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Heroic Talents


Should these variants exist alongside cute, or should you choose between them when you pick cute? Are these three variants enough?

Benefit: Being cute makes it easy for you to get into social events, make acquaintances, and generally be very popular in a non-domineering sort of way. There is something about you that makes others care for you. People who would ordinarily be hostile might capture ore use you instead of killing you.

  • Adorable: You inspire others to take care of you. This often goes with a somewhat infantile presence. As long as you stay somewhat subdued or submissive you can expect many people to give you favorable treatment, with minor gifts, favors, and treats.
  • Alluring: You have a mystery about you that is appealing to others. By remaining silent and aloft, you inspire others to think about you and perhaps even approach you. Once they get to know you, they will slowly realize what is under the surface and the allure is replaced by other feelings. This can be bad if there is nothing beneath.
  • Perky: You have an upbeat personality and your antics are generally taken in a positive way. This cheers up those around you and contributes to a positive atmosphere. You often serve to inspire others to action, though sometimes not into doing what you want them to.


Prerequisite: Trained as a Celebrity.

Benefit: You have a group of followers who look up to you, but who do not work for you. On many occasions, they will turn up and offer to help, fawn over you, or just hang around. This is often helpful, but sometimes annoying. They will not generally accompany you on adventures and never enter dungeons.

At any time, you have a number of fans equal to your Charisma score hanging around. All your followers are NPC minions no higher than two levels lower than you. All details are determined by the DM. Rarely, a powerful person or even a monster might turn out to be a fan, in which case he or she is likely to e extra pushy and demanding.

Gold Digger

Benefit: You are good at ingraining yourself with rich and powerful people. Having you around and spending money on you makes people feel rich and successful. This makes it easy for you to live off others and join parties and social occasions as a hanger-on. Actually gaining riches or influence will require more effort.

Guild Member

Benefit: You are a member of an established guild; a conservative organization that exists to further the professional interests of its members. A guild provides little direct help, but has facilities you can use with skills and rituals and can provide access to markets. They are a great source of trainers, aides, and expertise. Many guilds also have medical resources, and act as insurers and advocates, and have a pension fund, but such services are generally of little interest to adventurers.


Benefit: Skilled in Diplomacy.

Benefit: You are quick to learn the codes and behaviors that make you an accepted member of a social circle. Once in a group, you are quick to integrate yourself and get treated as an insider; a member rather than an associate, family rather than a friend. You are good at understanding the unwritten rules that holds a group together and exploit them. However, if you break the tenets of the group, people might suddenly realize you were never really a member at all.


Benefit: You are sensitive to psychic impressions, and can often catch the mood of a place and get glimpses of important events that happened there in the past. You are aligned with a particular type of spirits.

  • Ghosts are associated with the Shadowfell and usually to want to bring messages, absolve their secrets, and carry out unfulfilled desires from their lives.
  • Nature spirits are associated with the natural world and the elemental planes, and their needs are primordial and mysterious. When they have an agenda it is often to right some perceived wrong, but some are demonic and just want to vent their rage.
  • Fey spirits are associated with the Feywild and are mischievous and wild. They want to bring magic into the world, for good or ill. They love riddles and mind games.
  • Aberrant spirits are incomprehensible and often seemingly insane. They essentially act randomly, giving you visions and inspirations both incomprehensible and profoundly disquieting. This is generally the least useful type of spirit.
  • Virtues are spirits of ideals from the Astral Sea; some are benign, others malign, some positively infernal. The visions they bring have to do with gods and ideals and have little practical use, but can sometimes give insight into the motivations of people. For example, a very greedy person is likely to be surrounded by virtues of greed.

Ordained Priest

Benefits: You are an ordained and recognized member of the official clergy of an important religious order. You can officiate at ceremonies and perform religious functions; this makes you a trusted individual and makes sure you are aware of the local gossip. People will naturally turn to you with spiritual and supernatural problems.

Note that not all clerics need to have this talent. Many clerics have internal duties within their churches and almost never meet lay people, others are free wanderers with no official sanction or responsibilities. Many churches do not have the formal structure this feat implies at all.

Power Signature

Benefit: There is something special about the way you use powers. This is a purely visual effect and does not change what the powers actually do, but it makes your power-use distinctive and noticeable. Choose one visual effect for your powers; this can be something like flaming skulls, psychic shock waves, or celestial light. A martial character would have more mundane power signatures, such as carving your initials or leaving a signature item behind.

A power signature generally makes it easier for others to recognize your handiwork. If you succeed at a Celebrity roll, people will recognize your power signature and react accordingly. It can serve as an alibi (I could never have done that; everyone knows I leave a rose behind) or as a lead for an investigator. it is possible to fake your power signature, so it is not enough to count as evidence against you.

Secret Society Member

Benefit: You are the member of a secret society, a fanatic group with a specific agenda. As long as you obey all orders and devote yourself to the organization, you can expect their support. You have no control over what for this takes; it can range from payment for special missions, information, and fencing loot, to a suicide assault by fanatic cultists. In general, a player character will not be given suicidal orders, but of you don't live up to the expectations of the cult, you can expect very stern reprisals indeed.


