Order Powers (FiD)

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Powers (FiD)Fox in the Dark logo

Order is the power the status quo, of perfection, of loyalty, indoctrination, and dogma.

Order is the system of the world; the ordered universe of space and matter we are all familiar with. Order powers restore normality, negate randomness, negates powers, and makes mechanisms and people behave as expected. It is associated with what science calls low entropy; a completely ordered universe has no content but enormous potential.

Order attacks come in two kinds. One is regular weapons. Your weapons wont fail them as long as you use them properly for a proper cause. The other is exorcism. Order is powerful in banishing unnatural creatures. These two are often combined into potent weapons blessed to defeat the supernatural.

Known as virtues, creatures of order represent different tasks, functions, skills, and moral values. Get the right one and it will perform to perfection. Get the wrong one, and you have a very insistent pedantic.

Order Power Effects

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Virtuous Vision
Detect summoned creatures and active powers.
Power Purge
Dismiss creatures from other planes. End the operation of any power.
Herald of Harmony
Call a virtue, creatures of order from a plane of law.
'Disciplined Domain
Create a portal to a plane of law.
Command Loyal Linguistics
Command creatures with loyalty to your faction.
Factional Fellowship
Send messages to distant creatures of your faction.
Add Alegience
Create loyalty in any creature.
Oath of Obedience
Permanently remove and create loyalty.
Consort Unifying Uniform
Change your clothes and accessories to match local customs.
Maestro of Mimicry
Assume the form of a local creature.
Form of the Flock
Shapechange allies or victims into local creatures.
Form Flock several willing or non-sentient creatures.
Finesse Tool Tamer
Weapons, machines, and vehicles you use work perfectly.
Weapon Warden
Fine and potent close-range attack, or give crew Tool Tamer.
Machinist Magician
Make machines do what they are supposed to do at a distance.
Perfect Prowess
Enforce the rules of fair duels, preventing opponents from ganging up.
Hunt Perfect Pursuit
Bystanders and technology you rely on to track are reliable.
Precise Projectile
Make a weapon attack fine and potent, or make an potent exorcism at range.
Pristine Path
Make a weapon attack fine and potent, or make an potent exorcism at range.
Hunter's Havoc
Perfect a grenade, making it fine and potent, or make a potent exorcism in an area.
Prowl Recon Routine
Understand security routines, preventing scale.
Refine Route
Secure a route, preventing random setbacks.
Guide's Glide
Bring allies along when you Recon Routine or Refine Route.
Punctual Pathway
Teleport crew from one transport nexus to another.
Skirmish Precise Prowess
Your weapon will not fail, improving position. Or make a potent exorcise by touch.
Combat Control
Skirmish Attack, except the weapon or exorcism is also fine and potent.
Combat Command
Deny the enemy the ability to coordinate to negate scale.
Combat Conquest
Optimize to attack multiple enemies without disadvantage.
Study Inquisitor's Insight
Identify things that break the status quo and spot use of any power.
Insightful Inquiry
Learn the powers and abilities of something you analyze with Inquisitor's Insight.
Lexicon of Lore
Read past events of something you analyze.
Wide-Angle Wisdom
Insightful Inquiry on everything in a wide area. Then Lexicon of Lore on some targets.
Survey Vigilant Vision
Sense surveillance devices.
Sensor's Secret
Sense from a surveillance device .
Enhanced Espionage
Choose a location or creature. Gain a sensor at the nearest surveillance device.
Web of Watchers
Perceive from all surveillance devices at once over a wide area.
Sway Diplomatic Discourse
Communicate with and sway creatures who are not enemies.
Negotiation Nexus
You and allies can communicate with creatures who are not enemies.
Compelling Command
Post suggestions in the mind of a creature who is not an enemy.
Inculcate Influence
Permanently change the personality and motivations of creatures.
Tinker Tool Tweak
Repair objects as if you had the appropriate tools and protective devices.
Device Design
Create objects from existing components as long as you know them well or have a blueprint.
Create Components
Create fine and potent items objects out of nothing as you know them well or have a blueprint.
Machine Miracle
Mass produce objects, a set of different objects or something large, such as a vehicle or building.
Wreck Find Fault
Noisily wreck anything that is already damaged. Make a potent but clumsy exorcism.
Implode Imperfection
When smashing damaged objects, you affect hard objects as if they were wood.
Defects to Dust
Implode Imperfection, but destroyed targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust.
Deficiency Disaster
Implode Imperfection over a large area. This can raze a city block and similar massive destruction.

Expanded Order Powers


Harness the power of Attune to perceive and manipulate supernatural energies, allowing you to detect and interact with beings and phenomena from other planes of existence.

Perceive: You gain the ability to detect supernatural creatures and powers. Your senses become attuned to the chaotic energies that permeate the world, allowing you to perceive entities and phenomena that are beyond the ordinary senses of mortals.

Dismiss: Through sheer force of will, you can compel any creature native to another plane of existence to return to that plane, or to cease the operation of any power. By disrupting the connection between the target and their plane of origin, you can banish them from the mortal realm or neutralize their abilities.

