Talk:Rituals (4E)

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Using Rituals


Many rituals mention participants. A participant is someone who tried to support the success of the ritual, whether successful or not.

Rituals and Resting

Rituals with a cast time of 10 minutes can be performed during a short rest.

Deception Rituals & Disbelief

The disbelief difficulty on deception rituals in the original rule varies too widely. With a good caster check supported by ritual assistants, disbelief is impossible even on an Insight roll of 20. This becomes especially important with illusions that cannot merely be ignored, such Hallucinatory Terrain, Sympathy, and Fairy Debt.

A proposed way to resolve this is that the Insight DC is 10 + the Arcana skill bonus of the caster, regardless of the ritual check result. In extreme cases, it is still impossible to disbelieve, but this comes up much more rarely.

Rituals as Skill Challenges

In certain cases, it might be necessary to perform a ritual in an action scene, usually because of time constraints or because the opposition interrupted the ritual casting. In such circumstances, one minute of cast time is equal to one success during a skill challenge. The key skill of the ritual is the primary skill of the skill challenge, and other skills can be used depending on the situation and type of ritual. The listed secondary skills generally work, in addition to any creative skill uses players can come up with.

The DC of these checks is 15 +2/3 level of the ritual. One character able to cast the ritual must always try and use the key skill each round. Record each such roll; the highest such attempt is used as the ritual check, with a +2 for each other character who contributed at least one success to the ritual.

If the ritual is performed in combat, there is no time limit. If it is performed out of combat, the usual three-round limit on skill challenges applies.

Key Skill Secondary Skills
Arcana Bluff
Religion Diplomacy
Nature Athletics
Heal Endurance
Ritual Type Secondary Skills
Binding Intimidation
Creation History
Deception Diplomacy
Divination Perception
Exploration Stealth
Restoration Insight
Scrying Dungeoneering
Travel Acrobatics
Warding Thievery

Acquiring Rituals

Rituals and all associated paraphernalia are considered consumables if there are special campaign rules for such things. Ritual components are an exception; they can never be acquired at less than full price. Residuum can also be sold at full price, and is equivalent to gold as a currency, tough not all traders accept it.

Creating Rituals

Creating a new ritual from scratch is a long, hard, expensive process. It is generally best to see if one can be found somewhere in the world before endeavoring to research it from scratch. Developing high-level rituals is an especially daunting task.

To make a new ritual you need to go trough the following steps.

  • Design the ritual rules, making a complete writeup and have the GM agree to it.
  • Research the ritual for one day per level of ritual, paying five times the market price.
  • Make a roll using the key skill, with a difficulty of 10 + the level of the ritual.
    • If this roll fails, it can be attempted again, at the cost of one week and the casting cost of the ritual in components.
  • Once created, decide if you want to keep the ritual secret, or spread it and gain profit. If you choose the later, you earn back four times the Market Price of the ritual.

Rituals in Development

This section describes rituals in development for use with 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons.

Obsolete Rituals

The Obsolete Rituals (4E) page contains rituals not likely to get any more attention or development, but which I still don't want to just delete

Spirit Gossip

Spirit Gossip

You learn of things significant to spirits in the area.
Level: 4 Component Cost: 75 gp
Category: Divination Market Price: 35 gp
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Nature
Duration: Instantaneous

You talk to spirits and listen to what they have to say; the result is similar to that of using Streetwise to listen for rumors, only you learn of things relevant to spirits and not people.

You listen to rumors in one spirit locale, which is generally about 10 miles in radius, but if there is a distinct territorial division in the area the ritual's effects do not cross such a boundary. Examples of such borders include a specific cave complex, city/countryside limits, a shore separating land and sea, or the limits of a major forest. The ritual must be performed in the locale you wish to inquire about, and involves wandering around and actually conversing with spirits, which incurs a risk of encountering hostile creatures if such are present.

Depending on the success of your Nature check, you learn more or less useful information. If you have a history of aiding spirits and nature in this area, you gain a +5 bonus to the Nature check.

Nature Check Result Information gained
9 or lower The mood of the area and the dominant alignment, if any.
10-19 Environmental problems or dangers to the environment in the area.
20-29 A general description of what kind of creatures live in the area. If there are any creatures that are unusual for the terrain or locale, you learn of their location.
30-39 A detailed description of the flora and fauna of the area, as well as any environmental dangers.
40 or higher Detailed information of the locations of all creatures, settlements, and locations of interest in the area, as well as general information about the nature of each.



