Ice Powers (FiD)

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Powers (FiD)Fox in the Dark logo

The power of frozen water, arctic cold, and creatures of cold.

Ice is a special case and a bit hard to classify. Some claim it is a variant of fire, cold where fire is hot. Others claim that it is an aspect of water, or a mix of water and air. Some claim it is an element all to itself. Most ice creatures could not care less and use the powers regardless.

Many powers of this form are limited to ice and snow. This includes frozen water, but also ice and snow created by freezing substances that are liquid or gaseous at normal room temperature. In many cases, the ice created with this form is actually dry ice, which means it melts without leaving any water behind.

Ice attacks with intense cold or with icicles.

Ice elementals are spirits of cold and snow as well as columns of ice. Learning who to summon may require study or be a a score in itself. Ice creatures is anything living in the arctic. Arctic animals are governed by both the Ice and Animal powers.

Ice Power Effects Table

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Ice Intuition
Detect ice creatures and powers.
Frigid Farewell
Dismiss ice creatures and negate Ice powers.
Frigid Follower
Summon Ice creatures.
Glacial Gateway
Create a portal to the plane of Ice.
Command Icebound Edicts
Command any Ice creature. You cannot understand them.
Polar Parley
Crew can communicate with ice creatures.
Arctic Authority
Commands Ice creatures as if you were their superior.
Icy Allegiance
Permanently bind ice creatures to service.
Consort Frosty Fashion
Add frost, snow, and ice to clothes and accessories.
Frost Form
Assume the form of an Ice creature.
Frost Freeze
Frost Form a willing or helpless creature.
Frost Flock
Frost Form willing or non-sentient creatures, give them an order.
Finesse Snow Steed
Ride an ice or snow vehicle or Ice creature.
Icy Impact
Fine and potent Ice close-range attack.
Frosty Finesse
Fine manipulation of ice.
Icicle Inferno
A storm of icicles, suppressing scale.
Hunt Frosty Finder
Track an Ice creature or over frozen terrain.
Ice to attack similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle.
Chill the environment, turn water into ice and rain into snow.
Ice attack similar to a fine and potent grenade.
Prowl Frostcloak
Hide in environments of ice and snow.
Glacier Glide
Move freely on and through wintry environments.
Crystal Conduit
Bring allies when you use Frostcloak and Glacier Glide.
Glacial Gateway
You and allies can teleport from one ice-walled space to another.
Skirmish Crystal Coat
Protection from cold.
Crystal Cleave
Skirmish Attack, except the attack is fine and potent.
Crystal Cave
Create distractions and obstructions that prevents scale.
Crystal Cyclone
Attacking all enemies in the area.
Study Crystal Clarity
Identify powers, objects, and creatures of Ice.
Crystal Comprehension
Learn the powers and abilities of something you analyze.
Crystal Chronicle
Read the past events of something you analyze.
Icebound Intellect
Wide Crystal Comprehension, then limited Crystal Chronicle.
Survey Glacial Glimpse
Sense ice and cold.
Glacier Gaze
Choose a bit of ice; perceive as if you were at that spot.
Crystal Clairvoyance
Choose a location or creature, gain a sensor at the nearest ice.
Crystal Clarity
You perceive from all ice at once over a wide area.
Sway Glacier Gab
Understand Ice creatures and their motivations.
Glacier Gathering
Crew can communicate with Ice creatures. Inspire cool and aloofness.
Crystal Charm
Post suggestions in the mind of an Ice creature.
Icebound Imprint
Permanently change the personality and motivations of an Ice creature.
Tinker Frosty Finesse
Handle icy materials as the appropriate tools and protective devices.
Crystal Crafting
Shape icy materials as if they were of clay.
Crystal Conversion
Create ice out of nothing. Transform ice into another power's material.
Frosty Factory
Mass produce Crystal Crafting or make a large as a vehicle or building.
Wreck Frosty Force
Wreck like an ice axe. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
Crystal Crush
Wreck Ice as if it was wood. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in combat.
Crystal Crush, but destroyed targets silently disappear as mist and spray.
Crystal Catastrophe
Crystal Crush over a large area. This can freeze a town or freeze a canal or lake.

