Greyhawk calendar

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GreyhawkGreyhawk Arms

Months of the Year

Notable days
Common Elven Nomad
Fireseek Diamondiche Tiger
Readying Yellowillow Bear 14: Lunar festival
Coldeven Snowflowers Lion 28: Spring equinox, Growfest
Planting Blossoms Frog
Flocktime Violets Turtle 14: Lunar festival
Wealsun Berrytime Fox 28: Summer solstice, Richfest
Reaping Goldfields Snake
Goodmonth Sunflowers Boar 14: Lunar festival
Harvester Fruitfall Squirrel 28: Autumn equinox, Brewfest
Patchwall Brightleaf Hare
Ready'reat Tinklingice Hawk 14: Lunar restival
Sunsebb Lacysnows Wolf 28: Winter solstice, Needfest

Days of the Week

Day Task Notes
Moonday Work Exact moon phase at first midnight
Godsday Worship
Waterday Work
Earthday Work
Freeday Rest
Starday Work
Sunday Work

Year, Seasons, and Celestial Bodies

The Oerdian year has 336 days, divided into 12 months of 28 days each. Solar and lunar months coincide, with the large moon, Luna, having a period of 28 days and the small moon, Celene, having a period of 84 days. Luna's new moon is always at the change of the months, while Celene's new moon is at the beginning of each season.

There are eight major astronomical festivals of the the year, four solar and four lunar. The solar festivals are the winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice, and autumn equinox. The lunar festivals are when Luna and Celene are full at the same time and happen exactly 42 days after the solar festivals. At each solar festival, both moons are new.

There are also five visible planets, named Atroa, Sotillion, Telchur, Wenta, and Velnius. Atroa is the innermost planet and visible at the spring solstice, Sotillion the second planet and visible at the summer equinox. Telchur is the forth planet (Oerth being the third) and most visible around the vinter solstice. Wenta is the fifth planet, most visible in autumn. Velnius is the sixth and final planet, barely visible from Oerth and not associated with any season.

All celestial bodies are named after the gods they correspond to, tough not all people recognize them as such.

Months and Weeks

Each month consists of four weeks and is both 1/12 of a year and one cycle of the larger moon, Luna. Luna is in new moon at the beginning of each month and full on the 14th of each month. The new day begins at midnight.


The tides are cyclic over the month. At the beginning of the first and third week, high tide is at dusk at dawn. Depending on the latitude and the time of year, the actual time of sunrise varies, but high tide occurs at 6 am and 6 pm at the beginning of each month. At the beginning of the second and fourth week, high tide is three hours later.