Baklunish (Greyhawk)

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GreyhawkGreyhawk Arms

The Baklunish once had a great empire to the north-west, which was ruined by war with the ancient Suel. They remain a homogenous people, a distinction aided by their religion.

Cultural Traits

Honor, Respect for Clan, Generosity, Piety, Respect for Wealth.

Wealth is honored and seen as a reward for a disciplined an pious life. A wealthy man is expected to donate to charity, but the poor are held in contempt.

Real-World Models



Seeking a harmonious coexistence with nature, the Baklunish see the universe as an eternal balancing of opposing forces. Good vs. Evil, the elements against each other. Humanity can ally with these forces and be drawn into their conflicts, or seek to stand aside and look for peace. To seek allegiance is to seek conflict. The virtuous either seek to align themselves with what is lawful and good, or remain aloft and neutral.


Circumcision, Incest, Polygamy, Bride-price.

Women are not seen as inferior in any way, but certainly expected to take a different, more reserved role in society. A man will usually act as the spokesman for any given group. The Baklunish do not practice incest per se, but their definition is very narrow; while sibling marriage is illegal, nephews and cousins are free to marry. A common noble practice is for a younger brother to marry the daughter of an elder brother.


Gender equality, Nudity, Pornography, Promiscuity.


Polygamous, arranged marriages, patrilinear.


The Baklunish prefer magic that affect forces and principles rather than elements, which is seen as the domains of genies. Illusions, force spells, enchantment, bodily transmutations are preferred to rude damaging evocations.


Istus is the lady of fate and arbiter of the universe. Her children Geshtai and Sevelkhar rival in creating and destroying life. Boccob and Ralishaz are opposed primal forces of understanding and madness. The other gods are examples to mortals or mortals who gained ascension.

Al'Akbar Demigod LG Duty Good, Law, Healing, Protection, Nobility Baklunish
Boccob Greater N Magic Knowledge, Magic, Trickery, Oracle, Spell Common, Baklunish, Elder
Geshtai Lesser N Lakes, Rivers, Well, Streams Plant, Travel, Water, Windstorm Baklunish
Sevelkhar the Waster (Incablous) Greater NE Nightmares, Disasters Death, Evil, Destruction, Pestilence, Hunger Common, Flan, Baklunish, Elder
Istus Greater N Fate, Divination, Honesty Chaos, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Fate Common, Baklunish, Elder
Mouqol Lesser N Trade, Negotiation, Ventures, Appraisal, Reciprocity Knowledge, Travel, Trickery, Pact Baklunish
Ralishaz (Tharizdun?) Intermediate CN (CE) Luck, Misfortune, Insanity Chaos, Destruction, Luck, Madness Baklunish
Xan Yae Lesser N Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, Mental power Knowledge, Trickery, War, Celerity, Balance Common, Baklunish
Zuoken Demigod N Mastery Knowledge, Strength, War, Celerity Baklunish