Expanded Ice Powers

Frosty Finesse
Fine manipulation of ice. This allows you to open doors, trigger or hinder mechanisms, or perform other minor manipulations, as long as you have a bit of ice as a tool.

Glacier Glide
Move freely on and through wintry environments. This allows you to climb on and walk on walls of ice, and increase your speed by skiing on snow and skating on ice.


Ice Intuition Detect ice creatures and powers.

Frigid Farewell Dismiss ice creatures and negate Ice powers.

Frigid Follower Summon Ice creatures.

Glacial Gateway Create a portal to the plane of Ice.


Icebound Edicts Command any Ice creature. You cannot understand them.

Polar Parley Crew can communicate with ice creatures.

Arctic Authority Commands Ice creatures as if you were their superior.

Icy Allegiance Permanently bind ice creatures to service.


Frosty Fashion Add frost, snow, and ice to clothes and accessories.

Frost Form Assume the form of an Ice creature.

Frost Freeze Frost Form a willing or helpless creature.

Frost Flock Frost Form willing or non-sentient creatures, give them an order.


Snow Steed Ride an ice or snow vehicle or Ice creature.

Icy Impact Fine and potent Ice close-range attack.

Frosty Finesse Fine manipulation of ice.

Fine manipulation of ice. This allows you to open doors, trigger or hinder mechanisms, or perform other minor manipulations, as long as you have a bit of ice as a tool.

Icicle Inferno A storm of icicles, suppressing scale.


Frosty Finder Track an Ice creature or over frozen terrain.

Frostbolt Ice to attack similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle.

Snowstorm Chill the environment, turn water into ice and rain into snow.

Avalanche Ice attack similar to a fine and potent grenade.


Frostcloak Hide in environments of ice and snow.

Glacier Glide Move freely on and through wintry environments.

Move freely on and through wintry environments. This allows you to climb on and walk on walls of ice, and increase your speed by skiing on snow and skating on ice.

Crystal Conduit Bring allies when you use Frostcloak and Glacier Glide.

Glacial Gateway You and allies can teleport from one ice-walled space to another.


Crystal Coat Protection from cold.

Crystal Cleave Skirmish Attack, except the attack is fine and potent.

Crystal Cave Create distractions and obstructions that prevents scale.

Crystal Cyclone Attacking all enemies in the area.


Crystal Clarity Identify powers, objects, and creatures of Ice.

Crystal Comprehension Learn the powers and abilities of something you analyze.

Crystal Chronicle Read the past events of something you analyze.

Icebound Intellect Wide Crystal Comprehension, then limited Crystal Chronicle.


Glacial Glimpse Sense ice and cold.

Glacier Gaze Choose a bit of ice; perceive as if you were at that spot.

Crystal Clairvoyance Choose a location or creature, gain a sensor at the nearest ice.

Crystal Clarity You perceive from all ice at once over a wide area.


Glacier Gab Understand Ice creatures and their motivations.

Glacier Gathering Crew can communicate with Ice creatures. Inspire cool and aloofness.

Crystal Charm Post suggestions in the mind of an Ice creature.

Icebound Imprint Permanently change the personality and motivations of an Ice creature.


Frosty Finesse Handle icy materials as the appropriate tools and protective devices.

Crystal Crafting Shape icy materials as if they were of clay.

Crystal Conversion Create ice out of nothing. Transform ice into another power's material.

Frosty Factory Mass produce Crystal Crafting or make a large as a vehicle or building.


Frosty Force Wreck like an ice axe. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.

Crystal Crush Wreck Ice as if it was wood. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in combat.

Thraw Crystal Crush, but destroyed targets silently disappear as mist and spray.

Crystal Catastrophe Crystal Crush over a large area. This can freeze a town or freeze a canal or lake.

Expanded Ice Powers