Forms (FiD)

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Powers turn Blades in the Dark-style games into power fantasy.

Introducing Powers

Rather than the fantastical being rare and poorly understood, adding powers to your gives characters entirely new abilities they can use. Introducing these into a game changes the game world, making it more fantastical. Powers consist of two elements - a playbook, and forms.

Power Playbooks

Playbooks are the frames for acquiring powers. The playbooks are the power traditions of your world, roles such as wizard, sorcerer, saint, mutant, or technophile. Each playbook gives you access to certain powers, which are chosen in the same manner as special abilities. This is in addition to all the normal features of a playbook.

Finally, each tradition gives you a trauma condition, chosen from a list of conditions available to that playbook. This means you can't survive as much new trauma as characters who have not meddled with the powers. The actual trauma condition generally affects how you use powers, imposing conditions you must fulfil.

You cannot pick special abilities from a power playbook unless you start with that playbook. It is possible to incorporate a power playbook into your character's pool of available abilities by selecting this as a special ability. Doing so gives you access to the special abilities and items of the power playbook, but also forces you to select a trauma condition. You can even gain access to multiple power playbooks this way, giving you a wider range of powers at the price of more trauma conditions and thus more restrictions on the use of all of your powers.


Powers are what actually gives you exceptional abilities. A power playbook doesn't give you any abilities unless you select a power from that playbook's special abilities. Once you select a power, you gain abilities appropriate to the power. So if you select the electricity pool, you can shoot lightning, power electric engines, cause shortcuts, summon electric creatures, and so forth. In many cases, powers work as equipment does, empowering your normal actions.

You use your normal actions to activate powers, but there is often an associated cost. Some powers are always available. Some powers work as equipment. Unlike most equipment, you have to cross of an item each time you make a roll for the power, those components are consumed when used. Some powers require you to push each time you use the power. You gain the advantages of a push in addition to activating the power. Some powers are all-consuming. You spend all your remaining willpower to activate the power, causing you to go into trauma. These effects are over-the-top and often has extensive collateral damage.

Unlike normal actions, which are flexible, powers are more specific. If you want to make a ranged attack using your power, that is done with Hunt action (unless the power description says otherwise), you cannot fudge this with another action as you normally can.

There is a standard list of effects that most powers have. These effects vary in appearance and detail depending on the exact power you use, but the general effect is the same. With Hunt you can make a ranged attack with most powers, if you do it with electricity this is a jolt of lightning, if you do it with fire it is a bolt of fire, if you do it with mind it is a mental blast, and if you do it with plant you fling poisonous thorns. All are ranged attacks, but depending on circumstances some are likely to be more or less effective. In the description of each power, only the differences from this standard list will be noted. For example, hunt used with equipment is a ranged attack. For most powers this works in a similar way. In the description of most powers, there will be no special note on use with hunt. For the mind power hunt works differently in that it attacks the mind rather than the body, requiring special rules.

Combining Powers If you know several powers, you can affect each of them with a single action, as long as this makes sense. So if you know both the fire and plant powers, you can dismiss, infiltrate, or infiltrate both at once, but using barrage or research using both powers at once makes less sense.