Benefit: You have law enforcement powers and can make arrests, repossess goods, hand out fines, and otherwise disperse justice. You can deputize others to do the actual work for you; this can be an entirely political office.

Special Mount

Benefits: You have acquired the services of a special mount, often of a type not easily found. Choose a creature of your level or lower. The mounts from Adventurer’s Vault page 11 are all available, and the DM might allow you to select a truly exotic creature such as a Unicorn. The mount will carry you in combat, but will not otherwise partake in adventures or fight for you except to defend itself.

Notes: Tough not required, the feats Mounted Combat and Mount Companion greatly increase the value of your special mount.

Paragon Talents

These talents become available at level 11. At this level, character can assume social obligations and responsibilities, gaining power and influence thereby. You should choose such positions sensibly. While it is certainly possible for a rogue to be a High Priest in church that has gone political, such a position is generally more appropriate to a divine class character.

The practical benefits of such a position rarely applies to adventuring, but is a reward in itself as it gives you prestige and social status. It is generally a good idea to have an Agent to run the practical side of such a position, leaving you free to adventure.

In many cases, paragon talents build on heroic talents, but they generally do not replace them. For example, it is possible to be a Baron without having Blue Blood, but you do not get the respect due a blue-blooded scion of an ancient lineage. You can retrain your heroic talent, but in this case this means you have advanced beyond your origin; your family is ancient but nor baronial, and you are still seen as an upstart when you become a baron. In many cases, this has been explained as a part of the paragon talent, but even when it is not, paragon talents expand upon but do not supercede heroic talents.


Benefit: You have a horde or army of low-level followers you can call upon. When in active service, these followers take time and money to maintain, tough a successful campaign generally pays its own expenses and you can employ them to patrol or as a garrison to defray costs. The army generally has a comprehensive look-and-feel; an infantry force, engineering corps, barbarian horde, or cavalry army. You build it like an encounter, with an XP budget equal to the gp cost of a magic item of your level. No member of your army has a higher level than half your level. An army can be used for military campaigns, as guards, and for other tasks that need a lot of people; they are not very useful on adventures.

Special: This feat can be taken several times, each time with a different army, often different in style.


Benefit: You are a regional landowner of considerable power, controlling a town or several villages. Benefits include a corps of guards similar to half an Army and a castle, but these guards are needed in the area and cannot range far or take part in adventures. You are also a political figure of importance, and your voice will be heard on most matters.

Notes: If you lack the Blue Blood talent, you are newly ennobled; while admired for your prowess, you do not gain the full respect due ancestral peers of the realm.

Environmental Echo

Benefit: Your association with an element or force is strong enough that the effect goes with you wherever you go. Decide on an effect related to the powers you have, typical examples include elements, times of day, seasons, and so on. Wherever you go, the effect you are related to grows stronger. If you are related to winter, it is always cold where you are, if you are related to spring flowers bloom in tour path, and so on. While this has no direct game effect, it establishes you as a personage of power and importance.


Prerequisites: Celebrity

Benefit: You are recognized as especially gifted, your works are given the highest regard. This is usually applicable to artists, but activists, muckrakers, priests, scholars, and philosophers can also qualify. Whatever you say or do is news, and your opinion weights heavily on public opinion. This gives you little direct power, but access to the highest circles. And if you are insulted or express your dislike of something, it can cause social chaos.

Guild Master

Benefit: You are a master of a guild, or in the case of very large and powerful guilds, a ranking official and regional leader. A guild is a professional organization as outlined under Guild Member above. You can call on your subordinates for support and professional services; this allows you to delegate work related to your organization. The guild also reports to you, which gives you a great deal of information.

Notes: Unless you are also a Guild Member, you do not gain access to guild resources like a guild member does; you are assumed to lead the guild from above, not be a working member.

High Priest

Benefit: You have a high position in a church or religious order, generally being the regional leader comparable to a bishop. You can set the policy of the local church, and learn a lot of information about religious and magical events. You can declare holidays and feast days, and are expected to officiate at important ceremonies; if you do not it is seen as divine censure and can have political and divine repercussions. Unless you are also an Ordained Priest, you do not have the grassroots contacts that position brings.

Lord Justice

Benefit: You are in a high judiciary position; depending on the locale, this can be a barbarian law-speaker or a robed and bewigged judge. In either case, your voice is given high regard on matters judiciary, and you are expected to resolve conflicts and settle disputes. Though it is not mandatory to be a skilled Governor to take this position, it is generally very hard to be a respected judge without such expertise.

Magical Warden

Benefit: You are the guardian of a magical site; this can be a gateway to another world or a place of power. It is best to choose a place of power that has already appeared in the campaign, so that it has an already established magical effect. Typical effects of such sites are to aid certain rituals or allow travel to other planes. They also act as monster magnets; your presence influences what kinds of monsters appear, generally insuring they are amenable to your cause. A site with a responsible warden is an asset to its neighbors, and this position gives you social standing approximately equal to that of a baron or bishop.


