Weather created by this effect always include electric discharges, but might otherwise be any regional, seasonal weather. Tropical and temperate climes this usually involves a thunderhead and squall, but electric storms can also be dust storms or snow storms or be a purely electric phenomena.
Lightnig Storms also impresss underlings, obscures sounds, and cause animals to stampede in terror. Provides very powerful (if brief) illumination that you can time as you like. Ride and Maneuver rolls to avoid the effects of the conditions you create generally have a difficulty equal to your Ride.
But the main effect of Lightning Storm is that it aids your electric powers. Some power have it their description that they get a bonus during lightning storms. Besides this, once you learn this power, your effective Mind for the purpose of power effects is increased by 3.
Maglev Glide
You can run at a Move equal to your Ride skill. You can run along any metallic surface, even if frictionless, vertical, or inverted.