Eruthnul (Greyhawk Action)

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Chaotic Evil, First Generation Oerdian god

Eruthnul the Lord of Slaughter is not exactly a part of the Oerdian pantheon, but he figures in many important myths. He is the eternal enemy, the chaos beyond the border that constantly threatens all that is good. All Oerdian gods have fought him at one time or another, and his depredations can justify even Hextor’s harsh rule. Because of his opposition to order, revolting peasants sometimes turn to him.

Erythnul (eh-RITH-nul) is the undisciplined counterpart to Hextor, possibly predating him and losing worshipers to his ordered and intelligent rival. This Oeridian god is a terrible sight to behold, with ruddy skin, red garments, a brutally strong build, and a great stone mace that is pierced to cause a fear-inducing shriek when he swings it. His title comes from his appearance in battle, as his features change between human, gnoll, bugbear, ogre, and troll, and his spilled blood becomes an allied creature of like type. His symbol is a red blood drop or a hideous mask.

Destroy anyone who would take what is yours away from you. Covet that which you do not own. Blessed is he who can take something from a rival. Maim those you cannot destroy, and cause fear in the hearts that you cannot maim. Bloodshed for its own sake is reason enough, and if you can shed the blood of a hated enemy, so much the better. When Erythnul's gift of blood rage comes upon you, be sure to use it well.

Any site where great bloodshed has occurred is considered a holy place by the church. Erythnul's clerics are cruel, sadistic, and hateful. They foment rebellion, murder, and riots in civilized areas, lead troops of bandits, raiders, or nonhumans, and commit murder when they grow bored. They deface beautiful things and disfigure attractive people

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Weapon: Heavy mace

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos (Demon), Destruction (Rage), Evil (Demon), Liberation (Revolution), War.

Pathfinder Traits

Action Techniques: Charm, Impress, Melee.