Summon: By tapping into the chaotic forces of other planes, you can call forth creatures from realms of pure chaos. However, these summoned beings are generally unwilling servants, and their obedience may be tenuous at best. You can issue them a single command, which they must obey, but maintaining control over them beyond that initial command may require further study or even a separate score.

Gate: With the power of Gate, you can create temporary portals that allow travel to and from chaotic planes of existence. These portals are unpredictable in nature, and the destination may vary each time they are opened. Exercise caution when using this power, as it can lead to encounters with beings of immense power and unpredictability.


Assume control over intelligent beings and shape the course of events to your will.

Mental Mandate You can command intelligent creatures even if normally couldn't, but you cannot understand them.

Psyche Parley You and allies can communicate with intelligent creatures.

Mental Monarchy You can give commands to intelligent creatures as if you were their superior. This does not remove existing loyalties, which can lead to conflicts.

Thought Thrall You can permanently bind intelligent creatures to service. Unless affected by other powers, they will stay in one location and act according to your instructions, like very loyal and literal-minded goons.


Influence and manipulate social situations to your advantage.

Pretend Persona You can assume an identity and reflect it in your actions, such as a healer, noble, merchant etc. This the impression you give without changing your appearance.

Assume Aspect You assume the form of a normal humanoid, such as humans and variant humans. Add 1d to one action and subtract 1d from all actions covered by an attribute except if you just raised one of them.

Gift of Guise You can shapechange a willing or helpless creatures into any humanoid. This can be a curse, it can be broken but it is not easy. You can easily break the effect.

Gift of Gab You can give sentience and intelligence to non-sentient creatures, giving them roughly human intellect.


Master subtle and precise applications of your powers to achieve your goals.

Psychic Saddle If there is an intelligent (but not sentient) mount or vehicle, you can ride it as if it was domesticated and you had the keys.

Neural Needle You can use the power as a fine and potent close-range attack, similar in effect to a fine potent dueling sword or pistol.

Neural Nudge You can do fine manipulation of the power, allowing you to do send small and exact suggestions to intelligent creatures. This allows you to make others open doors and perform other minor manipulations.

Psyche Surge Your power manifests like a storm of blades, suppressing the effect of multiple opponents and acting as a fine potent weapon.


Track down targets and unleash the power of your mind in combat.

Trace Thought You can focus on a particular thought and vaguely sense and track creatures that share this thought.

Mental Marksman You can use your power to attack, similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle doing mental damage.

Cognitive Cascade You can use your power to attack similar to a fine and potent grenade. This allows you to fight many creatures in the same area very effectively, but there is a risk of collateral damage.

Cognitive Cataclysm You call down the equivalent of a fine potent artillery barrage, attacking everything and intelligent creature in a wide area.


Navigate unseen realms and explore the depths of consciousness.

Psychic Pursuit You can hide in crowds and identify someone you know when you see them, even if normal identification is not possible.

Astral Ascent You can detach your astral body, which is immaterial, transparent, and can hover. Any attack scatters it and sends your consciousness back to your body. While you project your astral body, your physical body is like an automaton; it can be led but takes no actions.

Astral Adventure You send your and allies' astral bodies to any location you know of or into the presence of any creature you know.

Astral Gateway You send your and allies' astral bodies to other planes, into someone's dream, and other mystic locations not of this world.


Engage in mental combat with precision and finesse.

Mental Melee You can use the power as a close-range mental attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol.

Psychic Strike Same as Skirmish Attack, except the weapon is fine and potent.

Cognitive Cover Your power creates distractions that prevents an intelligent enemy from benefiting from numbers and otherwise works as a fine potent weapon.

Mental Storm Your power strikes out in all directions, attacking all enemies in a wide area.


Uncover secrets and unlock the potential of your intellect.

Identify Intellect You can identify intelligent objects and creatures.

Analyze Intellect You learn the powers and abilities of something you analyze.

Past Perception You can read the past events of something you analyze. This includes previous owners and how the object has been moved around as well as significant scenes.

Universal Understanding You research everything in a wide area. This is easy to do where you are, more difficult at range. You can then use hindsight on some of these targets.

Expanded Order Powers


Heighten your awareness and manipulate the forces of harmony to maintain order in chaotic situations.

Virtuous Vision You can detect summoned creatures and active powers.

Power Purge You can force any creature that is native to another plane of existence to return to that plane, or to end the operation of an ability of any power.

Herald of Harmony You can call a virtue, creatures of order from a plane of law.

Disciplined Domain You can dismiss all summoned creatures and negate all powers in a wide area.


Assert your authority and influence over others to uphold your faction's interests.

Loyal Linguistics You can communicate with creatures with loyalty to your faction even if normally couldn't, allowing you to use the command action normally on them.

Factional Fellowship You and allies can communicate with creatures not opposed to your faction.

Add Alegience You can create loyalty in any creature. This does not remove existing loyalties, which can lead to conflicts.