You bend the mind of a creature, making it see you in a favorabe light.
Level: 6 Component Cost: 100 gp
Category: Binding Market Price: 300 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Variable

Perform this ritual on a willing or helpless creature. Your Arcana check suffers a penalty equal to half the target's level. Depending on the result, the ritual lasts for variable lengths of time. A result of zero or less is a failure.

Arcana Check Result Duration
9 or lower One hour
10-19 24 hours
20-29 3 days
30-39 One week
40 or higher A fortnight

While the effect lasts, the creature will see you as a trusted friend and companion and will regard you actions and suggestions in the best possible light. It will trust you over its other friends and will tolerate your other friends and companions.

The works like a power with the Charm keyword. You can give the subject orders, but you must succeed at a Charisma vs. Will attack to convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. The rite does not provide communication or language skills. The target gets a save against the effect in every round when you or one of your allies puts it in danger. Any effect that grants an additional save can be used to give the target a chance to break free, but the target cannot use such effects on himself. It is generally a good idea to keep the charmed creature well away from combat.

Mental Puppet

Mental Puppet

You control the target like a puppet on a string.
Level: 11 Component Cost: 500 gp
Category: Binding Market Price: 1,500 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Variable

Perform this ritual on a willing or helpless creature. Your Arcana check suffers a penalty equal to half the target's level. Depending on the result, the ritual lasts for variable lengths of time. A result of zero or less is a failure.

Arcana Check Result Duration
9 or lower One hour
10-19 24 hours
20-29 3 days
30-39 One week
40 or higher A fortnight

While the effect lasts, you control the creature like a puppet, its every action controlled by you. The works like a power with the Domination, and Implement keywords. If you spend a standard action, you can make it perform a specific action, otherwise its only action is to follow you around at a distance of 2 squares. If you wish the target to make an attack in combat or otherwise do something highly dangerous, you must make an Charisma vs. Will attack; if this fails the target does nothing this round.

The target does not normally get so makes saves to end the effect, but any effect that grants an additional save can be used to give the target a saving throw to break free. Trying to force the target to do actions that go completely against its nature grants it an immediate chance to save against the effect.

Mind Switch

Mind Switch

You possess a creature, forcing its spirit into your own body.
Level: 13 Component Cost: 1,000 gp
Category: Binding Market Price: 3,000 gp
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Variable

Perform this ritual on a willing or helpless creature. Your Arcana check must exceed the creature's Will defense. If you are successful, the duration depends on the result of the Arcana check (not the margin).

Arcana Check Result Duration
9 or lower One hour
10-19 6 hours
20-29 24 hours
30-39 3 days
40 or higher One week

Once successful, the ritual makes you and the target exchange bodies. In the new body, you can use all the target's abilities, just as if you were that creature, while you lose all of your original abilities. The target can use none of your class abilities, powers, skills, or feats, but retain your hit points and attributes. You each keep your personality and motivations.

You can end the ritual at ay time as a minor action. If either of you should start to die the effect ends. You also return once the duration is up. Regardless of how the effect ends, each of you end up in your original body in its current condition, possibly dead or dying.

Body Theft

Body Theft

You possess a creature, forcing its spirit into your own body.
Level: 23 Component Cost: 25,000 gp
Category: Binding Market Price: 75,000 gp
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Instantaneous

Perform this ritual on a willing or helpless creature. Your Arcana check must exceed the creature's Will defense. The target must be a creature of the same race, gender and with the same highest physical attribute; if Strength is your highest physical attribute, Strength must also be the target's highest physical attribute.

Once successful, the ritual makes you and the target exchange bodies. You do not exchange any attributes or abilities, but you do change age and appearance. Any conditions and effects stay with the body, making this a way to get rid of a curse, disease, or other affliction. You do not have access to each others memories, but appearance, voice, and mannerisms stay with the body, giving you a +5 bonus to Bluff checks to impersonate each other.

When you touch, it is possible for either of you to end the ritual by forcing his way back into the old body with a Charisma vs. Will attack. This is a standard action when within melee reach and the only way to end the ritual.

Magic Jar

Magic Jar

You possess a creature, forcing its spirit into a prison.
Level: 18 Component Cost: 5,000 gp
Category: Binding Market Price: 15,000 gp
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Variable

Perform this ritual on a willing or helpless creature. Your Arcana check must exceed the creature's Will defense. If you are successful, the duration depends on the result of the Arcana check (not the margin).

Arcana Check Result Duration
9 or lower One hour
10-19 24 hours
20-29 3 days
30-39 1 week
40 or higher 1 month

When casting this ritual, you transfer the target's spirit into a container, usually a small urn, jar, or a large gemstone (included in the component cost). Your own spirit enters the target's body, while your own body body falls into a state of suspended animation.