Benefit: You are the regional master of a Secret Society. Your word is law to your lesser brothers. They will report anything they hear and are willing to do anything for you, but their fanaticism makes the society frail; it is easy to carelessly throw away the lives of your followers if you are not careful.


Benefit: You have made a political career and won access to important political venues; as a royal council, minister, or otherwise close to the seat of power. In this way you are a power behind the crown, with insight in and influence over policy.


Benefit: You have one or more ships at your command. These vessel can be worth as much as a magic item of your level, and the crew is an Army with an XP budget of half that. You might not own these ships - it can be a merchant flotilla, part of a navy, or pirates, but you can use it on adventures and the crews are loyal to you; for all practical purposes it is yours. The crew generally stays with the ship and will not enter a dungeon.


Benefit: Your visions are recognized; people believe you speak with the voice of supernatural authority. They might not agree, but they certainly take note of what you say. A true oracle is also a Medium, and now spiritual visitations are common; your fame has spread both in the spirit world and the mundane world. otherwise, you are a fake oracle and can invent your own mystic revelations.


Benefit: You are a political representative on the ruling body of your country. If your country has a parliament, you can be a member. You might also be a spokesman for a noble family, burgomaster, ambassador, elected judge, governor, or otherwise be an officer of whatever political system you are a member of. This does not mean you have access to government (choose Minster for that), but you can make political appeals and have them respected and your opinion is given due weight. If you are mistreated or ignored, there might be unrest in the group you represent.

Paragon Adventurer

Prerequisites: Trained as a Celebrity.

Benefit: You are recognized for your superior class abilities. Whether you are known as a magus, master thief, dragon-slaying warrior or whatever other famous deed you have done matters not; whatever your abilities they have given you recognition. You can freely associate with nobility as an equal, and your advice is sought on matters great and small.

Epic Talents

At this level you approach absolute power as an independent monarch or other great leader. Granting such powers is always at the discretion of the DM, who should be consulted before taking these feats. If your area of expertise is the focus of the campaign, you should expect to have to work for your advancement; becoming the king might be the focus of a campaign. In other games, this is just a backdrop, a wayside honor largely irrelevant to your adventuring activities; in this case it is usually easier to gain power, but the impact is also much less.

Epic talents often give worldwide influence, but this influence is vague. If you want direct influence in a smaller area, it is generally wise to hold on to your paragon talents. If you retrain those, you are assumed to have retired from such lower positions in order to enjoy the benefits of your new exalted position, leaving day-to-day activities (and the influence they bring) to someone new.


Benefit: You are the titular head of your religion, and can give orders to bishops. Your word is law in religious matters, tough it takes tact and diplomacy to get the law implemented across the world.


Benefit: You are the prime minister of a major power, responsible for day-to-day policy decisions and in charge of the judicial, financial, and diplomatic corps.

Epic Adventurer

Prerequisites: Trained as a Celebrity.

Benefit: You are recognized for your superior class abilities. Whether you are known as an archmage, legendary thief, or master of dragons. Whatever your abilities they have given you world-wide recognition. You can associate with royalty as an equal, and your personal influence is that of a small nation.


Benefit: You are the lord of a county. You might bear a different title and your powers might not be absolute, but you are the final executive authority of a nation, if not a major power.

Magical Locus

Benefit: The mark of a saint or archmage, you embody a magical phenomena to such a degree that supernatural effects happen spontaneously up to a mile away from you. Choose one type of effect such as plants growing in barren soil, the dead reanimating, the sick getting cured, or extra-planar creatures of a certain type manifesting. You have no direct control over this, but effects are generally benign to you and your interests. The level of such events is on the heroic scale and around 20 levels below your own.


Benefit: You command the military forces of a major power; a large nation or military alliance. You can call a levy and demand armies from regional lords and allies.


Benefit: You are a master of professional and commercial ventures, a merchant lord or guilder of worldwide repute. Wherever you go, members of your profession come out to greet you and seek your aid and advice. You do not hold direct authority, but your influence can drive nations bankrupt.

Shadow Lord

Benefit: You are a master of plots and secrets; aware of and in a position to manipulate several Masterminds, either because you are their shadow mentor, or because you have spies planted in their organizations. Your information network is vast, and you can cause all kinds of events all over the world, but you have little direct control over what your minions do; such control would jeopardize security.


Benefit: You receive direct guidance from a supernatural source - or at least claim you do. Whatever the case, people treat you as the emissary of a god - or demon. If you are also a Medium, your visions are genuine, and the power level of the spirits guiding you has increased manifold; you now hear the voice of past kings, primordials and demon princes, archfey, or gods. If you are also an Oracle your visions are frequent.

Notes: There is a danger to this feat; as a prophet of a sympathetic patron you are a tool of fate and lose some control over your character. In many cases, it is more interesting to play a prophet at odds with his visions, who sees but does not fully believe.


Benefit: Your ideas run like wildfire trough the world. Whether the listener knows who spoke them or not, your views and ideas spread rapidly, possibly changing the life of millions. If you express dislike for something, it comes under immediate public scrutiny. If you express a preference for something, it is likely to garner followers and grow into a popular movement.