Oath of Obedience You can permanently remove and create loyalty in any creature that does not resist you violently.


Blend in seamlessly with your surroundings and manipulate the loyalty of those around you.

Unify Uniform You can change your clothes and accessories to match local customs.

Maestro of Mimicry You assume the form of a local creature. Add 1d to one action and subtract 1d from all actions covered by an attribute except if you just raised one of them.

Form Flock You can shapechange allies into local creatures.

Assimilation You can transform a large number of willing or non-sentient creatures and give them a simple instruction, typically someone for them to hunt.


Refine your skills and manipulate tools and machinery to your advantage.

Tool Tamer Weapons, machines, and vehicles you use stay in repair and work perfectly as intended despite damage and wear.

Weapon Warden You can use the power as a fine and potent close-range attack, similar in effect to a fine potent dueling sword or pistol, or you can give your friends the Tool Tamer ability for the duration of a score.

Machinist Magician You can make machines do what they are supposed to do, activating them at a distance.

Perfect Prowess You enforce the rules of fair duels, preventing opponents from ganging up on you.


Track down targets and enforce order with precision and efficiency.

Perfect Pursuit Bystanders and technology you rely on to track are reliable.

Precise Projectile You can use your power to make a rigel attack fine and potent, or make a potent exorcism at range.

Hunter's Havoc You can use your power perfect a grenade, making it fine and potent, or to potent exorcise an area at range.

Hunters Hellfire You an artillery barrage or bomb, making it fine and potent, or you potently exorcise a large area at range.


Navigate unseen realms and outmaneuver adversaries with finesse.

Clear-cut Course Order isn't very conductive to prowling. Everything will work for you if its supposed to—you better have a plan with no room for chance.

Refine Route You can move along paths you are supposed to be able to move along, finding a clear path even if it is damaged or obstructed.

Guide's Glide You can bring allies along when you use Refine Route.

Punctual Pathway You and allies can teleport from one regional transport nexus to another, even if normal transport is down.


Engage in strategic combat and maintain control of the battlefield.

Precise Prowess A melee weapon or pistol you use will not fail, improving your position. You can make a potent exorcise by touch.

Combat Control Same as Skirmish Attack, except the weapon or exorcism is also fine and potent.

Combat Command You deny the enemy the ability to coordinate their attacks to benefit from numbers.

Combat Conquest You optimize your movement to attack multiple enemies without disadvantage.


Analyze situations and gather intelligence to maintain order.

Inquisitor's Insight You can identify objects and creatures that break the status quo and see the use of the abilities of any power.

Insightful Inquiry You learn the powers and abilities of something you analyze with Inquisitor's Insight.

Lexicon of Lore You can read the past events of something you analyze. This includes previous owners and how the object has been moved around as well as significant scenes.

Wide-Angle Wisdom You use Insightful Inquiry on everything in a wide area. This is easy to do where you are, more difficult at range. You can then use hindsight on some of these targets.


Monitor situations and maintain vigilance over your surroundings.

Vigilant Vision You can sense manifestations of any power at a distance and understand their general nature. This works even when you can't see the target, but both range and information suffers.

Sensor's Secret You can sense the workings of machines and alarms and see through surveillance devices, including others' powers used to survey.

Enhanced Espionage Choose a location or creature. You gain a sensor at the nearest surveillance device, which is often close enough to perceive the target.

Web of Watchers You perceive from all surveillance devices at once over a wide area. As long as you concentrate you retain this perception and can report what you see to others.


Influence others and maintain control over the hearts and minds of those around you.

Diplomatic Discourse You can communicate with creatures who are not enemies even if normally couldn't, allowing you to use the sway action normally on them.

Negotiation Nexus You and allies can communicate with creatures who are not enemies.

Compelling Command You can post suggestions in the mind of a creature who are not enemies, which will be triggered under conditions you specify. A suggested action must be within the creatures normal range of action. This is a subtle power, but easier to spot once triggered.

Inculcate Influence You change the personality and motivations of creatures. This power is permanent, but blatant. The target remember their past, but regard it as unimportant compared to their new motivations.


Manipulate technology and craft innovative solutions to maintain order and efficiency.

Tool Tweak You can repair objects as if you had the appropriate tools and protective devices.

Device Design You can create objects from existing components as long as you know them well or have a blueprint.

Create Components You can create objects out of nothing as you know them well or have a blueprint. This can create complex tools, such as fine and potent items.

Machine Miracle This is similar to Device Design, but you mass produce objects, even a set of different objects. You can also make something large, such as a vehicle or building.


Disrupt and dismantle systems and structures to maintain control and eliminate threats.

Find Fault You cannot wreck that which is perfect, but you can wreck anything that is already damaged. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.

Implode Inperfections Similar to jimmy. When smashing damaged objects, you to affect hard objects as if they were wood. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer or exorcism in combat.

Defects to Dust Similar to smash, but destroyed targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust.

Deficiency Disaster Similar to smash, but over a large area. This can level a city block, empty a canal system of water, raze a city wall, and similar massive destruction.