In the new body, you can use all the target's abilities, just as if you were that creature, while you lose all of your original abilities. You keep your personality and motivations.

You can end the ritual at ay time as a minor action. If either body should start to die the effect ends. You also return once the duration is up. Regardless of how the effect ends, each of you end up in your original body in its current condition, possibly dead or dying.

Ambiance Adaption

Ambiance Adaption

You become resistant to ambient energies. Sunlight and searing air will not burn you, arctic cold will not chill you, toxic air will not poison you.
Level: 11 Component Cost: 250 gp
Category: Warding Market Price: 15,600 gp
Time: 30 minutes Key Skill: Nature
Duration: Variable

You are immune to any effect that does damage over a time of more than rounds. A superhot desert that inflicts damage every minute will not harm you; a fire that inflicts damage per round will. You do not need to eat, drink, breathe or excrete.

The duration of the effect depends on the result of the Nature check.

Nature Check Result Duration
9 or lower 2 hours
10-19 8 hours
20-29 24 hours
30-39 3 days
40 or higher 1 week

Totem Circle

Totem Circle

You open up the spirit world and can all seek the aid of your totems.
Level: 8 Component Cost: Variable
Category: Exploration Market Price: 625 gp.
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature
Duration: Variable

As Totem Aid, except all participants in the ritual can be affected, and that the cost of the ritual is the same as that of a magic item of the level of the highest-level beneficiary.

Totem Scout Circle

Totem Scout

Project your spirits in the form of animals.
Level: 8 Component Cost: 150 gp.
Category: Exploration Market Price: 625 gp.
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature
Duration: Variable

This is the same as the Totem Scout ritual, except each participant in the ritual can posses an animal based on their totem.

Totem Scout

Totem Scout

You project your spirit in a totem animal.
Level: 6 Component Cost: 75 gp.
Category: Exploration Market Price: 325 gp.
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature
Duration: Variable

This is a Totem ritual.

You gain control of an animal of your totem species and can see trough its senses. This animal must start within a thousand squares (one mile) of you. If there is no animal of the correct species in range, the ritual fails. Sustaining the ritual is a standard action, and allows you to control the totem scout and perceive through its senses. There is no need for line of sight or line of effect.

The totem scout uses your attributes except as outlined below, but is a minion and cannot make attacks. It cannot speak, manipulate objects, open doors, or otherwise interact intelligently with creatures or objects. The ritual ends if the totem scout takes any damage. The size of the totem scout is the same as that of a natural animal of its type. The totem scout gains a special bonus depending on your totem.

Totem Benefit
Gatherer Totem Scout can manipulate objects and open doors
Grazer Ritual does not end when the totem scout is damaged; it can take as much damage as you can.
Hunter +4 speed
Pouncer +2 speed, +4 initiative
Prey +2 Speed, +5 Perception
Stalker +5 Stealth

The maximum range and duration of the ritual depends on the result of the Nature check.

Nature Check Result Duration Range
0-9 1 hour 1,000 (1 mile)
10-19 2 hour 2,000 (2 miles)
20-29 4 hours 5,000 (5 miles)
0-9 8 hours 10,000 (10 miles)
0-9 24 hours 25,000 (25 miles)
0-9 3 days 50,000 (50 miles)

The totem scout is magically linked to you, even after it has been defeated, and counts as a personal possession for the purpose of targeting powers and rituals.

Totem Aid

Totem Aid

The target draws power from his totem spirit.
Level: 3 Component Cost: 55 gp.
Category: Exploration Market Price: 125 gp.
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature
Duration: Variable

This is a Totem ritual.

The target must sacrifice some blood in this ritual; this costs a healing surge. In addition, he takes on slight features or traits of his totem, from just a beastly demeanor to pointed ears, beast eyes, animal teeth, or even a vestigial tail. This is significant enough to be noticeable, and people often react negatively; the target suffers a -2 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Streetwise as a result.

The benefits depend on your totem.

Totem Benefit
Gatherer Extra minor action each round
Grazer 2 extra healing surges, these are spent first.
Hunter +1 speed.
Pouncer +2 Initiative
Prey You can take a move action in a surprise round
Stalker Move up to 4 squares without penalty when using Stealth

The duration depends on the result of the Nature check, and you can end it at any time as a minor action.

Arcana Check Result Area
9 or lower 1 hour
10-19 2 hours
20-29 4 hours
30-39 8 hours
40 or higher 24 hours