Common Power Effects Table

Action Free Equipment Push Trauma
Attune Perceive
You are able to perceive creatures based on this power, or using this power. This is easy if you can see them, harder if they are hidden or invisible. The range depends on distractions; in an empty environment it can be kilometers, in a busy city it is perhaps as much as a city block.
You can force a creature based on this power that is native to another plane of existence to return to that plane, or suppress the operation of the power in a creature or object.
You can call a creature into this plane to serve you. This servant is generally unwilling. It will obey one command from you, more commands require this ability to be used again or other means to control the creature. You can also create a portal that allows creatures on this plane to access the plane of your power for a limited time.
You tear down the barrier between this world and the dimension of your power. This can banish all creatures in a large area, or allow a swarm of creatures to rampage in your world.
Command Communicate
You can communicate with creatures based on your power even if normally couldn't, allowing you to use the Command skill normally on them.
You and allies can communicate with creatures based on your power.
You can give commands to creatures based on your power, as if you were their superior in a group they belong to. By increasing the effect, you can give them absolute commands or extend the duration beyond the score.
You can permanently bind creatures to service. Unless affected by other powers, they will stay in one location and act according to your instructions, similar to very loyal and literal-minded goons.
Consort Mask
You can change your clothes and accessories by imbuing them with your power. This can mask your identity or create fabulous outfits.
You assume the form of another creature that manifests your power. Add or subtract 1d to appropriate tasks depending on your new shape.
You can change (see above) a willing or helpless creatures into a form imbued by your power. This is a curse, it can be broken but it is not easy. You can easily break the effect.
Wild Hunt
You can transform (see above) a large number of creatures and give them a simple instruction, typically someone for them to hunt.
Finesse Ride
If there is a mount or vehicle of the appropriate power, you can ride it. You can move and breathe in conditions manifesting your power without damage or hindrance.
Fine Local Control
You can use the power as a fine and potent close-range attack, similar in effect to a fine potent dueling sword or pistol, or you can give your friends the Ride ability for the duration of a score.
You can do fine manipulation of the power, allowing you to do small and exact manipulations at range. This allows you to open doors, trigger or hinder mechanisms, or perform minor acts of telekinesis, as long as the target is of the type appropriate to your power.
Your power manifests like a storm of blades, suppressing the effect of multiple opponents and acting as a fine potent weapon. You can choose to affect multiple targets, but if you do, there is a risk of collateral damage to allies and the environment. After this burst you travel in a burst of speed to a nearby safe location if there is any.
Hunt Track
You can track and pursue based on your power, even if the target does not leave any mundane trail or clues. You can hide in areas where your power is manifest in the environment, even if the element would normally hider you or cause environmental damage.
Fine Ranged Attack
You can use your power to attack, similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle.
Area attack
You can use your power to attack similar to a fine and potent grenade. This allows you to fight many creatures in the same area very effectively, but there is a risk of colatteral damage.
You call down the equivalent of a fine potent artillery barrage, attacking everything and everyone in a wide area. Depending on your power, this can raze buildings and create rubble. This is usually enough to provide cover for any escape.
Prowl Reconnaissance
You can see creatures that embody your power as well as seeing through obstructions of material linked to your power. This allows you to hide in impossible places as long as the environment manifests your power, and gives advantage when sneaking on creatures hiding in such an environment.
You can move on and through environments composed of your environment. This allows you to climb on air, swim unhindered, walk through walls of the appropriate material and so on, depending on your exact power.
You can bring allies along when you use Reconnaissance and Maneuver.
You and allies can move instantaneously from one location where your power is present to another. You need not all move to the same location, and you can specify a destination to arrive in the nearest suitable spot. This is regional travel, you stay within the same city or region, but it is generally sufficient to escape or enter just about any situation or location.
Skirmish Skirmish Attack
You can use the power as a close-range attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol.
Fine Skirmish Attack
Same as Skirmish Attack, except the weapon is fine and potent.
Your power creates distractions and obstructions that prevents the enemy from benefiting from numbers and otherwise works as a fine potent weapon.
Your power strikes out in all directions, attacking all enemies in a wide area. After this attack, you can rush to a nearby location.
Study Analyze
You can identify objects and creatures that manifest your power and know abilities related to your power.
You know the powers and abilities of something you analyze.
You can read the past events of something you analyze. This includes previous owners and how the object has been moved around as well as significant scenes.
You research everything in a wide area. This is easy to do around where you are, more difficult at range. You can then use hindsight on some of these targets, and have presence of mind enough to give a report to your companions before your trauma.
Survey Detect
You can sense manifestations of your power at a distance and understand their general nature. This works even when you can't see the target, but both location and information suffers.
Choose an object manifesting your power that you have detected; you can perceive as if you were at that spot while you concentrate. You cannot use your Survey action fro anything else when doing so.
Choose a location or creature. You gain a sensor at the nearest suitable object, which is often close enough to perceive the target.
You perceive from all objects manifesting your power at once over a wide area. This is easy to do around where you are, more difficult at range. As long as you concentrate you retain this perception and can report what you see to others.
Sway Communicate
You can communicate with creatures based on your power even if normally couldn't, allowing you to use the Command skill normally on them.
You and allies can communicate with creatures based on your power.
You can post suggestions in the mind of a creature manifesting your power, which will be triggered under conditions you specify. The creature enters a trance when the situation occurs. Common suggestions are to steal something, attack someone, or ignore some event. This is a subtle power, it is hard to notice that the creatures have changed, easier once they start acting.
You change the personality and motivations of creatures that manifest your power. This power is permanent, but blatant, creating a new follower. The target remember their past, but regard it as unimportant compared to their new motivations. It is possible to cure the target as a lont-time project, but they may have to be restrained.
Tinker Handle
You can handle materials that manifest your power as if you had the appropriate tools and protective devices.
You can shape materials that manifest your power as if they were of clay, and they will retain their new shape for some time even if they would normally not, such as water, sand or smoke. This is similar to a welder or cutting torch working metal in efficiency.
You can create objects manifesting your power out of nothing, or transform an object from one material to another as long as you know the power required for both the starting and final form. This takes a little time, but can produce very detailed results allowing the creation of rather complex tools, such as fine and potent items if such can be made using your powers.
This is similar to create, above, but you mass produce objects, even a set of different objects. You can quickly equip a small army or manufacture something large, such as a vehicle or building.
Wreck Jimmy
You can bend objects manifesting your power or use your power to jerk something else. This functions similarly to tools such as crowbars, picks, and sledgehammers. When jimmying objects manifesting your power, the effect is increased, allowing you to affect hard objects like stone or metal as if they were wood. Highly useful for opening doors and windows, but noisy and leaves the object in place, which can make passing through slow.
Similar to jimmy, but faster and greater in scope. Leaves rubble, but not much else. Can be used to attack like a fine, potent sledgehammer.
Similar to smash, but targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust.
Similar to disintegrate, but over a large area. This can level a city block, empty a canal system of water, raze a city wall, and similar massive destruction. You have fine control over this and can spare objects and construction as you wish.


List of available powers.





























Availability and Genre